1.Interrogation, Confession, Evidence and their Extension;讯问、供述、证据及其引申
2.The Survey on Synchronous Audio and Video Recordings for the Whole Process of Interrogation;侦查讯问全程同步录音录像问题研究
3.Reseache on the system of lawyers-on-site at interrogation in China论我国侦查讯问阶段律师在场制度的构建

1.Perfecting Interrogation Institution from its Function;从侦查讯问的功能看讯问制度的完善
2.The Thought Form of Questioning;讯问活动的思维形式——侦查讯问中的“问题”研究
3.The reporter was interrogated again.申报人又被讯问了一次。
4.examine a witness in a court of law在法庭上讯问证人.
5.examine a witness under oath.See Synonyms at bask讯问立誓的证人参见
6.He confessed to the crime during his interrogation.在讯问中他供认了犯罪。
7.The prisoner is interrogated for three hours.囚犯被讯问了3个小时。
8.The prisoner be Interrogate for three hour囚犯被讯问了3个小时
9.Take the examination of sb.【律】讯问某人并录其口供
10.Who is the Beneficiary of Illegal Interrogation?--Game Theory Analyses on Investigative Interrogation;谁是非法讯问的受益者?——侦查讯问的博弈分析
11.an information bureau was called into being to deal with inquiries成立一个问讯处来处理问讯事务。
12.Regional Communications Advisor for Latin America拉丁美洲区域通讯顾问
13.The information office is located in the city center.问讯处位于市中心。
14.I trundled along to the information desk.我慢慢向问讯处走去。
15.Information Desk. Can I help you?这是问讯处,有什么事吗?
16.Please dial 244 for directory enquirer .请拨224电话号码问讯处。
17.Please dial244for Directory Enquiries.请拨244电话号码问讯处。
18.kindly proceed to the information desk to meet Miss Wilson.到问讯处找威尔森小姐。

cross-question n.盘问;讯问
3)power to inquiry讯问权
1.As to the power to inquiry of investigation and the right to silence, according to the viewpoint that inquiry as a king of power should be checked not be overruled by right, under the Chinese social condition, the author thinks it wise to make inquiry perfect.在侦查阶段肯定侦查人员讯问权还是赋予犯罪嫌疑人沉默权 ,鉴于我国国情及讯问权本质是权力其行使应受权利制约而非以权利否定权力观点 ,本文认为采用务实而不保守态度来完善讯问制度、禁止非法讯问
4)court interrogation法庭讯问
1.The language used in the law court interrogation is a special kind of legal language,not only with request of nicety,but also with presence of fuzziness.从语用学的角度分析,法庭讯问中模糊语言的存在是必要和客观的,有着其独特的语用功能和适用范围。
5)interrogation material讯问材料
1.But the logic of the whole interrogation material is seldom discussed.关于侦查讯问的逻辑思考非常多,从讯问问题的逻辑研究、笔录的制作到各种逻辑推理、逻辑规律在讯问中的应用都有学者论及,但作为整个讯问材料的逻辑性要求却很少有人论及。
6)Interrogation locations讯问地点

讯问1.询问。 2.省视﹔问候。 3.审讯﹔鞫问。