1.On the Poverty Aroused by the Unemployment in China from 1920s to 1930s论20世纪二三十年代中国失业引发的贫穷问题
2.It has,for years,been noticed that poverty is associated with diseases,that is the incidence of infectious diseases is high in poor and underdeveloped countries and regions.多年来人们就注意到贫穷与疾病有关,即在贫穷落后的国家或地区传染病发病率高。
3.Although it is Ethan Frome s own character flaw that makes his tragic life,the harsh environment should also be responsible,especially poverty and isolation.本文从贫穷及个体孤独两方面探讨了美国现实主义作家伊迪丝·华顿如何利用自然环境为表现形式决定了《伊坦·弗洛美》中主人公的悲剧命运。

1.Being in need;impoverished.贫穷的贫困的,极穷的
2.The contented man is never poor,“知足者永不贫穷
3.He was born poor and died poor.他生亦穷来死亦穷(他一生贫穷)。
4.When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.贫穷进门来,爱情越窗飞
5.Inter-agency Working Group on Poverty Eliminatio机构间消除贫穷工作组
6.Interagency Working Group on Poverty Issues机构间贫穷问题工作组
7.She lived in sore poverty.她过着极度贫穷的生活。
8.She is ground down by poverty and loneliness她受贫穷和孤独的折磨。
9.Rogged clothing infers poverty.破烂的衣服暗示贫穷
10.Poverty inured the beggar to hardships贫穷使那乞丐苦惯了。
11.Poverty is the reward of idleness贫穷是游手好闲的报应
12.Can the government eliminate poverty?政府能消除贫穷吗?
13.His clothes argue poverty.他的衣服表明他贫穷
14.Poverty and love are hard to hide.贫穷藏不住,爱情要表露。
15.Poverty Eradication, Employment and Youth Branch消除贫穷、就业和青年处
16.He waged a long war against poverty.他对贫穷作长期的挑战。
17.The scar of poverty have leave their mark.贫穷的创伤留下了印记。
18.Poverty had left its mark.贫穷已留下深深的印记。

3)Extreme poverty;penury.赤贫极度贫穷;贫
4)getting rid of poverty摆脱贫穷
5)impoverished county贫穷县
6)ralatively poverty相对贫穷

贫穷【贫穷】  贫穷者,谓因前世盗他财物,令彼空乏,故感今生自亦贫穷也。