1.Criminalization and Decriminalization in Judicature;司法上的犯罪化与非犯罪化

1.Criminalization and Non-criminalization──on the Victimless Crime;犯罪化与非犯罪化──对无被害人犯罪的思考
2.Thought on Criminalization and Decriminalization in Traffic Accident;交通肇事的犯罪化与非犯罪化之思考
3.Criminalization and non-criminalization in the judicial crimes:an analysis from the perspective of rent-seeking economics;法定犯罪的犯罪化与非犯罪化——从寻租经济学视角分析
4.Boundary of Homosexuality Non-criminal and Several Convicted Analyses;同性恋非犯罪化的界限与若干入罪分析
5.Study on the Act of Corporation Director Committing No Crime from Criminal Law;公司董事行为非犯罪化的刑法学研究
6.The Impact of Decriminalisation Movement to Chinese Legislation of Criminal Law;西方非犯罪化对我国刑事立法的影响
7.The criminalization and decriminalization of the gambling--and talking about the position choice to the gambling of our country s criminal law;赌博的犯罪化与非犯罪化——兼论我国刑法对赌博的立场抉择
8.As the important international criminal thoughts, the non-crime policy faces different opinions domestically.非犯罪化是当前国际上重要的刑法思潮,在我国,对于非犯罪化刑事政策的选择有不同的意见。
9.Thoughts of Non-Crime and Its Value to Chinese Criminal Policies;非犯罪化思潮及其对我国刑事政策的意义
10.Unpenalize and discrime are two topics of the reform of criminal law in the world.非刑罚化与非犯罪化是世界刑法改革的两大主题。
11.A Rational Analysis of Decriminalization and Depenalization;非犯罪化、非刑罚化之理性分析——报应刑刑事政策视角的观察
12.Criminalization and Decriminalization in the Perspective of Temper Justice with Mercy--From standards on the Quality of Handling Non-prosecution Cases by supreme people s procuratorate;宽严相济视野下的犯罪化与非犯罪化——从最高人民检察院《不起诉标准》谈起
13.Criminalization and Non-Criminalization in China s Current Criminal Legislations: Advocacy on Gross Deviation of Social Relevance Theory;我国当前刑事立法中的犯罪化与非犯罪化——严重脱逸社会相当性理论之提倡
14.Initial Search on the Adopted Non-imprisonment Rules to Under-grown-up Crimes;未成年人犯罪适用非监禁化原则初探
15.The Criminalization and Prosecution Standard of Non-property Interest Bribery;非财产利益贿赂的犯罪化和追诉标准
16.On the Perpetrator of an Organization Grime Which shouldn t be Deemed as a Perpetrator in the Crime;单位犯罪及其主体研究——兼议"国家机关"非犯罪主体化
17.The crime that produces illicit income belongs to upper crimes, while money laundering is a part of lower crime.产生非法收益的犯罪属于上游犯罪,而洗钱犯罪则属于下游犯罪。
18.The Idea and Approach of Non-imprisonment Penalty of Economic Crimes;经济犯罪刑罚的非监禁化理念及实现途径

1.Thought of the Question about the Euthanasia is Non-crime;关于安乐死非犯罪化问题的思考
2.As the important international criminal thoughts,the non-crime policy faces different opinions domestically.非犯罪化是当前国际上重要的刑法思潮,在我国,对于非犯罪化刑事政策的选择有不同的意见。
3.Criminal law should be seldom and cautiously used in order to stop and prevent with the lowest cost,which is called the modest and restrained characteristic of criminal law,and it’s contents include non-crime and light punishment.刑法应尽量少用、慎用,力求以最小的刑法成本达到遏制犯罪、预防犯罪的目的,这就是刑法的谦抑性,其包含以下两个方面的内容:非犯罪化和轻刑化。
1.As the value of the criminal law,the practice of the restraining criminal law should not be described and contained with "non-incrimination","non-penalization" and "moderation of penalty".刑法谦抑性理念作为刑法的价值观,对它的贯彻和实践不宜由"非犯罪化"、"非刑罚化"、"轻刑化"等模式加以描述和涵盖,脱离具体历史语境讨论刑法谦抑性的相关问题是没有意义的。
1.Its non-criminal should be adult,private and voluntary.同性恋者在法律允许的范围内享有最大限度的自由,非犯罪化应是我国刑法对同性恋的确定态度。
2.Based on the approach of non-criminal and non-punishment,personality of punishment and non-punishment to the minor crimes should be actualized,and the consciousness of protecting the rights of the suspects should be enhanced and the system of committed for trial regardi.立足于非犯罪化和非刑罚化的实现途径,一要实现轻微犯罪的非刑罚化和刑罚个别化;二要强化犯罪嫌疑人的权利保障意识,改变以逮捕为主导的候审羁押制度。
6)criminalization and decriminalization犯罪化与非犯罪化

非应非化【非应非化】  谓佛法、报二身,非属应、化,是名非应非化。