1.On the Unity of Unility or Nonutility in Aesthetic Education;论美育功利性与超功利性的统一
2.It introduces the design course,analyzes the aesthetic value research of the bionic building,analyzes the meaning of researching the aesthetic value of the bionic building,and discusses its aesthetic value from the aspects of figurativeness,infectivity,utility,creativity,which will exploit the architectural design ideas and accelerate the research and development of the bionic building.对仿生设计学进行了介绍,分析了对仿生建筑美学价值研究的意义,从形象性、感染性、功利性和创造性等方面对仿生建筑的美学价值进行了探讨,以开拓建筑设计思路,促进仿生建筑的研究和发展。
3.Instinct activities is the aim in nature,It is natural existence state of man;Production and labor is the aim for utility,It is social existence and the changing state of man;Aesthetics and play is the aim for no utility,but for self,It is spirit and cultural existence of man.自在的本能活动是人的自然合目的性活动,它表现为人的自然生存状态;自为的生产劳动是人的功利性目的活动,它表现为人的社会存在状态;自由的审美游戏是人的超功利性目的活动,它表现为人的文化精神存在状态。

1.From the Utility to the Right--The Defense of Utilitarian Reading从功利到权利——为功利性阅读申辩
2.Lu Xun s Well Balanced View and Practice Toward Both Literary Utilitarianism and Non-Utilitarianism;鲁迅对文学功利性和非功利性的把握
3.Thus it was strongly utilitarian.它具有极强的功利性
4.Employing “Ability Theory” to Solve the Problems of Beauty Utility and its “Potential Utility”;用“能力说”解决美功利性及其“功利潜在”问题
5.The show of practical utilitarian in physical culture and aesthetic characteristics in physical culture;论体育实用功利性与审美特性的显现
6.On Taoism;品“道”——“道”的虚无性和“道”哲学的功利性
7.Coincidence of Utility and Poetics of Ancient Chinese Literary Theories;论中国古代文论诗性与功利性的契合
8.Weakening Utilitarianism,Strengthening Humanism;英语教学中应弱化功利性增强人文性
9.Freedom,Surmount and Poetic Retrieval自由、超越与诗意的救赎——对审美功利性与超功利性问题的思考
10.The cultural resources of the literary utilitarianism of the May 4th enlightenment;五四“启蒙”文学功利性的传统文化资源
11.Looks at Curing the "Morality Indifferently" from the Utlitarian of Morality;从道德的功利性看“道德冷漠”的矫治
12.On Getting Rid of a Long-standing Misconception of Utilitarianism in College Moral Education;走出学校道德教育功利性误区的思考
13.rational egoism and utility理性的自我本位与功利主义
14.Use CFRC s Functional Performance to Monitoring the Damage in Concrete Stucture;利用CFRC的功能特性检测混凝土的损伤
15.Analysis of Educational Utilitarianism:From the Aspect of Instrumental Rationality;教育功利化现象审视:工具理性的视角
16.Reason as basic in Hobbes s moral philosophy;功利抑或道德?——霍布斯理性观念之探讨
17.On the inherent unity of“the theory of morality and justice”with Utilitarianism;谈“道义论”与“功利主义”的内在统一性
18.LI You-cai s Plain Words: Recessive Criticism of Mental "Utility";《李有才板话》:“功利”心理的隐性批判

1.The cultural resources of the literary utilitarianism of the May 4th enlightenment;五四“启蒙”文学功利性的传统文化资源
2.The aesthetic feature of ads on TV is different from that of pure literary arts in the following aspects:1) dialectical unity of utilitarianism and artistry;2)complementation of authenticity and assumption;3)connection between restriction of subject and succinctness of form.其独特之处在于:一是功利性与艺术性的辩证统一。
3.History tells us that with the alternation of life style for human beings, fashion of men’s outfits represented by capitalists are instructed by style of formulation and developed based on facilities and utilitarianisms.回顾历史,我们不难发现,随着人们生活方式的改变,以资产阶级实业家为代表的男装的流行一直都是在程式化的模式指导下,依据实用性和功利性不断演化发展的。
1.Academic Research is Utilitarian of Super-utilitarian?;学术研究:功利性抑或超功利性?
2.The author holds that pseudoscience is characteristic of science-imitating,utilitarian, fictitious,weird.本文通过对伪科学与科学、非科学、超科学、自然科学界域内的错误理论的区别进行具体分析 ,探讨了伪科学在理论体系和实践活动方面的本质属性 ,本文认为伪科学具有拟科学性、功利性、作伪性、怪异性等四种特
1.There is a gaming relation between utility and non-utility of education to individuals,society and nation.教育对个体、社会、国家的功利性与非功利性的满足是一种博弈关系;处理好这种关系,教育才能得到和谐发展。
2.A famous post-analysis esthetician Gene Block, insist on the point of view of analysis aesthetic, seek the explication of modern art from four aspects: Art and human intention, The non-utility of art, art and convention; on-limits concept of art.面对现代艺术,美国著名分析美学家布洛克站在后分析美学的立场上,从艺术品与人的意图,艺术品的非功利性,艺术品与艺术习俗,开放的艺术品概念等四个方面,重新界定“艺术品”的概念,来为现代艺术寻求美学的辩解。
1.Academic Research is Utilitarian of Super-utilitarian?;学术研究:功利性抑或超功利性?
2.Literature influences the human′s spirit significantly through utilitarian and super-utilitarian;Furthermore,it plays the role of construction and deconstruction in cultural system from its aesthetic perspective.文学以功利性和超功利性的两面对人类的精神产生有力的影响,进而以审美的方式对文化系统发挥建构和解构的作用。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-