1.Discussion on the medium s lack of credibility and remodeling——Ethical reflection on the medium commercialization;试论媒介公信力的缺失与重塑——媒介商业化的伦理反思
2.The Governance Research of Non-Profit Organization s Lack of Credibility in China;我国非营利组织公信力缺失的治理研究
3.Under the Local Government Ethics, as the credibility of the construction of domain伦理视域下地方政府公信力建设

1.credible disclosure regulation具公信力的信息披露监管
2.On the Opening of Government Information and Construction of Public Faith in Government政府信息公开与政府公信力建设问题研究
3.The Research of Government's Credibility and Capacity-building for Local Government政府公信力与地方政府能力建设研究
4.A Study on the Public Trust of NPOs of Public Offering for Public Welfare;公募公益性非营利组织的公信力问题研究
5.The Concept and Measure of Media Credibility--With Reference to Meyer s Measure System of Media Credibility;传媒公信力的概念及测量——兼论梅耶的传媒公信力测量体系
6.A Study on Improvement of Public Trust of Government and Construction of Government Credibility;试论政府公信力的提升及诚信政府的构建
7.Study on the Model Innovation of Governmental Information Service from Perspective of Credibility基于公信力视角的政府信息服务模式创新研究
8.Research on the Township Government s Public Accountability in the Visual Threshold of Public Responsibility;公共责任视阈下的乡镇政府公信力问题研究
9.To Establish and Maintain Law Authority by Improvement of Public Confidence for the Police s Execution of Law;提高公安执法公信力 树立和维护法律权威
10.On the Route of Increasing the Credit of the Listed Company Finance Report;浅议提高上市公司财务报告公信力的途径
11.A Comparative Study of Public Trust in Public Notification and Non causativeness in Legal Act of Property Right;公示公信力与物权行为无因性的比较研究
12.Problem Research of Local Government Credibility in Crisis Management公共危机管理中的地方政府公信力问题研究
13.On the Relation between Dealing with Public Crisis and Upgrading Government Public Trust论应对公共危机与增强政府公信力的关系
14.This is evidence of the credibility that the press enjoys among the people.这是媒体公信力在民众一方的体现。
15.Credibility a prized asset of the media公信力是媒体的宝贵财富
16.The Government Public Credibility Construction Problem and Its Countermeasure Exploration;我国政府公信力建设问题与对策探讨
17.Strengthening the awareness about audience and improving the public credibility of television media;强化受众意识 提升电视媒体公信力
18.An Appraisal on the Demonstrative Effect of Registration System of Real Estate Right;我国不动产登记的公示、公信效力评价

public trust公信力
1.The Construction of the Public Trust of Urban Community Dispute-Settlement Mechanism;城市社区纠纷解决机制公信力构建
2.We evaluate and perfect procuratorial power of our country in this article according to social ethics point and concrete standard of public trust.本文从和谐社会的要求出发,从权力承受者的角度,自下而上地去关注检察权的现在以及未来,进而以社会伦理观念为依据,从检察官的客观公正义务,检察权行使的公开性、及时性,检察机关执法理念应注重民主理念的填充、司法信用原则的恪守、应体现公序良俗等方面,构建我国检察权的公信力体系。
3.Validity of title registration includes validity of confirmation and validity of public trust.不动产权利登记的效力包括确定力和公信力,确定力针对的是登记正确的情形,在不同的关系中呈现出不同的确定内容,而公信力针对的是登记错误的情形,主要强调了对交易相对人的保护。
3)public credibility公信力
1.Strengthening the awareness about audience and improving the public credibility of television media;强化受众意识 提升电视媒体公信力
2.On Public Credibility of News Media and Its Construction;试论新闻传媒公信力及其构建
4)public confidence公信力
1.A Study of the Relationship Between the Innocent Purchase and the Public Confidence in the Alteration of Real Right;物权变动公信力与善意取得关系考——兼议善意取得标的物范围通说之修正
2.The main problem of China s responsibility system for real estate register is that the making building of the greffiers is rather laggard,and there is short of explicit responsibility and amends system,so that the register quality and public confidence for the register is low.我国不动产登记责任机制建设存在的主要问题是登记职员队伍素质建设还很落后,没有建立明确的登记责任追究和赔偿制度,因而造成登记质量不高、登记的公信力很低。
5)public credit公信力
1.Brief talk on the public credit in the financial report;浅谈财务报告的公信力问题
2.In the process of social transformation,local government in minority areas tends to lose their public credit,which restrains the all-round social development,and essentially,affects the legitimacy of government.在社会转型过程中,民族地方政府公信力出现弱化现象,制约着当地社会的全面发展,影响政府存在的合法性基础。
3.The credit crisis not only exists in governments and enterprises but also in non-profit organizations as “social innate knowledge” which do not posses natural power to protect their public credit.并非只是政府和企业存在着信任危机 ,作为“社会良知”的非营利组织 ,并非天然具有维护其公信力的力量 ,同样存在诸多缺失公信力的可能和事实 ,这与缺乏相关责任机制和我国非营利组织成长的特定制度环境有关。
6)credibility of publication公示公信力

信力【信力】 (术语)五力之一。