1.Investigation on the Campus Jury System under American Constitution Vision;美国宪法视野中的校园陪审团制度研究
2.Analysis of the content of the jury system in the U.S.campus;美国校园陪审团制度的内涵探析
3.A Study on the Formation of British Jury System in the Medieval;中世纪英国陪审团制度成因探究

1.The jury brought in a verdict of "not guilty."陪审团宣判“无罪”。
2.A jury making such an inquiry.验尸陪审团进行上述调查的陪审团
3.Trial by jury or jury trial有陪审团参国的审判
4.Jury trial may be waived.陪审团的审理可以免去。
5.The jury is/are still out, ie Members of the jury are still thinking about their decision.陪审团仍在进行审议.
6.He tried to nobble one of the jurors .他企图收买陪审团中一个陪审员。
7.prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury.使陪审团无法做出决定。
8.attempt to bribe a jury with offers of money试图以金钱贿赂陪审团
9.9. Transmission of the File to the Panel9.向陪审团传送文件
10.sounding out the sense of the electorate on capital punishment.陪审团宣告判决为死刑
11.The jury ruled that the charges were not proven.陪审团判定指控不成立。
12.The grasshopper turned to the jury.那只蚱蜢转向了陪审团
13.The jury bring in or returned a verdict of not guilty.陪审团作出无罪的裁定。
14.The judge gave both sides a hearing.陪审团听取双方意见。
15.The jury found him guilty .陪审团裁定他罪名成立.
16.Verdict of the majority of a jury(陪审团)多数的裁决
17.Give a verdict of" Guilty"["NotGuilty"]陪审团裁决"有罪"["无罪"]
18.The judge summed up the case for the jury.法官向陪审团概述案情。

jury system陪审团制
1.The jury system and the mixed system are the two basic models for public participation in adjudication.陪审团制与参审制是民众参与裁判制度的两种基本模式,我国的人民陪审员制度本质上属于参审制。
2.The jury system which reflects judicial democracy and judicial fair generally exists all present-day countries in the world, according to the differences of form, it can be divided into two forms: jury system that represents the jury system in the law system of Britain and America ,attend system that represents the countries of continental system.体现司法民主化和审判公正的陪审制度普遍存在于当代世界各国的立法与司法中,根据其形式的不同,又可分为以英美法系国家为代表的陪审团制和以大陆法系国家为代表的参审制两种。
3.Because of the difference of legal tradition and humanism, jury system shows different form in anglo-american law system and continental law system.英美法系国家实行的是陪审团制 ,而包括我国在内的大陆法系国家实行的则是参审制。
3)Grand Jury大陪审团
4)system of jury陪审团制
1., the system of jury, the assessor system, and the assessor system of people.根据当今世界各国施行陪审制度的不同情况,陪审制度分为三种不同的模式,即陪审团制、参审制以及我国的人民陪审制,三种模式的成因不同。
5)jury box陪审团席
6)petit jury小陪审团
