1.Information Service about Personification in Libraries;论图书馆人格化信息服务
2.The Primarily of Human Resources Management of University Teachers:The Personification Management;高校教师人力资源管理的根本点:人格化管理
3.The important function of personification in design was expounded.从设计的角度阐述了人格化在设计中的重要作用,由此分析设计中的人格化在消费中的种种表现,根据人格的差异对物品的选择性来确定消费的主导因素。

1.The act of personifying.拟人化,人格化拟人化的行为
2.To ascribe human characteristics to things not human.使人化使非人的事物人格化
3.Humanised Description in Liquor Tasting & Evaluation of Different Fragrance and Taste不同香型、不同风格白酒品评的人格化描述
4.socialization of personality人格社会化 人格社会化
5.To endow with personal qualities;personify.赋予人的性格,拟人化
6.Research on Children s Personality Bisexuality Based on Jung Theory;基于荣格理论的儿童人格双性化研究
7.Cultural Personality and Literary Quality--Taking Mengzi s Prose as the Starting Point;文化人格与文学品格——从孟子散文说起
8.Charm of teacher's personality is showed up in their students.教师道德人格素质的魅力表现为以道德人格感化人格,以道德人格感化学生。
9.Double-personality:Ideal Personality Construction of Contemporary University Students;当代大学生人格建构的理想模式——双性化人格
10.Optimization Effect of Healthy Personality Shaping Training on Soldiers' Personality健康人格塑造训练对士兵人格的优化作用
11.The society want to be modern, personality must modernize.社会要现代化,人格就必须现代化。
12.On Personality Modernization of Modernization Construction in China;试论中国现代化建设中的人格现代化
13.The Trend of Personality Theory:from Localization to Popularization;人格理论的走向:从“本土化”到“大众化”
14.Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition.信任人们。讥刺会丑化自己的人格。
15.The Rise of the Market Culture and Chinese Personality Trend;市场文化的兴起与国人现代人格走向
16.The View of Human Nature and the Harmonious Personality in China Confucian Arts and Culture;中国儒家文化中的人性观与和谐人格
17.Seeking the Truth from Facts must Change into Communist s Personality;实事求是应当内化为共产党人的人格
18.An Analysis of Qu Yuan s Tragic Parsonality and the cultural Factors;试析屈原悲剧人生的人格与文化因素

1.Reasonable and unreasonable personalization in academic papers in Chinese;学术论文中合理的与不合理的人格化分析
3)Cultural personality文化人格
1.From Hesitant Devotion to Detachment On the transformation of Cai Songnian s cultural personality;从守节彷徨走向消释超脱——论蔡松年文化人格的转变
2.Sushi s character as a literary fighter was of multidimensional nature and his rich and independent cultural personality was of great influence to people in the Song Dynasty and very appealing to the cultural personality of future generations.苏轼作为文学斗士的性格具有多面性,其丰富而独立的文化人格不仅在宋代民众中具有巨大的影响力与感召力,对后世文化人格也具有很大的影响作用。
3.This paper, through classification and aesthetic analysis of disasters, argues that humankind should fully respect and understand Nature, and maintain regular cultural personality.通过对灾难的分类和美学分析,认为人类要充分地尊重自然、理解自然,讲求常态的文化人格。
1.Laozi s proposition "Dao Fa Zi Ran" has the connotation of religious non-personification,multiplicity and dynamic chaactenistic,which may be useful for doing away with the superstition of religious monism,avoiding narrow-mindedness and obastinacy,solving problems of reigious conflict and social conflict,and expounding the contradition of the co-existence of god and evil.老子的“道法自然”命题内涵有至上神的非人格化、多元化和动态化趋向,这有助于破除对人格化一元神论的迷信,避免狭隘和偏执,有化解宗教冲突以及社会冲突的作用,它对于解释神与恶的共存的矛盾也是有力的;同时,这一命题反映了老子宗教价值观的人文化取向,理性是老子思想的重要特色,宗教理性观要求正确区分宗教与信仰的关系,反对迷信事物;这一命题也反映了信仰道德化取向,这是老子学说能够积极参与到现世社会生活的必然要求。
5)cultural character文化人格
1.The cultural character of Su Shi is of greatvalue.苏轼的文化人格厚重丰满,内涵复杂,极具价值。
2.The contrast and unity of the two aspects compose of Menciuss tragic and contradictory cultural character.这两个方面对立统一就构成孟子文化人格的悲剧二重性 ,它是孟子散文气势最根本的内在人格成因。
3.The cultural character of Confucianism is the very important internal factor that interfered with the writing of China classical novels.儒家文化人格对中国古典小说创作的影响是巨大的。
6)personality alienation人格异化
1.At present,the increasing problems of the personality alienation of college students caused by net addiction have aroused the attention of the educators in institutions of higher educating.当前,高校学生因沉迷网络而导致人格异化的问题日渐凸出,引起了高校教育工作者的重视。
2.At present,the increasing problems of the personality alienation of college students caused by net addicition have aroused the attention of the educators in institutions of higher educating.当前,高校学生因沉迷网络而导致人格异化的问题日渐突出,引起高校教育工作者的重视。
