1.Reconstruction of the civil retrial procedure in China;我国民事诉讼再审程序制度的重构
2.Critiques and Restructuring of the Current Retrial System;对我国当前再审制度的批判及重构
3.Civil Action for Retrial: Agreeable or Not?;民事再审之诉:是否会“水土不服”?

1.The Build of Three-level Court and the Reform of Retrial Procedure in China;我国三审终审制的构建与再审制度的改革
2.Should this be found to be true after re-examination, the people's court shall conduct a trial de novo.经人民法院审查属实的,应当再审
3.The Reform of Civil Retrial Procedure from the Viewpoint of Instance System;审级制度视角下的民事再审制度改革
4.To take up for reconsideration,as a matter previously acted on by a legislature.再审议作重新审议,如再审议某立法机构使之已生效的条款
5.It makes up of raising retrial process and judgment process of retrial case.它由提起再审程序和再审案件的审判程序两个部分组成。
6.On The Procedure For Civil Retrial;民事再审案件审理程序论略——以再审诉权为基础的程序建构
7.a case originally of first instance shall be tried de novo by a newly organized collegiate bench in accordance with the procedure of first instance,审理再审案件,原来是第一审的,按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭,
8.The people's court shall form another collegiate bench when hearing a retrial case.人民法院审理再审案件,应当另行组成合议庭。
9.The Lawsuit of Civil Re-judgement: the Change and Choice of the Judgement Supervisive Procedure in China;民事再审之诉:我国审判监督程序的转换与选择
10.Analysis on Litigant Punishment Right Restrictions in Retrail Procedures;析再审审判程序中当事人处分权的限制
11.On Jurisprudence of Modern Reopening Civil Judgments;现代民事再审原理论——兼论我国民事再审程序的完善
12.Component Elements to Appeal for Rehearing Civil Cases--Analysis from the perspective of rights for Rehearing;民事再审之诉的构成要件——以再审诉权为视域的分析
13.Discussion About the Reconstruction of Our Country s Civil Retrial Procedure from Two Theoretical Problems of the Civil Retrial Procedure;从民事再审程序两个理论问题谈我国民事再审程序的重构
14.On the Double Restrictions of the Civil Retrial Procedure--A Unitary Method of the Reformation of the Civil Retrial Procedure;论再审程序的双重制约——我国再审程序改革的整体性思路
15.The reform on the thoughts of retrial procedure in China人本主义的再审之诉——谈我国民事再审指导思想的重构
16.Rethinking "Retrial Litigation":From the Perspective of Solving the Problem of "Difficulty of Complaints";“再审之诉”的再认识——以解决“申诉难”问题为切入点
17.The Principle of "One Case,One Trail" and Reconstruction of Criminal Retrial Procedure in China;一事不再理与我国刑事再审程序的重构
18.Improvement of Criminal Retrial Procedure through the Principle against Double Jeopardy;一事不再理原则与我国刑事再审程序之完善

retrial procedure再审程序
1.Analysis on some problems about the amendments of the retrial procedure;关于再审程序修改的若干问题分析——以2007年民事诉讼法修正案为对象
2.Consummation of retrial procedure of China civil action on the basis of resjud icate principle;以既判力原则为根据完善我国民事诉讼中再审程序
3.The retrial procedure is an important remedial system for administration of justice.再审程序是审判工作的一项重大补救制度,本文通过对民事再审程序问题的探讨,提出了几点意见。
3)rehearing procedure再审程序
1.As a basic scheme,rehearing procedure of common pleas must present and implement the above principles.民事再审程序作为具体民事诉讼程序制度,体现和承载着民事诉讼程序自由、公正、安定和效益四种基本价值,因此,民事再审程序制度须以维护人的尊严为最高理念,融程序主体性原则于其具体程序规则之中,取消人民法院、人民检察院依职权发动再审,尊重当事人民事再审程序主导权,以体载民事诉讼制度现代化精神。
2.The current rehearing procedure,constructed on the concept of jurisdiction supervision rights,is the systematic element that has caused difficulty and high frequency in appealing for justice about judicial cases.现行以审判监督权为理念而构建的民事再审程序是造成司法实务申诉难与申诉不断的体制性因素,必须以再审诉权原理对之加以改造。
3.The law tenet proves that adjudged force principle dose not absolutely refuse criminal rehearing procedure, but Chinese criminal rehearing procedure should be rebuilt on the principle.法理分析证明,刑事既判力原则不绝对排斥刑事再审程序的启动,但我国的刑事再审程序应从既判力原则出发进行重构。
4)retrial cases再审案件
1.However,the new monistic theory thinks the subject matter of the retrial cases is claim to retrial and it can resolve a lot of problem of the retrial process.再审案件的诉讼标的不仅决定了再审审理的范围,而且进一步决定了不同的再审理由在诉讼中的相互关系以及重复再审的禁止等问题。
5)claim to retrial再审声明
6)time limits of retrial再审期限
