1.Modern Social Transformation and Gan Su Gentry;近代社会转型与甘肃士绅
2.Binxing property was consisted of governmental appropriation,the gentry s donations,apportioning money,and so on.江西宾兴组织颇为发达,其资产的来源一般有官拨产业、士绅捐资、商人捐资、大众派捐等形式。
3.Through studying activity the school goes beyond county,and unite many gentry all over the Province.河南士绅王锡彤、李敏修从相识到成名,"经正书舍"起了重要作用。
1.The Gentry and Locality——the Perspective of the case,the gentry,Wangxitong from Henan;绅士与地方——以河南士绅王锡彤为个案的透视
2.The gentry class was a social group betwwen the officials ansd the common people,who played a particular role in both the urban and the rural society in the Qing Dynasty.绅士阶层在清代地方城乡社会中具有特殊的作用,是一个游离于官民之间的社会集团。
3.The officials and gentry gather govern is the Chinese local administration habit.19世纪中期以前,清代绅士一般不担任地方政府职务,他们只是给州县官提供咨询,进行协助,州县官掌握着对基层社会的主控权;咸丰初年,在太平天国迅猛发展的情况下,清政府在全国大规模地兴办团练。

1.Sir, you are no gentleman!先生,你不是绅士
2.An English nobleman or gentleman.英国绅士英国贵族或绅士
3.there were lone gentlemen and gentlemen accompanied by their wives.有孤单的绅士,也有由老婆陪同的绅士
4.an Officer and a Gentleman军官与绅士/壮士云霄
5.a virtuous gentleman [knight]有品德的绅士 [骑士]
6.a courtly gentleman.尊严而有礼貌的绅士
7.a gallant or courtly gentleman.英勇而又有礼貌的绅士
8.E ach time the Old Gentleman had said exactly this same thing.每一次老绅士都这样说。
9.Localization of the Justice of Peace System太平绅士制度本地化
10.He's an elderly gentleman.他是位年长的绅士
11.He is every inch a gentleman.他从头到尾是个绅士
12.Don Travel Services, Inc.绅士旅行服务社公司
13.visiting Justices report book太平绅士探访记录簿
14."Like a gentleman?" Dick asked.迪克问:“像一个绅士?”
15.His conduct was not becoming to a gentleman.他的行为不配做个绅士
16.5. On the question of the enlightened gentry.五、关于开明绅士问题。
17.A thief passes for a gentleman, when stealing has maken him rich .偷盗而致富,盗贼当绅士
18.The gentleman offered his services.这位绅士要帮助玛丽安。

1.The Gentry and Locality——the Perspective of the case,the gentry,Wangxitong from Henan;绅士与地方——以河南士绅王锡彤为个案的透视
2.The gentry class was a social group betwwen the officials ansd the common people,who played a particular role in both the urban and the rural society in the Qing Dynasty.绅士阶层在清代地方城乡社会中具有特殊的作用,是一个游离于官民之间的社会集团。
3.The officials and gentry gather govern is the Chinese local administration habit.19世纪中期以前,清代绅士一般不担任地方政府职务,他们只是给州县官提供咨询,进行协助,州县官掌握着对基层社会的主控权;咸丰初年,在太平天国迅猛发展的情况下,清政府在全国大规模地兴办团练。
1.The Research on Gentlemen and Political Integration in Late Qing Dynasty of China:Along the Path of the Political Integration Mode of Knowledge Trending to Power;晚清绅士与政治整合研究:以知识权力化整合模式为路径
2.The Gentlemen and the Local Education of Hubei Province in Late Qing Dynasty;晚清湖北绅士与地方教育
1.A Study of Gentleman Morals in Jane Austen s Novels;奥斯丁小说的绅士道德观研究
2.The characteristics of a gentleman include: good education and polite manner, respect for women and high moral character.绅士在古代中国主要是指一种社会阶层。
3.Traditional gentleman had intricate links to local society and had the characteristics of dispersion,locality oriented and enterprise oriented character which bounded their horizons.传统的绅士群体与乡土有着不解之缘 ,具有分散性、地缘性和业缘性的特点 ,这些特点极大地限制了他们的视野。
5)Gentleman will do like a gentleman.绅士就要像绅士。
1.Relying on western scholar s argument on gentrification,it discusses some aspects on gentrification.从定义、过程、机制和趋势等方面剖析了世界城市化过程中的绅士化现象 ,分析了北京的旧城改造现象及其与西方绅士化现象的差异。
2.After the tide of suburbanization, the cities of western countries began to encounter the new problem of gentrification: the displacement of low-incomes by the high-incomes and renewal of the ruined neighborhoods in inner cities.本文从对西方绅士化的回顾和反思中认识到,中产阶级对于和谐沟通氛围的追求损害了低收入居民的利益,从而引发笔者提出“沟通空间”概念,并对国内大城市沟通空间的现状进行了总结。
3.The term‘gentrification’refers to the phenomenon whereby the middle class move into formerly deterioted central city neighborhoods, thereby causing the upgrading of physical and commercial environment, while at the same time displacing former lower-income residents, due to rising housing and other living costs.“绅士化”一词的基本含义是指:中产阶级迁至中心城市衰败街区居住,导致街区居民的社会经济地位不断提升、街区物质景观和商业环境也得到了逐步改善,与此同时,房产价格和各项生活费用的相应上涨造成了原住居民的被迫迁居。
