1.On the Principles of Conviction and Sentencing of Plural Offenses of A Kind;同种数罪的定罪与处罚原则研究
2.On Circumstances in Discretion of Punishment and Circumstances in Conviction;定罪量刑情节若干问题研究

1.To find someone guilty or to return a verdict of guilty or to return a guilty verdict裁定某人有罪或裁决有罪或定罪
2.finally convicted or acquitted最终定罪或宣告无罪
3.On Criminal Amount with Convictions and Sentencing of Financial Fraud Crimes论犯罪“数额”与金融诈骗罪的定罪量刑
4.The trial resulted in the conviction of the guilty man.审判的结果是那个犯罪者被定罪
5.an offence which carries, on conviction, a sentence of not more than five years' imprisonment定罪后可判处五年以下监禁的罪行.
6.The condemned criminal called down the judge's mercy.被定罪的罪犯恳求法官的宽
7.The condemned criminal invoked the judge's mercy.被定罪的罪犯恳求法官之慈悲。
8.The criminal was soon flung into prison when he was found guilty.那名罪犯一旦定罪便立即投进了监狱。
9.Conviction on Lured Crime in Lure Spy;诱惑侦查中“被诱惑犯罪”定罪研究
10.Identity of Doers with Sentence and Punishment in Common Crime;行为人的身份与共同犯罪的定罪量刑
11.The Merits and Demerits of the Court s Altering Accusation and Condemn Directly;论法院变更指控罪名直接定罪的得失
12.reconvicted offender再犯而判定有罪的罪犯
13.One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.罪犯犯有罪行或被依法判定有罪的人
14.Identify Single and More Crimes on Value Added Tax Invoice;试析增值税专用发票罪的一罪与数罪的认定
15.Supplementary Provisions on Cracking Down on the Crime of Corruption or Bribery关于惩治贪污罪贿赂罪的补充规定
16.China's criminal law has set clear demarcations between crime and non-crime.中国的刑法对罪与非罪有明确的界定。
17.The law presumes innocence until guilt is proved .在罪状未证实前,法律假定被告无罪。
18.Determination of the Criminal Pattern of Bribery Crime Committed By Employees of Enterprises;企业人员受贿罪犯罪形态的认定探讨

3)a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime罪刑法定
1.This article tries to analyze paragraph 3 of article 20 of Criminal Law from four respects of the logical relation among articles; the legislative goals; the analogous legislation examples and the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime.本文从法条间的逻辑关系、立法目的、类似的立法例和罪刑法定原则四个方面对刑法第20条第3款加以分析,认为此款应定性为正当防卫。
2.As for the revising of the Criminal Law in 1979,he made the following valuable suggestions: to abolish analogy and to establish the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime.马克昌教授是新中国刑法制度建构的奠基人之一,他的刑法立法思想主要体现在:在宏观方面,确立了修改刑法的指导思想,厘清了犯罪化与非犯罪化、刑罚化与非刑罚化的关系,确立了刑法立法的观念;针对79年刑法的修改,提出了废除类推、确立罪刑法定原则,支持对法人犯罪的立法,主张限制死刑的适用范围,建议将保安措施纳入刑法,并强调立足本国,吸收国外经验,改进立法技术;针对97年刑法,他对犯罪停止形态、死刑立法、无期徒刑与有期徒刑立法、社区矫正、缓刑和假释制度的完善提出了独到的见解。
3.He supports a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime,while he is not against to the analogy.他主张罪刑法定,但不反对类推。
4)conviction and sentence定罪量刑
1.Media s adverse effects on conviction and sentence are mainly brought through the intermediary of public opinion.媒体对定罪量刑活动所带来的负面影响,主要是以舆论为中介,其作用机制表现为:媒体传播引发舆论,舆论会带来民愤与民怜两方面效果,民愤与民怜成为影响定罪量刑的两大因素。
2.These criminal cases have natural appeal to the media, however, media is a "double-edged sword", and it probably exerts influence on the conviction and sentence.这些案件对媒体具有天然的吸引力,然而媒体却是一把“双刃剑”,在实现审判公开的同时,有可能对司法机关的定罪量刑活动产生影响。
5)Presumption of innocence无罪推定
1.Research on the Investigation Hypothesis and the Presumption of Innocence;侦查假说与无罪推定辨析
2.The value analysis on the principle of the presumption of innocence;无罪推定原则之价值分析
6)the principle of legality罪刑法定
1."No law does not expressly provided for the crime",which is the core substance of the principle of legality."法无明文规定不为罪"是罪刑法定原则的核心内涵。
