1.Game between Containment Strategy in Asia-Pacific Region of Bush Administration and "Harmonious World" Diplomacy of China——Comment on U.S. s Military Power of the People s Republic of China 2008;美国“亚太遏制”战略与中国“和谐世界”外交的博弈——评2008年美国《中国军力报告》
2.An examination into the history of the CPC s containment of vested interests;中共遏制既得利益集团的历史考察及其启示
3.Taiwan plays an important role in the containment strategy towards China of the United States.结构现实主义理论中的“遏制理论”和“安全困境理论”是美国对华和对台政策的理论基础之一;台湾在美国对华遏制战略中具有重要地位;美国和中国之所以未曾走向激烈对抗有其重要原因;结构现实主义理论对两岸关系的发展的提供了启示。

1.a containment policy牵制 [遏制] 政策
2.combat the corruption of public officials遏制公务人员的腐败
3.We choked off some investment.我们遏制了某些投资。
4.The President wanted to muzzle the press.总统企图遏制新闻自由。
5.Smallpox has finally been conquered.天花终於遏制住了.
6.contained explosion遏制爆炸,地下爆炸
7.designed to stop the spread of the coqui.来遏制考齐蛙的蔓延,
8.He fights, or seems to fight, the rising fury.他在遏制或者好象在遏制那升起的怒火。
9.“Engagement Containment” and “Hawk Containment”: A Comparative Study of Clinton s and Bush s Administration s Policy towards North Korea Nuclear Issue;接触遏制与对抗遏制——克林顿政府与布什政府对朝核政策之比较
10.On Institutional Construction to Restrict the "Special Interests";论遏制我国特殊利益集团的制度建设
11.Promoting the State Audit System to Curb Corruption and Rent-seeking;完善国家审计监督制度遏制腐败寻租
12.The Mechanism and Containment Theory on Occupational Crime of Police;警察职务犯罪的生成机制及遏制理论
13.Political System Innovation: The Radical Measures To Restrain Corruption;政治体制创新:遏制腐败的治本之举
14.On Internal Control Measures of Restraining the Commerical Bribery in Hospital谈遏制医院商业贿赂的内部控制措施
15.Finally, has discussed the containment finance cheatseveral countermeasures.最后,探讨了遏制财务欺诈的几点对策。
16.Specific supervision should be taken to control ketamine abuse.建议采取有利措施遏制氯胺酮滥用。
17.His punishment will be a deterrent to others.具威慑性的武器、遏制性的手段.
18.This stifles the development of the financial sector.这就遏制了金融部门的发展。

1.Research on Restraining Administration Nonfeasance;关于遏制行政不作为问题研究
2.Therefore,the "Latent Principles" should be restrained by means of improving relevant system,standardizing administrative power,modernizing dominating administrative culture and cultivating administrative."潜规则"行政文化表现为正式组织下的派别集团化、公共权力和价值的异化、行政行为的非程序化等,因此需要从制度、规范化行政裁量权、主体行政文化的现代化和先进的行政道德理念的培育等方面加以遏制
3.Hence, in order to restrain the upward trend effectively, it s essential to lay the stress on precaution, combining with cracking-down, and strengthening education propagate on legality, setting up information system as well.因此 ,必须采取预防为主、打击为辅、打防结合以及加强法制宣传教育 ,建立信息情报系统等多项措施 ,才能有效遏制此类犯罪的上升势头。
1.For the maintenance of the justice of procedure in the criminal reconnaissance, when Criminal Law is amended, procedural illegal actions should be checked by perfecting .为了维护刑事侦查阶段的程序正义,我国将来在修改刑事诉讼法时应当从完善法制的角度来遏制侦查阶段的程序性违法行为。
2.Then the means to completely intensify the supervision by mass and check the power corruption are as follows: a) further strengthening legal propaganda and law dissemination education so that the mass conscientiously, actively and effectively exercise the right of supervision granted by .为切实加强群众监督 ,遏制权力腐败 ,必须做到进一步加强法制宣传、普法教育 ,使人民群众自觉行使法律赋予的监督权 ;为人民群众依法行使监督权创造条件、提供方便 ;确保群众实施监督所需要的知情权、质询权等。
1.The countermeasure thinking about contain and solve county s debt of Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省遏制和化解乡镇债务的对策思考
2.involvement in the interference in Vietnam was related to its increasing fear of Soviet threat, but fundamentally it was the dual objective of containing the l.本文认为 ,美国以直接援助在印度支那的法国殖民军和其所认可的民族主义力量的方式卷入在越南的干涉虽然直到 1 95 0年才成为现实 ,但至少早在 1 949年美国就有这方面的意向 ,而其根源则甚至可以追溯到更久以前 ;美国卷入在越南的干涉固然与它对苏联的威胁的担心进一步发展有关 ,但在越南遏制当地的共产主义运动和排挤法国势力的双重目标才是其卷入在越干涉的基本原
3.In order to prevent and contain violent crime,besides severe strikes,other necessary measures should be taken including combining strike with being against corruption,contract system of ministering in conprehensive way timely solving civil contradiction,strengthening basic organization construction,administration by Law and education in legality.为预防、遏制暴力犯罪 ,除了严打 ,还应采取其他必要措施 ,即打击与反腐败相结合 ,落实综合治理责任制 ,及时化解民事矛盾 ,加强基层组织建设 ,强化依法行政 ,加强法制教育。
1.A Study of Suppressing Rent-seeking Activities in Government Electronic-Procurement;政府采购电子化对寻租行为的遏制研究
2.However, the western imperial countries headed by American and Japan with the inveteracy thoughts featured by the Cold War and hegemonism, regard China as their major opponent and potential threaten, and speed up the snuff and suppress to China.然而,以美日为首的西方列强却本着其根深蒂固的冷战思维和霸权主义,视中国为主要的对手和潜在的威胁,并加紧对中国的打压和遏制
3.It also discusses some strategies to suppress corruption.文章用经济的目光对腐败的收益、成本和动机之间的关系进行分析,从而提出遏制腐败的对策。
6)containment system遏制机制
