1.Cohabitation in Two Different Times;两个时代的“同居生活”——借《伤逝》反观《生活边缘》

1.Clan and Cohabitation in Han Dynasty--Interpretation of “Tongju”in the Royal Order in the First Year of Emperor Han Hui Says汉代的家族与同居——汉惠帝诏“同居”解
2.The state of being a concubine.非法同居非法同居的状态
3.Cohabitation without legal marriage.非法同居没有合法婚姻关系的同居
4.He believes it is a sin for two people to live together without being married.他认为未婚同居是罪孽。
5.Jim and Mary sleep together before they were married.吉姆和玛丽婚前同居了。
6.They're only probationary cohabs.他们只是试婚同居者。
7.I hear that Janc and Bill are living together.我听说珍妮和比尔同居
8.They were cohabiting for three years before their marriage.他们同居了三年才结婚.
9."We lived near together on a lane in Ch'ang-kan, Both of us young and happy-hearted."同居长干里, 两小无嫌猜。
10.(esp of a couple)live together although not married(尤指情侣)未婚而同居
11.There was no discrimination between homosexual and heterosexual cohabiting couples as far as the tax regime was concerned.就税收体制而言,不存在同性同居夫妇和异性同居夫妇之间的歧视。
12.marry or cohabit with a person of another race.结婚或者与不同种族的人同居
13.In an area where people of a minority nationality live in concentrated communities or where a number of nationalities live together在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区
14.The idea of your going to sleep with him! Aren't you feel ashamed of yourself?太不象话了,你居然要与他同居!你不学得害臊吗?
15.A resident of a dwelling that houses a number of occupants, especially a person confined to an institution, such as a prison or hospital.同居者指同居一室的多位居住者中的一位,尤指住在同一机构的人,如狱犯或医院中
16.But those who live together before marriage are more likely to divorce.但是那些婚前同居的人更有可能离婚。
17.Her new house is certainly out of the ordinary.她的新居真是不同凡响.
18.We are on good terms with our neighbours.我们同邻居的关系很好。

different population不同居群
1.OBJECTIVE To compare the quality of different populations of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.目的同时比较不同居群半夏在南、北方种植的质量,为半夏的选育和引种栽培提供理论依据。
3)homogeneity of habitation同质聚居
1.A ccording to appearance of the problem of habitation Polarization in Changchun, the paper analysed and inquired into the appearance、present situation、measures of Homogeneity of habitation for promoting social stratum fusion, so as to create favorable habitation conditions through making joint efforts in physical planning、economy、politics、culture、custom、laws and so on.针对长春市住宅市场上的“居住分异”问题的大量出现,本文以促进“阶层融合”的思想,对“同质聚居”现象的产生、现状、措施加以分析和探讨,期望通过规划师的物质规划, 结合经济、政治、文化、习俗、法律等人士共同努力,真正为住户创造舒适的生活环境。
4)short-term cohabitation短期同居
1.Method Propagation fashion of short term cohabitation hybridization was adopted for making large scale production of hamsters Result The short-term cohabitation hybridization had characteristics of high rates in survive, pregnancy, production per hamster and utilization as comp.方法:采取短期同居配种的繁殖方式进行试验和大规模生产。
5)cohabiting time同居时间
1.To study the effect of primiparous/multiparous and cohabiting hours(12 h, 24 h, 48 h) on caesarean birth success rate,283 2-month-old female NIH mice, were divided into six groups after calculating the gestational period in female mice,the results showed that the caesarean birth NIH mice with 24 h cohabiting time had higher survival rate in the operation on the 20th day.采用2月龄NIH雌鼠283只,测算雌鼠妊娠期后,分为6组,研究经产/初产和同居时间(12,24,48h)两种因素对NIH小鼠受孕率和剖腹产成活率的影响。
6)contact transmission同居感染
1.Lack of contact transmission of recombinant fowlpox virus vaccine between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated chickens;抗鸡传染性喉气管炎重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗同居感染试验

同居【同居】 (界名)凡圣同居土之略称,(参见:四土)