1.The Eunuchs and Buddhist temples in the Northern Wei Dynasty;北魏宦官与佛教寺院述略
2.Culture of Buddhist Temple and the Creation of Poetry in the Tang Dynasty;唐代佛教寺院文化与诗歌创作

1.One day, a monk was just worried about the shortage of meat in the temple.玄奘住的这座寺院附近有一座小乘寺。
2.So Master Sugehara named his temple "The Date Monastery".长老遂把自己住持的寺院更名为枣寺。
3.Apart form three major monasteries, there are over twenty Buddhist temples and convents.目前开放游览的除普济寺、法雨寺、慧济寺三大寺院外,尚有20余所主要的寺院庵堂。
4.Here is the remains of a temple.这儿是一所寺院的废墟。
5.the venerable ruins of a temple古色苍然的寺院遗迹
6.the hoary ruins of English abbeys古老的英国寺院的遗迹
7.The abbey was amply provisioned.寺院中食物应有尽有。
8.Putuo Monastery is actually a large mass of majestic structures.普陀山寺院、庵堂群集。
9.the remains of an abbey, of ancient Rome寺院、 古罗马的遗迹.
10.The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple.老和尚在寺院中圆寂。
11.The lama official paid an inspection visit to temples at various places and was warmly welcomed.大堪布视察各地寺院时, 受到了各寺院的欢迎。
12.Temple economy is outcome of Tibetan Buddhism temple,its production and development has direct relation with temple.寺院经济是藏传佛教寺院在藏区发展的产物。
13.T he Monastery is by the side of Amuke River,26 kilometers form the Townlf Hongyuan Country.麦洼寺:该寺位于阿木柯河乡的背后,距县城26公里,是草地藏传佛教宁玛派寺院中最大的寺院
14.Certainly. The White Horse Temple is the first temple of Chinese Buddhism.当然了解了白马寺是中国最早的一座佛教寺院
15.Research into Monks Pension Model in Tibetan Buddhist Temple--A Case Study of Kumbum Temple藏传佛教寺院僧人养老模式研究——以塔尔寺为例
16.Influence from the Temple Education of Buddhism to Academy Teaching in the Song Dynasty佛教寺院教育对宋代书院教学的影响
17.The five tomb inscriptions in Zhusheng Temple of Nanyue reflect the land shift and land rent in temples of Qing Dynasty.南岳祝圣寺有关寺院田亩捐献及田租五块碑文, 分别反映清代寺院土地转移及田租情况。
18.Song Mountain, the middle Yue, most famous for the Buddhism temple and the traditional martial arts.中岳嵩山上有多处寺院,特别是禅宗寺院少林寺的中国功夫响誉世界。

1.In “Qingming Shanghe Tu” (“The Outing at Bian River on Qingming Festival”), Zhang Zeduan depicted plenty of architectures in and out of Dongjing and the outskirt nearby, specifically like temples, official mansions, street stores, etc, which appeared during the reign of Huizong, the emperor of Northern Song Dynasty.张择端在《清明上河图》中描绘了北宋徽宗宣政前后东京城内、城郊的大量建筑形象,具体有寺院、官宅、临街店肆等。
2.According to its production and management style,it can be divided into three management modes,that is,ranch,farmland and the land around the temples.寺院土地是清代蒙古地区土地所有制形态的重要类型,也是清代蒙古寺院经济中的重要生产资料之一。
3.There were many temples and monks and there were frequent and close relationships between the government and the temples.西夏以佛教为国教,寺院林立、僧人众多,政府与僧团交往频繁、关系密切。
1.A Study on the Monastery Laborers-Shabnar during the Qing Dynasty in Mongolia;清代蒙古寺院劳动者—沙毕纳尔研究
4)printing academy of temple寺院印书院
6)temple economy寺院经济
1.Development of the temple economy: new way of the religious culture industry;发展寺院经济:宗教文化产业新思路——以江西禅宗文化产业为例
2.The temple economy follows the Chinese Buddhism to develop,as well asthe temple expands produces.寺院经济是伴随着中国佛教发展,以及寺院壮大而产生的。
3.The study of Buddhist sector economics and the historical study of temple economy have different emphases.佛教部门经济学研究与寺院经济史研究的重点不同,当代佛教这一大部门门类之内以及各细分部门之间与各内部的经济运作情况,具有“三性”,即合法性、合理性与合适性。

寺院【寺院】 (术语)寺者,僧园之总名,院者,寺内之别舍,总称曰寺院。在印度以祇园精舍为嚆矢,在支那以白马寺为滥觞。(参见:寺)