1.Imperialism and Feudalism:Debates over the Rural Construction Movement in the Intellectual Circle in the 1930s;“帝国主义”与“封建主义”:20世纪30年代知识界关于乡村建设运动的论争
2.Feudalism-All the Details of Misplaced Conceptions and Repartee;“封建主义”——概念错位的原委及应对
3.Anti-feudalism and Spiritual Civilization Construction of China in the 21st Century;反封建主义与21世纪中国的精神文明建设

1."The Paradoxes of Feudalism" and the Feudal States in Medieval Western Europe;“封建主义的悖论”与中古西欧封建国家
2.The Chinese Feudalism and the Anti-feudalism Struggle in New China;封建主义的中国特征与新中国的反封建斗争
3.Opposing feudalism is the theme of the cause of public relations of the present age;反对封建主义是当代公关事业的主题
4.Revolution means fighting against imperialism and feudalism. Feudalism is the backbone of imperialism.革命就要反帝反封建,而帝国主义的支柱是封建主义
5.Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, and against capitalism.对付帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义,对付资本主义。
6.As everybody knows, imperialism is one target and feudalism the other.大家知道,一个是帝国主义,一个是封建主义
7.The democratic revolution resolved the set of contradictions with imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism.民主革命解决了同帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义这一套矛盾。
8.Of course, surviving feudal influences are not manifested only in such defects.封建主义的残余影响当然不止这些。
9.They attempted to exterminate feudalism他们要彻底消灭封建主义
10.Feudal ideas must be eradicated.封建主义的思想必须彻底肃清。
11.There was the same feudal oppression.封建主义的压迫,这是相同的。
12.For this he decided to break with his feudalistic family.为此他决定和他的封建主义家庭决裂。
13.By 1740 European feudalism was in its death throes.到1740 年, 欧洲的封建主义摇摇欲坠。
14.The Study of Deng Xiaoping s Thoughts on the Eliminating of the Remnants of Feudalism;邓小平肃清封建主义残余的思想研究
15.Feudalism-All the Details of Misplaced Conceptions and Repartee;“封建主义”——概念错位的原委及应对
16.Feudalism is the ally of imperialism and bureaucrat-capitalism and the foundation of their rule.封建主义是帝国主义和官僚资本主义的同盟者及其统治的基
17.Three of them were old ones, namely, imperialist ownership, feudal ownership and bureaucrat-capitalist ownership.旧有的三张:帝国主义所有制,封建主义所有制,官僚资本主义所有制。
18.To overthrow imperialism and feudalism and to establish a people's democratic republic.目的就是打倒帝国主义和封建主义,建立一个人民民主的共和国。

feudalism crisis封建主义危机
3)feudalist idealism封建理想主义
1.The flavor of the feudalist idealism in Yesoupuyan;论《野叟曝言》的封建理想主义色彩
4)survivals of feudalism封建主义残余
1.The first is theory concerning China s democracy which not only complete the mission of combating survivals of feudalism but also complete the mission of sublating capitalism democracy.邓小平政治理论宝库有两大珍品,一是关于中国的民主政治建设既要完成反对封建主义残余的历史任务、又要完成扬弃资本主义民主的历史任务的理论,二是关于"改善党的领导"的实质是实现我国社会主义民主发展的阶段性质变、以党内民主带动人民民主的理论。
5)anti-feudalism thought反封建主义思想
6)feudalistic society封建主义社会
