1.Focusing on the Eudcation of Science in Chemical Teaching, and Training Students' Scientific Quality;在化学教学中注重科学教育,培养学生的科学素养
2.Integration of Science and Humanity——Educational Innovation;科学人文交融 育人创新

1.Philosophy & Methodology of Science ?科学哲学与科学方法论
2.a scientific discovery, instrument, textbook, researcher科学发现、 科学仪器、 理科教科书、 科学研究人员.
3.Develop Subjects Scientifically:Thinking about the Building of College Subjects;科学发展学科——大学学科建设的思考
4.Scientific positioning and disciplinary system of science and technology studies;科学技术学的科学定位及其学科体系
5.the pinnacle of science科学尖端, 尖端科学
6.EBSS (Educational and Behavioural Science Section)教育科学与行为科学
7.scientific culture科学教育,科学文明
8.Scientific Logic and Methodology科学逻辑与科学方法论
9.Natural science emBraces many suBjects.自然科学包括许多学科。
10.Scientific Prizes of the Third World Academy of Sciences第三世界科学科学
11.A premedical program of study.医科大学预科学习课程
12.interdisciplinary programs in the humanities and social sciences跨学科的人文学科和社会科学
13.Another"Science" --On the Scientific Essence of Social Science;另一种“科学”——论社会科学科学本质
14.Scientific Revolution and Scientific Communication in Scientific Community科学革命与科学共同体中的科学传播
15.On Raising Students Scientific Quality in Science Teaching at Middle School;中学科学教学中学生科学素养的培养
16.To Find the Direction of Philosophy of Technology in the Development of Philosophy of Science;从科学哲学学科的发展看技术哲学学科的进路
17.Pacific Science Association太平洋科学协会(太科协)
18."Science Fiction: History, Science, Vision"科幻小说:历史、科学、想象

1.How to design a scientific and reasonable system of financial accounting;如何设计科学合理的财务会计体系
2.The Reform of National College Entrance Examination Needs Both Scientific and Ethic Solicitude;高考需要科学与伦理之双重关怀
3.Art and Science Overlapping and Fusion——Discusses Both from the Scientific Method in the Artistic Design Application the Relations;艺术与科学的交叉和融合──从科学方法在艺术设计中的应用谈两者的关系
1.In this paper the importance of the humanistic factors in developing the sciences is illustrated.本文从发展科学角度阐述人文对科学的重要性。
2.So it is very clear that the field must be an open field of study, not only to normal history but to other related studies including sciences, social sciences and humanities as well.科学史具有历史学的学科性质和特征,又不是普通的历史学科,具有强烈的交叉和跨学科性质。
3.Started form the relationship between science and humanity and social science characteritics,it is illustrated that economics is the integraty between sciences and humanity.本文从科学与人文的关系和社会科学的特质出发,论述了经济学是科学与人文的统一。
1.His theory was significant in our country to understand and deal with the relationship between scientism and humanist.作为建设性的后现代主义思想家,格里芬提出了"整体有机论"的科学观。
2.His theories were significant to scientism and humanist problems in modern time.他沿袭了建设性后现代主义积极建构新世界观以反对现代主义的思路,注重从根源上寻求解决办法,提出了泛经验论、有机整体论和生态科学观。
3.For a long time,there existed the argument on scientism and humanism in sport science research.长期以来,在体育研究中一直存在着科学主义和人文主义两大范式的争论,这两种研究范式各有其方法论原则和特点。
5)disciplines of science学科科学
1.It\'s believed that children need life sciences rather than disciplines of science, and that the aim of children science education is not to train scientists but to enhance children\'s scientific knowledge.重新认识儿童,从儿童是小小科学家反思批判当前儿童科学教育活动,可以发现儿童需要的是生活科学而非学科科学;儿童科学教育的目标不是培养科学家,而应是提升儿童的科学素养;儿童不是接受式地学习科学,而是在探究、体验、发现中学习科学
6)science of scientific disciplines科学学科学
