1.On the Relation of Politicics and Religion during Tubo Kingdom;论吐蕃时期的政治与宗教关系
2.Influences of Tubo in Tang Dynasty on the Minorities Migration in China s West Region;唐代吐蕃与西部民族大迁徙
3.The Application of Dendrochronology in the Research of Tuyuhun and Tubo Tombs in Western Qinghai Area;树木年轮在青海西部地区吐谷浑与吐蕃墓葬研究中的应用

1.Further Discussion on the Original Contact of Mongolia with Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism;再论蒙古与吐蕃吐蕃佛教的初期接触
2.Tubo regime's expansion is the inevitable outcome of militarization system of Tubo regime in earlier stage.吐蕃东扩是吐蕃王朝前期军事化体制的必然产物。
3.A Brief Discussion On The Animal Husbandry Of Tubo Era Through Su rveying The Custom Of Burying Animals In The Tombs Of Early Tibetan Kings从吐蕃墓葬的动物殉葬习俗探吐蕃王朝时期的畜牧业
4.After this, the Tufan state became stronger and stronger.自此,吐蕃的国力日益强大。
5.A Preliminary Study of a Batch of Tubo Cultural Relics Found Abroad;一批流散海外的吐蕃文物的初步考察
6.On the TU Bo Treaty Tombstone;《盟吐蕃碑》——中国古代法中的和谐观分析
7.On the Influence of Peace and War Contacts between Tubo(吐蕃) and Tang Dynasty on Tang Dynasty;吐蕃、唐朝和战交往及对唐朝的影响
8.An Explanation on the Volume P.T.1095 of Dunhuang Tibetan Documents;敦煌吐蕃文书P.T.1095号写卷解读
9.On the Transforming of the Buddhism from the Court to Folks during the Tubo Period;论吐蕃时期佛教从宫廷到民间的转向
10.Fuguo and Ancient Tibet: A Study on the Basis of Historical Accounts in the Early Tang Dynasty;从唐初的史料记载看“附国”与“吐蕃
11.Sangye Temple, Tibet Route and Sino Indian Buddhist Exchange;桑耶寺、吐蕃道与中印佛教文化交流
12.The "Rgod Kyi(Soldiers)" and "Rogod Kyi Sde(Soldier Tribe)" In Dunhuang during Tubo's rule吐蕃统治敦煌时期的“行人”、“行人部落”
13.Queen Beiji Angchu of Tubo and Her Preface of Dunhuang Proofreading Scriptures吐蕃王妃贝吉昂楚及其敦煌校经题记
14.Gaer Family and the Western Turkic Regimes Subjected to Tibetan Regime ──Also on the Competition between Tang Dynasty and Tibetan Regime in Western Region;噶尔家族与附蕃西突厥诸政权——兼论唐与吐蕃间的西域角逐
15.It is totally a riddle in Tubom that whether Jincheng Princess had a boy or not and who the baby was.关于金城公主在吐蕃是否生子及其子为谁,一直是吐蕃史研究中一个悬而未决的疑案。
16.Tibetan Society in the Islamic Cultural View--Tibetan Chronicle in Arabic and Persian Documents during 8th to 16th century;伊斯兰文化视野中的吐蕃人文社会——8-16世纪阿拉伯、波斯文献记载的吐蕃
17.Buddhism have Influences on Tubo s System of Political Power;佛教对吐蕃王朝政权体制的影响——兼论吐蕃王朝前、后期政权形态的变化
18.After the entrance of Tubo to Ten, another name for Yunnan, the traffic of Tubo-Ten developed significantly.吐蕃入滇后,滇藏交通出现了前所未有的大发展。

1.Tibetan Society in the Islamic Cultural View——Tibetan Chronicle in Arabic and Persian Documents during 8th to 16th century;伊斯兰文化视野中的吐蕃人文社会——8-16世纪阿拉伯、波斯文献记载的吐蕃
2."Tibet-Bolor Path" in China-West Traffic in the Tang Dynasty;唐代中西交通吐蕃—勃律道考
3.The Governmental Herdsmen during the Era of Tibetan Governing Dunhuang;吐蕃统治敦煌时期的官府牧人
3)Tibetan Regime吐蕃
1.But,the area of Hexi was captured by Tibetan Regime after of the rebellion of An and Shi.但安史之乱后,河西之地逐渐没入吐蕃
2.This text regards historical document of ancient Tibetan as the main basis, generality has told the situation of developing of the educational development of whole of Tibetan regime period.本文以古藏文历史文献为主要依据,概括性的讲述了整个吐蕃时期教育发展演变情况。
3.Based on the research findings of predecessors and documents of existing Chinese historical records and historical literature in ancient Tibetan language and other materials, the paper makes a new exploration of some relevant issues, with the focuses on the war between Tang Dynasty and Tibetan Regime, as well as the bilateral relationship.本文吸收了前贤的研究成果,又依据传世汉文史籍和敦煌古藏文吐蕃史文献等,以唐蕃战争为核心,兼及整个唐蕃关系,就一些相关问题作了新的探索。
4)ancient Tibet吐蕃
1.The author analyzes the inscription and points out that the Gaoshen (or hierarchy) system of the ancient Tibet was practiced in the area of northwest Yunnan and among the Mo-Xie tribe.格子藏文碑是滇西北地区近年来发现的吐蕃时代重要碑刻。
2.Cen Zhongmian put forward in 1946 the viewpoint that Fuguo is identical with ancient Tibet, scholars have expressed different opinions about this problem.自 194 6年岑仲勉先生提出“附国即吐蕃”的观点以来 ,学术界对“附国是否为吐蕃”的问题始终存在争议。
5)Northwest Turban西北吐蕃
1.The Reason Of Micro Effect Which The Northern Song Dynasty Used Trade To Win Over The Northwest Turban;北宋利用贸易羁縻西北吐蕃效果甚微的原因
6)Tubo Buddhism吐蕃佛教
1.How The Zen Buddhism Tablet of Guangren in Minzhou characterizes the Tubo Buddhism culture of Helong;从《岷州广仁禅院碑》看河陇吐蕃佛教文化的特色
2.During the 30 years after her entrance to Tubo,Princess Jincheng had made outstanding contributions in many aspects,especially in popularizing Tubo Buddhism and promoting the economic and cultural exchanges.本文从倡兴吐蕃佛教、促进唐蕃经济文化交流、推动吐蕃与唐朝甥舅盟好等方面述评了唐蕃第二次联姻,论述了金城公主入蕃后的主要贡献。
