1.Then I put forward my own view and opinion,and point out how to exercise the preferential right to indemnification of the Article 286 of contract law correctly.分析了学术界关于《合同法》第286条的三种观点,并提出了自己的看法与见解,最后指出了如何正确行使《合同法》第286条规定的优先受偿权。
2.Because of the ineffectiveness and imperfection of China s legislation,disputes often occur in the exercise of purchasing priority in judicial practice.由于我国立法上未形成一个有效体系,存在不完备之处,使司法实践中对于优先购买权的行使问题极易发生纠纷,文章就此问题进行探讨。
3.After he gets it under substantive law, the insurer can exercise this right by an action at law if he wants to be indemnified.保险人为维护自己的利益,在满足实体法规定的条件取得代位求偿权后,可以通过诉讼的途径行使该项权利。

1."""performance"", in relation to a function, includes discharge and exercise;"“执行”(performance),就职能而言,包括履行及行使
2.He was rejuvenated by his trip.旅行使他恢复了活力。
3.This trip has afforded great satisfaction to me.这次旅行使我很满意。
4.attaching creditor行使扣押权的债权人
5.a meter that shows mileage traversed.显示行使英里数的表。
6.She was encumbered with large parcels.大件行李使她行动不便。
7.To speak in or use jargon.用行话说或使用行话
8.an act that makes a previous act of no effect (as if not done).使前一行动无效的行为。
9.Principle of walk training and walk inside parallel bars步行训练原则和使用平行杠步行训练
10.To execute or cause to execute a countermarch.进行或使进行反方向行进
11.To cause(another) to behave like an animal.使动物化,使野兽般残忍使(某人)行为象动物一样
12.Her conduct is a mystery to me.她的行为使我莫名其妙。
13.When the heart of this star-crossed voyager使那披星戴月的行者
14.To strangle in order to rob.扼死使人窒息以行劫
15.His behaviour did nothing to put her at her ease.他的行为无法使她安心。
16.His conduct reflects on his parents.他的行为使他父母丢脸。
17.Your behaviour will disparage the whole family.你的行为将使全家丢脸。
18.Your actions disgraced the family.你的行为使全家丢脸。

1.To solve the increasing problems in practice,we should make concrete perfection from enforcement terms, procedure, clanda etc of the privileged allocation to stockholders and make their effectiveness more suitable.我国《公司法》对有限责任公司股东优先购买权的规定比较简单,面对实践中日益增多的问题, 应该从股东优先购买权的行使条件、程序、效力等多方面作出具体的完善,使之更具可操作性,也更加适用。
2.There are three ways of enforcement of maritime liens.船舶优先权的行使方式有三种 :扣船行使、卖船行使、参与分配行使
5)exercise period行使期;行使时限
6)To make parallel; line up.使平行使平行;使准直

行使1.古称使臣。 2.执行;使用。