1.The Analysis of Meaning and Structural Characteristics of Bureaucracy——Concurrently on Marx Webber s Bureaucracy Theory;科层制的涵义及结构特征分析——兼评韦伯的科层制理论
2.Break bureaucracy:thinking on the goal of chinese administrative reform;超越科层制:对中国行政改革目标的思考
3.The Guangxi Top Athlete Raises Bureaucracy Fundamental Research;广西优秀运动员培养的科层制理论研究

1.On the Bureaucaratic Management of College Management System;论高校管理体制中的“科层制管理”
2.The Analysis of Meaning and Structural Characteristics of Bureaucracy--Concurrently on Marx Webber s Bureaucracy Theory;科层制的涵义及结构特征分析——兼评韦伯的科层制理论
3.His interest in bureaucracies continued for over two decades.他对科层制的兴趣持续了20多年。
4.Rethinking about the Theory of the System of Hierarchy in the Network Age;“科层制”理论在网络时代的再思考
5.Analysis of Bureaucracy and Administrative Management of Colleges and Universities试析科层制与高校组织管理的行政化
6.Weber′s Bureaucracy Theory and its Management Ideas韦伯科层制理论及其蕴含的管理思想
7.Criticizing and Introspecting on Public School's "Bureaucracy Criticism"公立学校“科层制批判”的反思与批判
8.The Irreplaceable Departmentalization in Administrative Organizations在行政组织中科层制具有不可替代性
9.The Confliction and Unification of the administrative level system and the flat system;论马克斯·韦伯的科层制与扁平制的对立与统一
10.The Innovation of Country Government Administrative System about Perfect Bureaucracy;基于完善科层制的县级政府管理体制创新
11.The Conflict between Bureaucracy and Life-World in University Student Management Process;高校学生管理工作中科层制与生活世界的冲突
12.The Guangxi Top Athlete Raises Bureaucracy Fundamental Research;广西优秀运动员培养的科层制理论研究
13.Research on the Issue of Rationality in Weber s Theory of Ideal Type Bureaucracy;韦伯理想型科层制理论的合理性问题研究
14.Cultural Comparison between Learning School and Hierarchical School;学习型学校与科层制学校——两种学校的文化比较
15.The Discussion on the Functions of the Social Stratification Influenced by the Culture of Imperial Examinations with Multi-Disciplines;多学科视域下科举文化控制社会分层功能浅议
16.The Academic Freedom and the Reform of Chinese University Bureaucratic System;学术自由与我国大学科层体制的改革
17.Research on Bureaucratic Coordinating Mechanism in Basin Environmental Protection论流域水环境治理的科层型协调机制
18.The critique of modernity:the bureaucratic society of controlled consumption现代性之批判:消费受控制的科层社会

1.With the coming of neo-economy time, the outside environment of enterprise changes and hierarchy becomes the obstacle of development, with which the enterprise borders change too.科层制曾经是最有效率的组织形式,在这种体制下形成了明确的企业边界,包括企业内部边界和企业外部边界。
2.So there is non-compatibility between hierarchy and learning organization in essence, and the key task of learning organization building is to overcome the limitation of knowledge innovation in the scope of traditional hierarchical organization and eliminate this non-compatibility.学习型组织的提出和发展,是知识管理和知识创新的内在要求,是组织形式在科层制基础上的一种质的飞跃。
3)bureaucratic system科层制
4)bureaucracy system科层机制
1.Theory of an Institutional Hierarchy for Natural Resources Property-rights Regimes and Its Application;自然资源产权的制度科层理论及其应用

科层制  见官僚制。