1.The Application of Principle of Trust in Medical Negligence;信赖原则在医疗过失中的运用
2.Probing Contributory Negligence in Tort Law;论侵权法上的过失相抵制度

1.A minor offense or misdeed.过失过失或不良行为
2.irremediable faults不可补救的过失[损失]
3.The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.种种过失中最大的过失,就在于不认识过失
4.involuntary homicide【律】过失杀人(罪)
5.homicide [ death ] by misadventure【律】过失杀害, 误杀
6.involuntary manslaughter【法律】过失杀人 (罪)
7.Negligence is based on a theory of fault. Every individual has a duty to behave in a reasonable manner toward others.过失以过错理论为基
8.Intent,Negligence and Recklessness in Tort Law;侵权行为法上的故意、过失及重大过失
9.(VI) Those whose blunder causes fire but has not resulted in heavy losses.(六)过失引起火灾,尚未造成严重损失的。
10.Failure in a great enterprise is at least a noble fault.伟大事业中的失败至少是高尚的过失
11.The Study on the Pure Economic Loss Caused by the Negligent Act and on It's Typification过失导致的纯经济损失及类型化研究
12.a ghastly error, mess, mistake, etc极大的过失、 混乱、 错误等
13.point out the mistakes or faults of(sb)指出(某人)的错误或过失
14.by misadventure因意外事故, 因过失
15.He is quick at spying his neighbors faults.他敏于发现邻居的过失
16.They charged the fault on him.他们把过失归咎于他。
17.turn away from sin or do penitence.厌恶过失或者作悔罪。
18.It's better to err on the side of tolerance when dealing with young offenders.对待失足的青少年宁可失之过宽.

1.Confirmation of Fault on Tort Liability of Medical Malpractice;论医疗事故侵权责任中过失的认定
2.Based on deciding the two vessels were in "crossing or overtaking" situation before collision, This paper analyses the fault and legal liability of both parties in the collision accident and thus determines the major party to be liable for the accident.围绕“究竟是交叉还是追越”,对该起船舶碰撞事故进行了分析,并就该事故双方的过失行为以及应承担的法律责任作了剖析,确定了事故的主要责任方。
3.Based on the philosophy causality and civil law causality,this paper analyses and concludes all kinds of theories about causality,and studies the causality between collision faults and damage facts.以哲学因果关系和民法因果关系为基础,分析和归纳了关于因果关系的各种学说,初步探讨了船舶碰撞过失与损害的因果关系,根据衡量两船间危险度的指标DCPA和TCPA,提出了确定过失与损害事实因果关系的原则,即凡是导致两船DCPA和TCPA减小的过失均是碰撞的原因与碰撞存在的因果关系。
3)defect[英][di'fekt][美]['di,f?kt, d?'f?kt]过失
1.Guarding against nursing disputes due to nursing defects by legal thought;用法律思维防范护理过失纠纷
2.Whether actor\'s behavior materially and obviously leads to the increase of legal interest risk should be taken into consideration in order to judge the existence of defect.行为人违反注意义务的行为,导致了损害的发生,但是,就当时的情况而言,即使其认真履行注意义务,结果也可能难以避免,能否追究行为人的过失责任,根据条件说,应当肯定因果关系的存在;应当考虑行为人的行为是否可能实质地、明显地导致法益危险增加,来判断过失是否存在,进而确定是按照环境监管失职犯罪处理,还是根据不可抗力认定为无罪。
3.And then, a defect will be happened.正确良好的思维方式能使疾病获得及时正确诊断与治疗,而错误不当的思维方式则会导致疾病诊断的贻误及治疗的错误,是临床医生发生医疗过失行为的重要原因。
6)faulty of fraction过失性失分
1.It is an old difficult question in education of biology that biology language of student doesn t be expressed accurately, increasing the faulty of fraction.这在各类测试中增大了过失性失分。

过失过失  【过失】民法和刑法中的过失有不同的含义。在民法中,过失是过错的一种形式。指应当注意、能够注意却没有注意的状态。按注意的程度,可分为重过失和轻过失。重过失是指明显地欠缺一般人的注意,而轻过失则分为抽象轻过失和具体轻过失。抽象轻过失是指缺少像那种有相当知识、经验和诚实的人处理事务时的注意和谨慎,轻过失是指欠缺像处理自己事务一样的注意。刑法中的过失则是指犯罪时的一种主观心理状态,有疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失。