1.The research identified that in a state with a low remand rate,bail support projects were well resourced and had a high profile among key decision-makers.本研究表明在一个关押率低的州,保释金支持项目能够分配到足够的资源,并以一种高姿态对待那些主要的决定者,这说明在司法系统审讯前和宣判阶段,对社区矫正的投资能够降低关押的财政和社会成本,社区矫正项目同时还有能力提升犯罪司法系统的有效性。
2.As far as the procedural design of the relatively complete bailing system of our country s system of guaranteed pending trial is concerned,it lacks the human rights safeguard principle and is embodied as authority chauvinism in its legislation spirit.我国的取保候审制度相较成熟的域外保释制度从程序设计来看,缺乏人权保障原则,在立法思想上仍体现为“权力本位”;从法条表述而言,适用对象上具有“职权型”和“核准主义”的特征;且法律法规解释存在表述不规范、法条之间不和谐之处。
3.The bail is an important procedural right of an arrestee or a detainee in the criminal procedure of Anglo-American law system.在英美法国家的刑事诉讼中,保释是被逮捕人或者被羁押人的一项重要诉讼权利,其理论基础是无罪推定原则,它蕴含着人权保护价值、诉讼经济价值以及诉讼效益价值;我国取保候审制度是一项强制措施而非被羁押或被逮捕对象的权利,其理论基础究其实质仍然是有罪推定,它体现了重权力轻权利、重人治轻法治、重集权轻分权、重集体轻个体、重实体轻程序的国家主义诉讼观。

1.To hold on bail or place under bond.保释支持保释或以保证书保释
2.go/stand bail(for sb);give bail(to secure sb's freedom)交保释金(保释某人).
3.accept [allow, take] bail准予保释 [交保]
4.The robber was released on bail.该俿犯交保释金后获释.
5.(law)The robber was released on bail.该犯交保释金后获释.
6.fink on sb.to get a parole(用)告密获得保释
7.Recognizance of Bail of Appellant上诉人的保释担保书
8.admit a person to bail准许某人保释 [交保]
9.The process of providing bail for an accused person.保释为被告提供保释的过程
10.perfect as bail保释人宣誓有能力缴纳全部保释
11.payment make to a court to release an arrest person保释金,为释放某被捕人向法院交的钱
12.In China,no criminals can be released on bail.在中国,没有罪犯可以交保释金而获释.
13.He was granted bail on his own recognizance of $1,000.他自己付了1000美元的保释金后获释。
14.A sum of money paid as bail or surety.保证金用作保释金或保证金的钱
15.She was released on bail of $1000.她付了一千元后被保释
16.The lady offered to bail him out这位女士愿保释他。
17.They're out on bail.他们已经保释出来。
18.The lawyer bailed the prisoner out of jail.律师保释犯人出狱。

3)recognizance of bail保释担保
4)bail bond保释保证书
5)bail bond保释担保书
