1.In the aspect of methodology, legal economy goes astray into the subjectivism, individualism and maximum of simple efficiency.法律经济学在方法论上,走上了主观主义、个人主义和单纯效率最大化的歧途。
2.The discussion about subjectivism and objectivism is usually a hot topic in the theroy of criminal law, especially the controversy about the status of subjectivism in criminal law.主、客观主义是刑法理论中讨论得比较多的一个问题,尤其是关于主观主义在我国刑法中的地位的界定更是争论不休。

1.Where there is subjectivism, there are mistakes.有主观主义,总要犯错误。
2.First, there is the subjectivist attitude.第一种:主观主义的态度。
3.Will there still be bureaucracy and subjectivism then?那个时候有没有官僚主义、主观主义
4.Application of Objectivism and Subjectivism in the Conviction and Sentence客观主义和主观主义在定罪和量刑中的适用
5.At present we must combat subjectivism, not only in the form of rash advance but also in the form of conservatism.我们现在要反对主观主义,既反对盲目冒进的主观主义,也反对保守的主观主义
6.Subjectivism and commandism are always bad and will be so even ten thousand years hence.主观主义、命令主义,一万年也是要不得的。
7.By that time, if you are guilty of bureaucracy and subjectivism, you will be backward.那时你犯了官僚主义、主观主义,那你就是落后。
8.Sectarianism is an expression of subjectivism in organizational relations;宗派主义是主观主义在组织关系上的一种表现;
9.How to Interpret the Socialist Concept from the Perspective of Democratic Socialism;怎样认识民主社会主义的社会主义观
10.Comparisons of Subject Views of Curriculum between Empiricism and Essentialism;经验主义与要素主义课程主体观比较
11.described as either pessimists or optimists.是在悲观主义者和乐观主义者的身上
12.On Communitarian′s Criticism to Liberalism Justice;论社群主义对自由主义正义观的批判
13.A Brief Analysis to the Liberalism Feminism,the Radicalism Feminism and the Marxist Feminism View on Science;自由主义女性主义与激进女性主义科学观浅探
14.On the Russian populist s view of individual socialism;试析俄国民粹主义的个人主义社会主义观
15.the extremism of some feminists有些女权主义者所持的极端主义观点.
16.We are optimist and realist.我们是乐观主义者,又是现实主义者。
17.Socialist Market Economy and the Collectivism Values;社会主义市场经济与集体主义价值观
18.Objectivism and Constructionism: Antagonism and Beyond;客观主义与建构主义:对立及其超越

1.Toward Integrating Objectivism and Constructivism in Instructional Design and the Learning Theory;教学设计和学习理论中的客观主义和建构主义的整合
2.On the Paradigm of Objectivism Instructional Design;论客观主义教学设计范型
3.Crime Subject of Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct in Objectivism;从客观主义的立场探讨徇私枉法罪主体
1.An Analysis of the Pessimism in Dreiser’s Novels;论德莱塞小说中的悲观主义
2.There alway exist pessimism and optimism in the research of future and protection of envirornment,but in practice,environmental pessimism leads a dorminant role.在未来学和环境保护领域内长期存在着乐观主义和悲观主义对峙的局面,但在实践中始终是环境悲观主义占主导地位,环境乐观主义则不被大多数人所重视或者接受。
1.A Brief Introduction of Optimism Measurement at Home and Abroad.;国内外乐观主义的测量概述
2.Optimism,Risk and Legal Modernization——Comments on The Theoretical Logic of Legal Modernization by Gong Pixiang;乐观主义、风险与法制现代化——评公丕祥《法制现代化的理论逻辑》
1.Assignment of exchange risk and rechtsscheintheorie jurisprudence;交易风险的分配与外观主义法理
