1.Scope of the civil incidentals of the litigants of criminal cases;论刑事附带民事诉讼当事人的范围
2.On Chinese civil litigant s justification of choosing the judge;论民事诉讼当事人选择法官之正当性
3.On Civil Litigants Jus Disponendi;简论民事诉讼当事人处分权

1.On Chinese civil litigant s justification of choosing the judge;论民事诉讼当事人选择法官之正当性
2.Where he is a litigant in the case or a close relative of a litigant or his legal representative,是本案当事人或者当事人、诉讼代理人的近亲属,
3.Legal Analysis of Confession in Civil Action;民事诉讼当事人事实承认的法理分析
4.bring a cross-appeal, to双方当事人均提出上诉
5.other contracting party订约的另一方当事人
6.Parties Common National Law当事人的共同本国法
7.Met with the parties immediately involved in the suit.直接去见诉讼的当事人
8.It may discourage the client from doing something.这会使当事人缩手缩脚。
9.A solicitor acts for his clients.律师代表他的当事人
10.Both parties were very embarrassed.双方当事人都很尴尬。
11.The lawyer spoke on behalf of his client.律师代表当事人说话。
12.W.P. [without prejudice]不损害(当事人)权利[
13.the parties in collusion参与共谋 (案件) 的当事人
14.The parties shall implement the arbitration award.对于仲裁裁决,当事人应当履行。
15.The statement of an interested party is naturally suspect.当事人的陈述是当然可疑的。
16.If the parties apply for conciliation voluntarily, the arbitration tribunal shall conciliate.当事人自愿调解的,仲裁庭应当调解。
17.The People's Mediation Committee conducts mediation according to the law and the principle of voluntariness.当事人对调解达成的协议应当履行,
18.A party must be given fair notice of the case made against him.当事人一方应当被告知指控的理由。

1.On the True Obligation of Parties in Civil Procedure;论民事诉讼中的当事人真实义务
2.Research on the Parties in the Case of Compensation for Traffic Accident Damages;道路交通事故损害赔偿案件当事人问题研究
3)the parties当事人
1.It is significant to analyse on the institution s foundation, the parties confirmation, foregoing condition, lawsuit cost, the role of the court, legal effectiveness and so on.对股东派生诉讼的理论基础、当事人的确定、前置条件、诉讼中的费用、法院在诉讼中的地位、法律效力等问题进行深入的分析,都是具有十分重要的意义的。
2.Ignored its legal fees only person in litigation costs, simply to reduce costs apparently prompted the parties involved in litigation, while increasing the party s advocacy tired.其忽视了诉讼费仅是当事人诉讼成本的一部分,单纯减少诉讼费表面上促使了当事人参与诉讼,但同时增加了当事人的讼累,造成案件的急剧增加,致使已处困境的法院更加难以解脱。
3.The right to choice of proceedings, as an important procedural right of the parties in civil procedure, originates from such theories as the idea of human rights protection, the principle of procedure subject and principle of disposition. 程序选择权本质上属于程序人权,理论依据为程序人权保障理念、程序主体性原则及处分权主义,内容包括当事人对纠纷解决方式的选择权、对诉讼程序的选择权与对诉讼手段的选择权。
1.Analysis on the Client s Ascertainment in the Public Health Administrative Penalty;卫生行政处罚中当事人的认定问题分析
2.Thoughts on the valid client;关于正当当事人的若干思考
3.Analysis of Sociological Jurisprudence on the Relationship between a Lawyer and His Client;律师与当事人关系的社会学分析
5)the party concerned当事人
1.According to the modified criminal procedure law in our country,the victim is given the party concerned position.我国修改后的刑事诉讼法明确赋予被害人当事人地位,加强了刑事诉讼中对被害人权利的保护,但是相关法律规定过于原则化,缺乏可操作性,造成被害人当事人地位与权利享有不相称的尴尬局面,因而我国对刑事被害人权利的保护还存在较大的改进空间。
2.In resent judicature practices, there exists the confusing understanding of the nature of the party concerned entrusting with appraising the conclusion by himself.目前司法实践中对当事人自行委托鉴定结论性质存在着混乱的认识。
6)party concerned当事人
1.For the party concerned,juridical department,and administrative department,it is of great importance recognizng subject in civil disposition.民事主体识别问题对于当事人、司法机关、行政机关都具有重要意义。
2.System for changing the party concerned in civil action does not belong to the current civil action in effect,but in fact,this possibility exists and actually occurs.当事人更换制度并非我国现行民事诉讼法的内容,但由于客观上确实存在非正当当事人进行诉讼的可能性,当事人更换的做法在我国司法实务中依然存在。
