1.Achievements and Defects of the Anti-bribery Legal System in the Tang Dynasty;唐朝反贿赂法律制度的成就与缺陷综析
2.A Probe of the Bribery Scope Definition——From the Perspective of the U.N Anti-corruption Convention;贿赂范围新探——以《联合国反腐败公约》为背景的分析

1.subornation of perjury贿赂 [教唆] 伪证罪
2.To pay, tip, or bribe.付钱,给小费,贿赂
3.Scope of Bribe--From the Angle of Sexual Bribe;贿赂的范围——以“性贿赂”为视角
4.Criminal Law Regulation on "Sex Bribery"--A View from Female Sex Bribery“性贿赂”的刑法规制——以女性贿赂为角度
5.Bribery, especially the bribing of disc jockeys to promote records.贿赂贿赂,尤指贿赂流行音乐节目主持人以促销唱片
6.bribery or intimidation relating to candidature有关参选的贿赂或恐吓
7.attempt to bribe a jury with offers of money试图以金钱贿赂陪审团
8.bribe a man into secrecy贿赂某人使保守秘密
9.bribe sb. into silence用贿赂封住某人的嘴
10.superiority to BriBery拒绝贿赂的超然精神
11.Bribery is a vile practice.贿赂是卑鄙的行径.
12.The newspapers condemned the Prime Minister for acceptingbribery.报纸谴责首相收受贿赂
13.The gangsters couldn't get at the mayor.流氓们无法贿赂市长。
14.To dodge the draft, he tried bribery.为逃避兵役,他施行贿赂
15.Anti-Corruption and Bribery Bureau反贪污贿赂局(反贪局)
16.The judge scorned to take a bribe.法官不屑接受贿赂
17.He tried to escape by bribing the guard.他企图贿赂警卫而逃走。
18.His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest.他接受贿赂,终被逮捕。

1.The Cognizance of the Scope of Bribe in the Bribing Crime;关于贿赂犯罪中贿赂范围的认定
2.Commercial bribery crimes violate the fair competition of market economic order,It seriously damages our nation s economic and social development,Judge commercial bribery crimes scientifically is of great practical significance.商业贿赂犯罪侵犯了公平竞争的商品经济秩序,对我国经济社会的发展危害十分严重,科学认定商业贿赂犯罪具有非常现实的意义。
4)commercial bribery商业贿赂
1.To combat commercial bribery of medical industry and purify service environment of medical system;治理医药行业商业贿赂,净化医疗卫生服务环境
2.Reflections on regulating commercial bribery in higher schools and countermeasures;治理高校商业贿赂工作的思考与对策
3.On Commercial Bribery Governance in Our Country;对我国商业贿赂治理的思考
5)commercial bribe商业贿赂
1.A Study on Commercial Bribe in Bancassurance Market in China;我国银保市场商业贿赂问题探讨
2.On the Regulation of Commercial Bribe under the Law "Against Unfair Competition";从“德普案”看我国竞争法反商业贿赂的缺陷与完善
6)Sexual bribery性贿赂
1.Currently,the cases concerning bribery crime are prevailing and the problem of whether to convict sexual bribery as a criminal crime has aroused the attention of the whole society.贿赂犯罪在我国屡禁不绝,而且层出不穷,目前与性贿赂相关案件正呈蔓延之势。
2.There are different arguments on whether we should bring sexual bribery into the Criminal Law ,but sexual bribery with its serious social harmfulness has acknowledged by all.虽然对是否应将性贿赂纳入刑法还有不同的争论,但性贿赂严重的社会危害性已为社会所公认。
