1.Comparing and Studying on the Criminal Non-prosecution System;刑事不起诉制度的比较研究
2.The present restraint mechanism of non-prosecution emphasize particularly on inner exam and ex post facto restriction.我国现行的不起诉制约机制主要侧重于内部审批和事后制约,缺乏中立性、公开性和当事各方的参与性,外部制约效果不明显。
3.Under the influence of judicial democracy,Inquest of Prosecution System was set up in Japanese after the World War Ⅱ,to restrict the abuse of non-prosecution.日本的检察审查会是在二战后司法民主潮流的影响下,为制约检察官滥用不起诉处分制定的一项制度,自建立以来,对救济民众权利,制约滥用不起诉处分发挥着重要作用。

1.If action is not taken within the prescribed tome, prosecution can never be taken.如果在规定时间不起诉,就不能再诉了。
2.Analysis About Improvement Of Relative No Plo System Based On Probation Of Prosecution;论相对不起诉制度的完善——以暂缓起诉为补充
3.On the position and procedural value of criminal non-prosecution system;略论刑事不起诉制度法律地位及诉讼价值
4.On System of Non-prosecutor by Free Evaluation in Criminal Suit of Our Country关于我国刑事诉讼中不起诉制度的思考
5.You can't shield this criminal from prosecution.你不能包庇该罪犯而不起诉他.
6.New Discussion on State Compensation of Nol Pros for Insufficiency of Evidence;证据不足不起诉的国家赔偿问题新论
7.The Research on the Issue of Criminal Compensation in Nol Pros for Insufficiency of Evidence;证据不足不起诉的刑事赔偿问题研究
8.On the Operation,Strengthening and Improvement of Non-Prosecution Work--A Survey on the Work of Non-Prosecution in Beijing;不起诉的实践运作、加强与改进——关于对北京市不起诉工作的调查
9.Study Sphere of Application about the Criminal Non Prosecution System as well as the Deferred Prosecution;刑事相对不起诉制度与暂缓起诉制度适用范围关系研究
10.Discretionary Principle of Prosecution --And Some Views About the Complement and Perfection of the Restrictive Mechanism of Non-prosecution System;起诉法定原则与起诉裁量原则——兼论对我国不起诉制度制约机制的补充与完善
11.I was obliged to begin a prosecution in form.我不得不正式起诉。
12.Pactum ne depositi agatur不提起寄托之诉简约
13.He was compelled to bring this action.他是不得已而起诉的。
14.One that persistently instigates lawsuits.诉讼挑唆者不断挑唆起诉讼案的人
15.Complaint or action which is not bring for a serious reason.不是为严肃的理由进行的起诉或诉讼。
16.Complaint or action which be not bring for a serious reason不是为严肃的理由进行的起诉或诉讼
17.Where an action is started within the limitation for which no suit is allowed according to law, it shall not be accepted,依照法律规定,在一定期限内不得起诉的案件,在不得起诉的期限内起诉的,不予受理,
18.Lawsuit rejected and claim overruled are two different concepts.驳回起诉和驳回诉讼请求是两个不同的概念。

1.The system of nonprosecution does not bear the the publicness, neutrality and participation of the parties in action when trial is conducted, though it has the effect of the termination of the lawsuit.不起诉制度具有终止诉讼的效力,但不具备审判的公开性、中立性和当事人的参与性。
2.By studying and comparing the nonprosecution in UK,France,Germany,USA.不起诉制度是世界各国司法机关面临着一方面犯罪数量居高不下、犯罪种类增加,而另一方面传统的诉讼程序繁琐,效率低下这一难题时所做出的共同选择,也是程序分流的重要存在形式。
3.The accord of nonprosecution happens frequently in our social life, because of the deficiency of the legislations and the insufficiency of the theoretical study, there are many problems in our practice and it is difficult to unify the opinions.不起诉合意是现实社会生活中大量存在的现象 ,由于立法的欠缺和理论研究的不足 ,实践中存在诸多问题 ,意见难以统一。
3)Nol Pros不起诉
1.Research on Several Issues on the Reform of Criminal Nol Pros System;刑事不起诉制度改革若干问题研究
2.The Research on the Issue of Criminal Compensation in Nol Pros for Insufficiency of Evidence;证据不足不起诉的刑事赔偿问题研究
4)undergraduate exempt from prosecution for now暂不起诉
1.After the procuratorate of Pukou District in Nanjing city announced the precautionary and implementary opinions about undergraduate crime,which is socalled"undergraduate exempt from prosecution for now",it gives an impact to society at once.南京市浦口区检察院推出大学生犯罪暂不起诉的规定在社会上引起轩然大波。
5)rate of non-prosecution不起诉率
1.However,in our country\'s judicial practice,procuratorial organs seldom employ the non-prosecution right and the rate of non-prosecution is also too low.但在我国的司法实践中,检察机关对不起诉权运用很少,不起诉率过低。
6)non-prosecution system不起诉制度
1.On Value Target of non-prosecution system and its Estimations;不起诉制度价值追求及其评价
2.This article leads the perspective and knowledge of "relative rationalism”into the study of non-prosecution system.本文将“相对合理主义”的视角和知识体系引入到不起诉制度研究中,以相对合理主义为视角体察、解读、反思及梳理我国不起诉制度的基础理论、制度运作现状和发展路径,进而将正当程序与我国特定的社会文化因素相融合,并探寻适合我国不起诉制度改良的制度变迁路径。
