1.The Heritage Protection Status of the Summer Palace——Serial Study on the Relationship between the Heritage Protection of the Summer Palace and the Planning and Construction of Zhongguancun (Part I);国际保护历史文化遗产浪潮映照下的颐和园遗产保护状况——颐和园遗产保护与中关村规划建设关系问题系列研究之一
2.Research on Towns Development in Development Area of Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Park;中关村科技园发展区小城镇建设探索
3.A Cognitive Approach to Modeling Vague Geographical Features:A Case Study of Zhongguancun;基于认知的模糊地理要素建模——以中关村为例

1.(10) Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Zone(十)中关村科技园区
2.Deep Think of the Developing Pattern in Beijing Zhong-guan Cun;关于北京中关村发展模式的深层思考
3.Zhongguancun High-Tech Zone is known as China's Silicon Valley.中关村高科技园是中国的硅谷
4.There are many computer centers in Beijing, especially in Zhongguancun.北京有很多电脑中心,尤其是在中关村
5.the close-knit community of a small village小村庄中关系密切的村民.
6.Cultural Villages in the Central of Shanxi Province on the Impact of Villager Autonomy;陕西关中村落文化对村民自治的影响
7.The Countermeasures and Model to Coordinate the Relationship between Countryside and Village in the Construction of New Village;新农村建设中乡村关系协调的对策与模式
8.The Interactive Relationship of Rural Tourism and the Construction of New Country;乡村旅游与中国新农村建设的互动关系研究
9.Analysis of countryside economy elite function position --investigation in Shangxi province s two villages;乡村经济精英功能向度分析——陕西关中两村调查
10.Probing into countryside land securitization in new countryside construction;新农村建设中关于农村土地证券化的探讨
11.Dislocation and Adjustment of Relations between the Township and Village in the Township Ruling and Village Governance;乡政村治格局中乡村关系的失调与调适
12.Sociological Analysis of Strawberry Association of Wangshang Village in Guanzhong Rural Areas of Shaanxi Province;对陕西关中农村王上村草莓协会的社会学分析
13.Village Relationship is Shiftted Suitablely During Construct in the Fresh Countryside of Socialism;社会主义新农村建设中乡村关系的调适
14.Thoughts on Perfecting Village Governance in the New Rural Construction;关于完善新农村建设中乡村治理问题的思考
15.Concerning on the rural area s two extremes of "rural politics" and some suggestions about the adjustment;论“乡政村治”中乡村关系的两种极端走向及调适
16.The Conflicts between Township and Village under the Pattern of Villages Administration and Villagers Self-Government and Its Reason Ananlysis;乡政村治格局中乡村关系的矛盾冲突及原因
17.The key to the development of rural areas lies in the implementation of key village planning;实施中心村规划是乡村地域发展的关键
18.Relfects on the Current Countryside People of China Self Government Problem;关于当前中国农村村民自治问题的几点思考

Zhong guan Cun中关村
1.Characteristic and Suggestion on Land Use and its Plan in Zhong Guan Cun Scientific and Technological Park in Beijing;中关村科技园区土地利用特点与规划建议
2.Beijing s industry parks play an important roles in the process of economy construction, especially the "Zhong guan cun" high-tech industry park and Central Business District(CBD), which as the most two important industry parks in Beijing, they are becoming the top power in Beijing s economy development and accelerating the construction of Beijing into a international city.北京市的产业园区在全市经济建设中也发挥了巨大的作用,尤其是中关村科技园区和朝阳商务中心区(CBD)作为两大重点园区,正在成为北京市经济发展的“龙头”,加快了北京建设国际大都市的进程。
3)rural area of Guanzhong关中农村
4)Zhongguancun stop.中关村站。
5)Zhong Guancun Region中关村地区
6)Zhongguancun Plaza中关村西区
1.New Mode for Project Planning and Development:Portsdam Plaza v.s. Zhongguancun Plaza;项目规划与实施的全新模式——波茨坦广场与中关村西区项目规划和开发模式的比较研究

《关中方音调查报告》  20世纪早期调查研究关中方言的著作。白涤洲遗稿,喻世长整理。中国科学院语言研究所编入《语言学专刊》第6种,1954 年在北京刊行。    "关中"指陕西省函谷、武关、散关、萧关 4关之中的西安、咸阳、宝鸡等地。1933年春,白涤洲调查了关中42个县50个点的方言,第 2年秋就去世了。他的调查材料只整理了声调部分,发表了《关中声调实验录》和《关中入声之演变》两篇报告,音韵材料由罗常培保存,1948年由喻世长整理并写成此书。《报告》包括语音的描写,声韵的音位,音变的讨论,音缀,声调,方言地理,历史音韵比较等 7章,主要篇幅是各调查点的声韵系统和 427个单字在各地读音的对照。《报告》根据各地语音歧异现象绘制方言地图23幅,最后 1幅综合地图把关中方言分为东西两区,东区又分为 4组。《报告》最后说明关中方言属于北方普通话范围,但与北京话相比又有自己的特点。本书分析关中方音细致,同时重视音位系统,材料也很丰富,但这次调查单字只记声韵,声调除入声有专题讨论外,只作了简单说明。