1.A Study on Discretion of the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court;国际刑事法院检察官裁量权研究
2.The prosecutorial discretion means that during the course of exercising the prosecutorial power, in order to achieve a more reasonable goal or have a better effect, when facing an idiographic problem that the law prescribes abstractly or elastically, the prosecutor can choose and judge freely, dispose flexibly according to the principles or spirits of law.检察官自由裁量权是指检察官在行使检察权的过程中,遇有法律规定较抽象或有弹性的情形时,为了实现更合理的目标或达到更好的效果,可依法律原则或精神就具体问题作出相对自由的选择、判断与处理,它具有合法性、依附性、合理性等特征。

1.Procurators shall be nominated by the Procurator-General and appointed by the Chief Executive.检察官经检察长提名,由行政长官任命。
2.Immediate Office of the Prosecutor and Deputy Prosecutor检察官和副检察官直属办公室
3.But the mind of the procureur was made up;但检察官已下定决心。
4.National Counsel for the Defence of Human Rights维护人权国家检察官
5.Assistant Attorney for Human Rights人权事务助理检察官
6.The district-attorney answered the counsel for the defence.检察官反驳了辩护律师。
7.The procureur went out, after having double-locked the door.检察官锁住房门走出去。
8.procurator fiscalph.1. (苏格兰)地方检察官
9.Liaison Office of the Prosecutor of the International Tribunal国际法庭检察官联络处
10.Evidence is adduced by the procuratorfiscal.证据由地方检察官提出。
11.The censors let out not a word.检察官一字也不发。
12.The procurator referred a public charge against him.检察官对他提起公诉。
13.From Presiding Prosecutors to Prosecutors--A Review of the Reform of Classification of Procuratorial Personnel;从主诉检察官检察官——对检察人员分类改革的思考
14.Building up a Perfect System for Selection and Promotion of Judges and Procurators;对我国法官、检察官选任制度的思考
15.the Attorney, Inspector, Governor, Secretary, etc General首席检察官、 监察长、 总督、 总书记.
16.Article49 A People's Procuratorate shall establish a commission for examination and assessment of public procurators.第四十九条人民检察院设检察官考评委员会。
17.Article51 A People's Procuratorate shall establish a commission for examination and assessment of public procurators.第五十一条人民检察院设检察官考评委员会。
18.On the Gap Between Educational Background of Qinghai Prosecutors and the Criterion of the Law of Prosecutors;青海检察干警学历结构与《检察官法》的距离

1.The Study on the Performance Appraisal System of Procurator;检察官绩效考评体系研究
2.The modern procurator system is established after the European revolution.现代检察官制度构建于欧洲资产阶级革命后,在分权制衡原则和法治理念的支配下,检察官分担了指控犯罪的职责,站定于守护法律的立场,负载着保障民权的使命。
3)public prosecutor检察官
1.Procurator system is a sign of law rule, and public prosecutor is also called Law Tutelary.检察制度是现代法治的标志之一,检察官更是被称为法律守护人。
2.Therefore,the public prosecutors should not only set up an scientific attitude of evi- dence,but also grasp the skills to value the evidence.因此,检察官不仅要树立科学的证据观,而且要掌握审查判断证据的能力。
1.Research on Selection and Promotion of Procurators in China;中国检察官选任制度探究
2.With its creative transforms into our procedural law, procurators are required to keep the balance between independence and integrativeness in the activity of prosecutorial organ and to p.我国检察官既面临着组织法上的身份定位和办案机制困境,又面临着诉讼法上的角色扮演和职权行使困境。
3.The current assessing system of procurators is an important branch of government\'s functionary assessing system.我国目前的检察官的绩效考评作为公务员考核制度中的一个重要分支,以自我考核、同一标准考核、围绕政治表现和工作态度考核为主要特色,已不能适应检察机关发展的需要。
1.The ICC prosecutors, authorized to investigate international criminal cases and institute criminal proceedings, play a key role in punishing international crimes and are the most active element in the operation procedures of the ICC.被赋予国际刑事案件调查、起诉权的检察官 ,在国际刑事法院运作程序中是最活跃最积极的因素 ,对于国际刑事犯罪的惩治起着关键性作用。
2.In the countries of the rule of law, most countries Code of Criminal Procedure provisions that prosecutors in criminal proceedings must abide by the objective obligations, It not only requires prosecutors in criminal proceedings to prosecute for crime, it is also necessary for prosecutors to protect the interests of the defendant.在现代法治背景下,世界上大多数国家的刑事诉讼法都规定了检察官在刑事诉讼中要恪守客观义务。
6)public procurator检察官
1.Ignoramus discretion is one kind of public procurator’s free discretion right.不起诉裁量权是检察官自由裁量权的一种。
2.In this thesis, the auther not only makes the research on the basis of combining the principle of management with the procuratorial practice and present law & polic) in China, but also conducts sufficient assessment and discussion as well as far-reaching analysis and investigation on the nature, connotation and current condition of administration of public procurator.本文中,笔者在将管理学有关原理同检察工作实际和我国现行法律政策相结合的基础上进行研究,并对我国当前检察官管理的涵义、性质和现状进行了充分的研究评价和深入的分析探讨,从中找出了当前检察官管理体制存在的一些问题及其产生的主要原因,探索性地提出要从改革检察机关领导方式,完善检察官选任机制、保障机制、监督机制、奖惩机制等方面来构建更加合理的检察官管理体制。

国家检察官学院是直属于最高人民检察院的唯一一所成人高等院校,是我国培养高层次、高素质检察人才的最高学府。最高人民检察院于1989年创办中国高级检察官培训中心,1991年成立中央检察官管理学院,1998年更名为国家检察官学院。学院的主要任务是对地方各级检察长和高级检察官进行资格培训和继续教育,培养高素质检察官;同时面向社会,开展学历教育,培养应用型法律人才。国家检察官学院位于北京著名风景区西山八大处,毗邻香山和奥运射击场馆,现有校园面积55亩,学院扩建工程正在审批,校园面积扩大后将达到同时容纳在校学员1200人的规模。学院现有藏书8万余册;拥有现代化的电教中心、计算机房、语音教室、多媒体教室和阶梯教室、学术报告厅、多功能厅等教学设施;有篮球、排球、羽毛球、网球场及舞厅、健身房、理疗室等运动、保健、娱乐设施,是一个设施先进、完备,环境优美的教育培训基地。国家检察官学院拥有一支以专职教师为主,专、兼、聘相结合的教师队伍,现有专职教师50名,其中教授10名,副教授8名,博士12名;聘任50多名国内外知名教授和学者为兼职教授、客座教授,邀请各学术领域的专家及检察业务专家授课。国家检察官学院重视开展法学和检察理论研究,坚持“以教学带动科研,以科研促进教学”。学院编辑的《国家检察官学院学报》、《检察实践》、《检察论丛》三份学术刊物,在检查学理论研究和检查业务工作中发挥了积极作用。国家检察官学院积极开展对外交流和国际合作 ,最高人民检察院检察官国际交流中心设在我院。先后有30多个国家的高级司法官员和学者来我院访问、讲学和研修。学院与法国、韩国、美国、英国、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚等10多个国家以及我国港澳台地区的法学教育培训机构和学术组织保持着稳定的联系,开展了多种形式、富有成效的交流与合作。国家检察官学院的建设和发展得到了两代中央领导人、最高人民检察院历任领导的重视和关怀。邓小平、江泽民同志先后为学院题写院名,罗干、乔石、李铁映、陈丕显、彭冲、杨易辰、刘复之、张思卿、韩杼滨、贾春旺、罗豪才、王文元等领导同志先后视察学院,表达了对检察教育事业的重视和关怀。