1.Deficiency and Perfection of the Cross-examination System in the Court s Trial Course in China;我国庭审过程中交叉询问制度的不足与完善
2.On the Art of Cross-Examination;试论交叉询问艺术——兼谈刑辩律师的基本功
3.A Study on Questioner s Reformulation in Chinese Adversarial Courtroom Cross-Examination;中国对抗制庭审交叉询问阶段问话人重述现象研究

1.On Cross-examination in China Criminal procedure;试论我国刑事诉讼中的交叉询问制度
2.On the Application of Presupposition Strategy in Cross Examination试论预设策略在法庭交叉询问中的运用
3.A Study on Challenge of Testimony in Courtroom Cross-examination: From the Perspective of Conversational Implicature;从会话含义看法庭交叉询问中对证词的质疑
4.On the Cross-Enquiry Rule Applied to China;关于交叉询问制能否在我国适用的思考
5.Deficiency and Perfection of the Cross-examination System in the Court s Trial Course in China;我国庭审过程中交叉询问制度的不足与完善
6.On the Art of Cross-Examination;试论交叉询问艺术——兼谈刑辩律师的基本功
7.A Study on Pragmatic Strategies of Testimony Elicitation in Courtroom Cross-Examination法庭交叉询问中证词导出的语用策略研究
8.A Study on Questioner s Reformulation in Chinese Adversarial Courtroom Cross-Examination;中国对抗制庭审交叉询问阶段问话人重述现象研究
9.The Value of Defense in Cross-examination System and its Adoption in China;交叉询问制度的辩护价值及其在我国的借鉴分析
10.An Analysis on the Justification Value of Cross-examination System and Its Reference to China;交叉询问制度之辩护价值及其于我国之可借鉴性分析
11.Field Research of the System of Cross Examination in Criminal Proceedings刑事诉讼交叉询问制度实证研究——以我国刑事审判实践为视点
12.For lawyers who undertake the cross examination, applic ation of strategy is an effective way to elicit desirable testimony.对于进行交叉询问的律师而言,策略运用是获取理想证词的有效手段。
13.Analysis on the Defense Value of Cross-examination System and Its Reference for Our Country;交叉询问制度的辩护价值及其在我国的借鉴分析——以“辛普森谋杀案”为角度
14.Display Help on working with the crosstab query.显示有关处理交叉表查询的帮助信息
15.A Study on Pragmatic Vagueness in Cross-examination;交叉质询的语用含糊现象及功能解析
16.The Study of the Intersection Table in SQL ServerSQL Server中交叉表查询的研究
17.The number of cross-forest queries submitted by the (remote) directory services component.由(远程)目录服务组件提交的交叉林查询数。
18.When a customer inquires about a transaction,当客户询问某笔交易时,

cross examination交叉询问
3)Cross-examination System交叉询问制
1.Deficiency and Perfection of the Cross-examination System in the Court s Trial Course in China;我国庭审过程中交叉询问制度的不足与完善
4)system of Cross-Examination交叉询问制度
5)courtroom cross-examination法庭交叉询问
1.The thesis is a tentative investigation into the employment of presupposition in courtroom cross-examination by referring to the theoretical background of the study of presupposition from the perspective of pragmatics.本文采用预设理论,从语用学的角度对人们在法庭交叉询问中如何策略性地使用预设的情况进行了研究,旨在发现预设策略的实现形式,并揭示预设策略对人们在交叉询问中实现辩驳和说服目的所起的作用,揭示了其对法庭中各方为实现各自目的所做出的有利影响,并指出可以通过一些语用策略取消其不利影响。
6)Modes of cross-inquiring交叉询问方式

调查询问调查询问investigation and inquiring  diaoeha xunwen调查询I’q(investigation and inquiring)向有关人员了解作战所需情况的活动。通常由司令部组织侦察部队、分队和战斗部队、分队实施。 调查询问的内容,根据作战需要而定,通常包括敌军、地形、社会、气象、水文情况,特别是敌核、化学、生物、燃烧武器的配置地域和使用时机等情况。调查询问的对象,主要是党政机关、群众团体、游击队、居民和来往敌占区的人员、投诚者等。调查询问,组织实施简便,所获情报广泛、具体,是广泛采用的一种侦察手段。方法和要求是:调查前,熟悉有关情况,拟制调查巍瓣… 向当地群众调查询问社会情况提纲,确定重点内容,选择合适对象。调查中,严格遵守规章、制度,尊重当地风俗习惯;态度和蔼,耐心细致,向调查对象阐明有关政策、规定,消除其思想顾虑;围绕重点内容,启发诱导,尽量获取所需情报;注意保密,严防暴露企图;警惕敌反侦察,尤其在敌占区进行调查询问时,注意隐蔽身分,必要时组织警戒,防敌偷袭。调查后,及时将所获情况进行综合整理,迅速报告调查结果。(王苏鹏)