1.Comparative study on the civil compensation liability of arbitrator;仲裁员的民事赔偿责任之比较研究

1.Arbitrators' Symposium of the London Court of International Arbitration伦敦国际仲裁法庭仲裁员专题讨论会
2.Maritime Arbitration Rules of American Maritime Arbitrator Associatio美国海事仲裁员协会海事仲裁规则
3.When the arbitration tribunal cannot attain a majority opinion, the arbitral award shall be decided in accordance with the presiding arbitrator's opinion.仲裁庭不能形成多数意见时,仲裁裁决依首席仲裁员的意见作出。
4.independent and impartial arbitrator独立和公正的仲裁员
5.The present Code of Conduct is a set of moral standards for arbitrators, which is not a component part of the Arbitration Rules of the Beijing Arbitration Commission( hereinafter referred to as the Arbitration Rules).本守则属于仲裁员道德准则,不是《北京仲裁委员会仲裁规则》(下简称《仲裁规则》)组成部分。
6.We think the arbitration court shall consist of arbitrator from a third country.我们认为仲裁庭应由第三国的仲裁员组成。
7.The Criticism of Arbitrator’s Legal Responsibility仲裁员法律责任之检讨(上)——兼评“枉法仲裁罪”
8.Legal Responsibilities of an Arbitrator in Internaltional Commercial Arbitrations;国际商事仲裁中仲裁员的法律责任研究
9.Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the PRC中国对外贸易仲裁委员会(仲裁委员会)
10.Arbitration commissions are members of the China Arbitration Association.仲裁委员会是中国仲裁协会的会员。
11.Arbitration Rules of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则
12.On Arbitrator’s Power to Make Punitive Arbitral Awards论仲裁庭(员)作出惩罚性仲裁裁决的权力
13.A ruling or decision of an umpire.仲裁裁判员的裁定或决定
14.UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules贸易法委员会仲裁规则
15.The Arbitration Commission is located in Beijing.仲裁委员会设在北京。
16.Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission美洲商事仲裁委员会
17.FTAC(Foreign Tre Arbitration Commission)对外贸易仲裁委员会
18.China Maritime Arbitration Commission中国海事仲裁委员会

1.New Exploration on Procedure Construction of Appointment of the Arbitrators;仲裁员委任程序问题新探
2.All common law countries adopt traditionally the rule of absolute immunity of arbitrators civil liabilities,and some people in our country also argue that arbitrators be granted absolute immunity of civil liabilities.普通法系国家传统上都奉行仲裁员民事责任绝对豁免制度,我国故有人主张仲裁员民事责任绝对豁免权。
3)truncated arbitration缺员仲裁
1.During the arbitration proceedings,the question of truncated arbitration sometimes occurs.在仲裁程序进行中,有时会出现缺员仲裁的问题。
2.At present,the emerging problem of truncated arbitration in the international commercial arbitration practice has given rise to a hot debate among scholars and practitioners,this article begins with the reality of truncated arbitration,contends that in the sight of arbitration\'s merit and the minimum due process doctrine,truncated arbitration should allowed to be one of the options.现阶段,国际商事仲裁实践中出现的缺员仲裁的现象引起了学者和实务工作者的热烈的讨论。
5)deficiency of arbitrator仲裁员缺员
6)Arbitrator's Qualification仲裁员资格

商事仲裁员的道德准则商事仲裁员的道德准则 商事仲裁员的道德准则美国仲裁协会和律师协会基于对公众利益的保护,维护等质量的仲裁和公众对其一贯的信任,为仲裁员制定的普遍可以接受的道德规范。该准则不限于在上述二个机构内使用,是所有从事商事仲裁的人员的行为指导。根据当事人协议或适用的仲裁法任命的一个或数个仲裁员,在裁决当事人提交的争议、请求的各个阶段,都要遵守该准则。但是当事人可以在协议、双方同意的仲裁规则、准据法中规定仲裁员的行为标准,准则不能替代。主要内容如下:①仲裁员应当坚持仲裁的正义和公平。为使公众对此有信心,他应该清楚地认识自己对公众、需要明确权利的当事人及所有参与仲裁的其他人承担的责任。②仲裁员应该披露可能影响公正或者会产生明显偏见的任何利益或关系。③仲裁员应避免不适当地与当事人通话。除非仲裁规则或仲裁协议另有规定,仲裁员与一方当事人的任何口头或书面的谈话都应告知另一方。④仲裁员进行仲裁程序时应努力做到公正,克尽职责。⑤仲裁员应以公正、独立、审慎态度做裁决。⑧仲裁员应.T.于与当事人间的信托关系,为当事人保密,而不应利用仲裁过程中获得的秘密谋取个人或他人的好处,或者严重地损害另一方的利益。