1.Administrative public welfare lawsuit plaintiff suitable standard analyzes——To administrative proceedings in plaintiff suitable standard theory under new situation near correlation question ponder;行政公益诉讼中原告适格标准的分析——对行政诉讼中原告适格理论在新形势下面临相关问题的思考
2.A Study on the Plaintiff of Shareholder s Representative Suit;股东代表诉讼的原告制度研究
3.At present,the two-tier trial survives in name only in our administration litigation,and it enormously threatens the plaintiff s legal rights and interests because of the serious administrative attachment tendency between two levels of courts and the deflection to written trial style in secondary trial procedures.在我国当前的行政诉讼中,两审终审制形同虚设,这极大地威胁着原告的合法权益,因为上下级法院之间严重的行政依附倾向和二审程序对书面审理方式的偏好使原告通过行使上诉权获得第二次公正审判的权利无形中被剥夺了。

1.The accused was confronted with his accusers那个被告传和原告对质。
2.The plaintiff accused the defendant of fraud.原告指控被告欺诈。
3.The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him.原告控诉被告欺诈他。
4.rejoinder to the defence(原告)对被告抗辩的答辩
5.The judge brought the accused face to face with the accuser.法官使被告与原告对质。
6.The accused was confronted with his accuser.被告被传和原告对质。
7.The judge confronted the accused with his accuser.法官让被告和原告对质。
8.The court decided that the defendant should pay the plaintiff 468,314.4 yuan in compensation.判决被告赔偿原告468314.4元。
9.civil complaint民事投诉 -原告
10.Counsel for the prosecution now said:于是,原告律师说:
11.The prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud.原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。
12.To respond to a defendant's plea.(原告对被告)答辩对被告的抗辩进行答辩
13.non prosequiturph.1. 【律】原告缺席判决
14.awarded damages to the plaintiff.判给原告损害赔偿金。
15.Who appeared for the plaintiff?谁为原告出庭辩护?
16.judgement against the plaintiff判定原告败诉的判决
17.Judgment was given against the plaintiff.作出原告败诉的裁决。
18.The judge decided for/against the plaintiff.法官判决原告胜诉[败诉].

original plaintiff原始原告
1.The establishment of original plaintiff qualification transfer system in administrative litigation is to protect the legal rights of original plaintiff and legal rights of succeeding plaintiff related to original plaintiff.行政诉讼原告资格转移制度的设立,是为了保护原始原告的合法权利和与原始原告有直接利害关系的承继原告的合法权利。
2.In administrative litigation, the plaintiff s qualification transfer system aims to protect the legal rights of original plaintiff and legal rights of the succeeding plaintiff with direct interests of original plaintiff. 行政诉讼原告资格转移制度所保护的是原始原告的合法权利和与原始原告有直接利害关系的承继原告的合法权利。
3)the plaintiff versus the defendant原告对被告
4)the principle of "plaintiff accommodated to defendant"原告就被告原则
5)qualification of plaintiff原告资格
1.However, in the traditional theory, because concept of plaintiff qualification in administrative litigation is not distinguished clearly and the meaning is not defined correctly, qualification of plaintiff in administrative litigation and right of administrative litigation, condition for acceptance or suitability of plaintiff are mixed up, which causes mess to research on plai.行政诉讼原告资格是行政诉讼原告理论中一个十分重要的问题。
2.However, in the traditional theory, because concept of plaintiff qualification in administrative litigation is not distinguished clearly and the meaning is not defined correctly, qualification of plaintiff in administrative litigation and right of administrative litigation, condition for acceptance or suitability of plaintiff are mixed up, which causes mess to research on plaintiff qualification.行政诉讼中的原告资格是行政诉讼理论中最基本的问题。
6)the principles of reporting报告原则
