1.Purpose Estimating or Factual Deducing——Empirical Research on the Substantive Essentials of Search;目的考量或者事实推断——搜查实体要件的实证研究
2.Redefinition of search in hi-tech era;重新定义高科技时代下的搜查
3.A Research on Permitting Right of Search in the Process of Investigation;侦查阶段搜查批准权研究

1.an exhaustive enquiry, search彻底的调查、 搜查
2.The search was abandoned when night came.入夜, 搜查中止了。
3.You can't search my house without a search warrant.没有搜查令,你们无权搜查我的房子。
4.To search or examine thoroughly.彻底搜查彻底仔细地搜寻或检查
5.The police must have a search warrant to search a house.警察要搜查一座房屋必须有搜查证。
6.witness to search visit of premises屋宇搜查/访查证明
7.Article 111 When a search is to be conducted, a search warrant must be shown to the person to be searched.第一百一十一条进行搜查,必须向被搜查人出示搜查证。
8.The police don't need a warrant to search your home if you agree to the search.如果你同意搜查,警察可以无需搜查搜查你的住所。
9.Did you search the closet?你搜查了衣橱没有?
10.Authorization to Search for Stolen Goods搜查被盗物品的授权书
11.She carried out a surreptitious search of his belongings.她暗地里搜查他的东西.
12.search a room for bugs搜查房间寻找窃听器
13.the plane was searched thoroughly.飞机被彻底搜查了一遍。
14.hole-and-comer search秘密(偷偷摸摸的)搜查
15.Who rifled through my desk drawers?谁私自搜查了我的抽屉。
16.Infantry, spread out. Search the huts!步兵,散开来,搜查茅屋!
17.This would be considered an illegal search.这会被认为是非法搜查
18.The detective swore out a search warrant.侦探宣誓而获得搜查证。

search and query搜索/查询
1.The method of search and query is one of the efficient resolutions for the disorientation problem.搜索/查询模式是迷路问题若干种缓解方法中比较有效的方法之一。
3)criminal search刑事搜查
1.The system of criminal search is related to both the proper exercise of power in criminal investigation and the protection of human rights of the person being searched.刑事搜查制度既关系到刑事侦查权的正当行使,又关系到被搜查人的人权保护,各国立法者都要在打击犯罪和保障人权之间进行艰难的价值选择,因此西方法治国家的立法者设计了一套精密科学的机制。
2.However,criminal search is a double-edged sword.刑事搜查作为一种侦查手段,在揭露、证实和打击犯罪过程中发挥着重要作用。
3.Such fact indicated that criminal search should be further perfected systematically to adequately implement the function of criminal search in prosecuting the crimes on the basis of non-breach of constitutional rights of citizen.刑事搜查是侦查机关行使侦查权的重要方面,但在其实行过程当中时有发生的侵害公民人身和财产等宪法权利的事件,反映出目前我国在刑事搜查及其制度等方面有待进一步完善,以保证在不违背宪法对公民权利保障的基础上,充分实现刑事搜查在追诉犯罪中的重要作用。
4)search power搜查权
5)illegal search非法搜查
1.The search exception is clarified and some relief ways to illegal search are provided in the laws.搜查直接涉及到公民的人身、财产、住宅和隐私等基本权利,各法治国家将对搜查的限制性要求规定在其宪法性文件中,在《刑事诉讼法》和《刑事证据法》等中规定搜查必须严格依照法律规定进行,明确了搜查的例外,对非法搜查设置了多种程序与实体的救济途径。
6)search system搜查制度
1.The criminal search system in America is a typical representation of common law system and has its own unique characteristics.美国的法律规定十分之完备,其刑事搜查制度是普通法系国家的典型代表,有着其鲜明的特色。

搜查1.查考。 2.搜索检查。