1.On Walker s applying and revising of archetypal rape in The Color Purple;论《紫色》中强奸原型的运用及改写
2.108 rape cases were analyzed and ele -meats related to the crime were investigated.本文通过对108例强奸案件的分析,从法医学角度探讨了与强奸犯罪相关的一些因素,并提出:加害人与被害人自身素质与强奸案件的发生有关;法医学证据在强奸案件中具有不可替代的作用;及时报案能获取更多的法医学物证;研究犯罪动机有助于预防和减少强奸案件。

1.statutory rape【律】强奸幼女(罪)
2.One who commits the crime of rape.强奸犯犯下强奸罪行的人
3.rape several women or have sexual relations with several girls强奸妇女、奸淫幼女多人的
4.rape a woman or have sexual relations with a girl and when the circumstances are odious强奸妇女、奸淫幼女情节恶劣的
5.Rape or Seduction--A Re-exploration of Tess's Initiation强奸抑或诱奸——再探苔丝的失身问题
6.There is mention of capital penalties for rape.对强奸有死刑的规定。
7.She brought a charge of violation against him她指控他犯强奸罪。
8.The girl was violated by her attacker暴徒强奸了这位姑娘。
9.He was sent to prison for rape.他因强奸罪而入狱。
10.someone who is suspected of committing rape.被怀疑犯了强奸罪的人。
11.murder, rape victims谋杀案、 强奸案的受害人
12.rape within marriage婚姻关系中的强奸行为
13.He attempts to rape the heroine.他想去强奸女主人公。
14.Is rape on the increase?强奸案是否越来越多了?
15.Rape in the Marriage Shall be Criminalization: A Constitutional Review;婚内强奸应当犯罪化——从宪法学角度评婚内强奸
16.Whoever has sexual relations with a girl under the age of 14 is to be deemed to have committed rape and is to be given a heavier punishment.奸淫不满十四周岁的幼女的,以强奸论,从重处罚
17.To force(another person)to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse;commit rape on.强奸强迫(某人)与之进行性行为,特别是性交;对…实行强奸
18.Page cases continue to be the issue of much controversy in the media.强奸案依然是传媒界有争议的问题。

rape offender强奸案件
1.Objective To explore potential application of Diminished Criminal Responsibility Rating Scale(DCRRS) on rape offenders.目的探讨《精神病人限定责任能力评定量表》在强奸案件中的运用。
1.Comparison of genotype frequencies of 13 STR loci between rapists and guiltless people;STR基因座基因频率在强奸犯和正常人群间分布的比较
4)acquaintance rape熟人强奸
1.This paper intends to interpret the essence of sex violence occurring in intimate relationships so that the readers are better aware of "intimacy violence" and "acquaintance rape".透过对两性间亲密关系下的性暴力的本质解读,使读者正确认识和了解“亲密暴力”、“熟人强奸”等犯罪问题,并在此基础上,对西方国家针对此类问题的一些有效预防措施和相关政策作简要介绍,为我国的立法机关、司法机关和执法机关,特别是广大的妇女们提供借鉴意见,从而实现真正意义上的强奸预防以及公民安全。
5)sequelae of being raped强奸效应
6)preventative measure against rape强奸预防
