1.Historical Body:On Merleau-Ponty s theory of "others";历史的身体——梅洛-庞蒂对他人问题的解答
2.However, if we examine it from the self-others coordination, we could regard it as a systematical functions on multiple brain areas.从自我与他人协调的角度看,可认为它是一个由多脑区有机组织而成的系统。
3.The manner that they dealt with the relationship between individual and collectivity, between selfhood and others has some significant value of instruction and edification.他们关于个人与群体、自我与他人之间关系的态度对我们今天调整和处理人际关系仍具有一定的借鉴价值和启迪意义。

1.One who betrays or deserts another.出卖他人者,抛弃他人
2.One that owes something to another.债务人欠他人某物的人
3.Person who help another to commit a crime or who commit a crime with another person帮助他人犯罪或同他人一道犯罪的人
4.He projects his hostility onto others.他对他人满怀敌意。
5.He lags the others in the race.他在竞赛中落后于他人
6.Everybody ragged him about his girlfriend.人人拿他女朋友之事他。
7.His praises redound upon himself.他称赞人,人也称赞他。
8."He'll slaughter pigs - and men too . . . .“他宰猪——宰人?”
9.Nobody paid any attention to him.没人理他。(没人注意他。没人听他说话。)
10.He's not everybody's money.他不是人人都欢迎的人。 。
11.He was such a selfless man that everybody respected him.他是一个大公无私的人,人人都尊重他。
12.He thinks he is superior to others.他觉得他比别人优越。
13.They were dear to him.他们是他心爱的人。
14.He is cruellest to those he loves most.他对他最爱的人最残忍。
15.He hated being flattered.他讨厌别人奉承他。
16.He managed to repel his enemy.他设法驱逐他的敌人。
17.He cursed the man who stepped on his toes.他咒骂踩着他脚趾的人。
18.He dreamed that he was a rich man.他梦见他是一个富人。

The Other他人
1.Heidegger represents his attention to the question of being-there and the other in the life-world,by analyzing the concepts of care,the other,das-man,falling,anxiety,death,and conscience in his classical philosophy work Being and Time.在《存在与时间》一书中,海德格尔通过对操心、他人、沉沦、畏、死亡以及良知等概念的分析,表现出了他对生活世界中自我与他人问题的关注,其关注这一问题的目的——就是为了在生活世界中探讨走向本真的存在的道路,为人类从沉沦中返真,超越沉沦状态寻找出路,以实现生活世界中自我与他人之间的自由、和谐。
2.In his writings, Bellow always takes the individual self as the center of his narration, portraying the concept of “self” through a dialectic variation of narrative unity between the past, present and the other selves.在他的作品中,贝娄将人物的自我作为叙述的中心,在自我、故我与他人的对立统一中塑造自我。
1.To illustrate the relationship between the content of reminiscing and the ability of reasoning others mental state,74 children of 3-to 4-year-old were asked to talk about their experience and complete a set of theory of mind tasks.让74名3~4岁儿童讲述自己的过去经历,并考察其语言能力和心理理论,探讨儿童回忆叙述的内容是否与推理他人心理状态的能力有关。
2.The "autre/other" theory is the core of the thoughts of Emmanuel Levinas, the famous French philosopher in 20th century.勒维纳斯凭借深厚的现象学功底,又从犹太思想找到立言依据,从现象学出发最终又超越了现象学,通过反思现象学的他人学说,形成了对他者问题的独特理解。
3.Previous research has shown that talking about others in reminiscence facilitates the development of Theory of Mind(ToM)in 4-year-old Chinese preschoolers.从观点采择的角度考察儿童对他人记忆的评判及其与错误信念理解的关系。
5)the relationship between one himself and the others人与他人
6)individual and other people个人与他人
