1)Montesquieu[英][,m?ntes'kju:][美]['mɑnt?,skju, m??t?'skj?]孟德斯鸠
1.How the Term of "Law" was Practised:Between the "World of Kangxi Emporor" and the "World of Montesquieu";“法律”字词的使用是怎样实践的?——在“康熙世界”与“孟德斯鸠世界”之间
2.The Comparison of the Views on Freedom Between Montesquieu and Loescher;孟德斯鸠与卢梭自由观的差异比较
3.The Difference of Locke and Montesquieu in Their Thoughts of Decentralization of Power;论洛克与孟德斯鸠分权思想之差异

1.On the Purport of Montesquieu's Eco-Politics Doctrine孟德斯鸠政治学说的生态政治旨趣
2.Montesquieu's main concern was forms of government.孟德斯鸠的主要研究对象是政体。
3.Comparative Study on the Views of Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau in Government;洛克、孟德斯鸠和卢梭的政府观比较
4.The Chinese Political Views of Voltaire and Montesquieu;试论伏尔泰和孟德斯鸠的中国政治观
5.Interpretation of Montesquieu and Rousseau s Freedom;试析孟德斯鸠与卢梭的“自由”思想
6.Equality: Spirit of Law--Montesquieu's theory of fairness平等:法的精神——孟德斯鸠的公平理论
7.The English are busy; they don't have time to be polite (Montesquieu).英国人很忙;他们无暇去顾及礼貌(孟德斯鸠)。
8.Interfluve of National Power Theory Between the European Initiatory Thinkers: Montesguieu and Jeen-Jacques Rousseau论孟德斯鸠与卢梭国家权力理论之分野
9.Montesquieu's fame rests above everything else on his political theory of the separation of powers.孟德斯鸠的声誉主要归于他的分权政治理论。
10.A person of Putian that has profound influence on Montesquieu──Huang Jialue一个对孟德斯鸠有深刻影响的莆田人——黄嘉略
11.Montesquieu was a famous enlightenment thinker of France in the 18th century.孟德斯鸠是18 世纪法国著名的启蒙思想家。
12.Montesquieu s Thought of Power Balance and Its Realistic Significance;孟德斯鸠的权力制衡思想及其现实意义
13.Investigation on Locke and Montesquieu s Doctrine of "Separation of Powers";对洛克和孟德斯鸠“三权分立”学说的一种考察
14.On the Major Differences of the China Views between Voltaire and Montesquieu;论伏尔泰与孟德斯鸠中国观的主要分歧
15.Montesquieu s Theories on Chinese Law in the Spirit of Law;从《论法的精神》看孟德斯鸠对中国法律的认识
16.Freedom , reason and the power seperation --The study of montesquieu s political justice s view;自由、理性、分权制衡——孟德斯鸠政治正义观探究
17.Montesquieu s Comparative Research into the Orient-Western Systems of Government and Legal Systems;孟德斯鸠对东西方政体与法制的比较研究
18.On the Difference of Power Balance Theory between Montesquieu and Lenin;论孟德斯鸠与列宁权力制衡理论的不同

1.A Brief Commentary on Montesqieu s Concept of Social History;孟德斯鸠的社会历史观简论
3)Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu (1689~1755)孟德斯鸠,C.-L.de
4)Charles de Secondat Montesquieu (1689~1755)孟德斯鸠,C.de S.
5)Montesquieu s Discussion on Penal Code孟德斯鸠论刑法
6)Research into Montesquieu's Official Positions孟德斯鸠职务考
