1.The Contradiction Between Chinese Literature and World Culture(II)——On the Problem of the Nationalization, Westernization and Globalizationof the 20th-century Chinese Literature;中国文学之与世界性文化矛盾(下)——20世纪中国文学的民族化、西方化与世界化问题
2.Contradiction Between Chinese Literature and World Literature——On Problems of Nationalization, Westernization and Globalizationof the 20th-Century Chinese Literature;中国文学之与世界性文化矛盾(上)——20世纪中国文学的民族化、西方化与世界化问题
3.Conformity Between Science and Culture ——Introspections on traditional culture and westernization;科技与文化整合的两个问题——对传统文化与西方化的反思

1.The Expansion of Western Culture and Cultural "Westernization";西方文化扩张与文化的“泛西方化
2.The Features Shown in the Development Of Chinese and Western Cultures --Westernizing of Chinese Literature; Oriental Tendency of Western Literature;中西文化之衍变——东方文学西方化、西方文学东方化
3.To make Occidental in character, outlook, or way of life.使西方化使…在性格、外貌及生活方式上西方化
4.Modernization and Westernization of Chinese Sport Culture;试论中国体育文化的现代化与西方化
5.Orientalization and Westernization--The Commentary of cultural Outlooks of Liang Shu-ming and Hu Shi东方化与西方化——梁漱溟、胡适文化观述评
6.Western Culture & Chenise Modernizations西方文化与中国现代化
7.Imagining the Others: the Non-West in the Cultural Horizon of the West;想像他者:西方文化视野中的非西方
8.Searching the Western Culture Mentality From the Chinese Images in the Western Eyes;从西方的中国形象看西方的文化心理
9.Greece, the cradle of Western culture.希腊, 西方文化的发源地.
10.Greece was the cradle of Western culture.希腊是西方文化的摇篮。
11.an ultramodern city in southeastern Brazil; the largest city in South America.巴西西南方的一个超现代化的城市。
12.To convert to the customs of Western civilization.使西化使转变为西方文明的风俗习惯
13.Nishi Amane’s Contribution to the Translation of Western Philosophical Concepts with Chinese Characters.;西周在西方哲学范畴汉字化上的贡献
14.Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Nouns of Locality:East,South,West and North;从“东南西北”方位词看中西文化的差异
15.The Changing of Gramsci in Western the Public Theory;西方大众文化理论研究的葛兰西转向
16.On the Chinese-Western Culture Communication;从中国人过西方节日谈中西文化交流
17.Discovery of Ancient Silk and Sino-Western Cultural Communication;西方早期丝绸的发现与中西文化交流
18.Western Scholars and Their Study of Naxi People from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology;西方学者与纳西族的文化人类学研究

western culture西方文化
1.The Function of Taoism in the Process of Chinese Modern Literature Accepting the Western Culture;论道家思想在中国现代文学接受西方文化过程中的作用
2.Silver Age:A Blend of Western Culture and Russian Culture;白银时代:西方文化与俄罗斯文化的融汇
3.Olympic movement in the connection between oriental and western cultures;东西方文化对接中的奥林匹克运动
3)western cultures西方文化
1.This paper processes from the new perspective,the relationship between western cultures and the designing of English advertisements,in the re-exploration of the tie between advertisements and culture.本文通过西方文化与英语广告创意的联系这一新角度来重新思考广告与文化的关系。
2.As the liberal thought of western cultures has had an influence on the intellectuals of the "Bei-jing"school, the ideological trend of liberalism in literature and art is manifest in the literary and artisticnotion of the "Beijing" school from its ontology through the notion of creation to its notion of criticism.西方文化中的自由主义思想影响着“京派”知识分子,于是“京派”文学也呈现出自由主义文艺思潮:从文艺的本体观到创作观再到批评观可以看到“京派”文艺观念和风貌。
3.The exchanges of the Eastern and Western cultures, and the impac.自从鸦片战争以来就发端的东西方文化交流方向的逆转 ,至今仍远远没有结束 ,在新世纪 ,我们要实现中华民族的伟大复兴 ,也包括文化的复兴。
1.From Four Theories to Theory of Dewesternization: the Evolution of Comparative Media Studies;从“四种理论”到“去西方化理论”——比较媒介研究的演进
5)The Western Culture西方文化
1.Matteo Ricci,a Western preacher , successfully spread the Western culture in China.利玛窦在晚明成功地把西方文化传播于中土。
2.LuXun had a clear conception of value of the Western culture, it was to realize the sound human nature and its emancipation.鲁迅对于西方文化有着明确的价值取向 ,即是实现人性的健全与解放。
3.The characteristic of persond valuc is "selfhood" in the western culture.西方文化中的个性价值特征是“以个人为本位” ,强调每个人都有价值 ,高度重视个人的自我支配、自我控制、自我发展、自我实现。
6)cultural west文化西方

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理