1.Contracts of risk sharing of the enterprise, the employee and the dealer;企业与雇员、商家的风险分担合同
2.Making employees international being the need of promoting Chinese mud logging competitiveness in the international market;推进雇员国际化是提高中国录井企业在国际市场上竞争力的需要
3.Job insecurity refers to employees perceptions and concerns about the threats of imminent job loss and loss of valued job features.工作不安全感反映了一种雇员对工作或工作重要特性受到威胁时的感知和担忧。

1.a salaried employee, post有薪的雇员、 职务.
2.Department for Supervision of Officials and Employees政府官员雇员监察司
3.The Employees' Compensation Division of the Labour Department, which administers the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, assists injured employees and dependants of deceased employees in obtaining compensation from their employers.劳工处雇员补偿科负责执行《雇员补偿条例》,协助受伤的雇员和已故雇员的家属向雇主索偿。
4.The royal destroyer employs lots of loyal employees.皇家驱逐舰雇佣了很多忠心的雇员.
5.Their situation is now reversed as employee have become employer他们双方的地位转换了, 雇员成了雇主
6.Their situations are now reversed as employee has become employer.他们双方的地位转换了, 雇员成了雇主.
7.I'm a new employee. I was hired last week.我是个新雇员。我上周才受雇的。
8.The manager threatened his employee with dismissal.该经理威胁他的雇员说要解雇他。
9.protection against unreasonable termination of employment保障雇员免遭不合理解雇
10.industrial tribunalph.1. 【英】(雇员状告雇主的)劳资纠纷法庭
11.employee's entitlement to employment protection雇员享有雇佣保障的权利
12.And if they decided to hire new employees,如果他们决定雇佣一些新雇员
13.No. Our Employer's Liability insurance takes care of them.不包括。雇员受“雇主责任险”的保护。
14.an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer.雇员组成的与雇主议价的组织。
15.Employers value employees who come to work right on time.雇主看重那些按时上班的雇员
16.The servant reported to his master that there was no trace of the thief.雇员向雇主报告说没有小偷的踪迹。
17."tripartite co-operation amongst employers, employees and the Government"雇主、雇员及政府三方协商制度
18.He has paid off twenty of his employees this weekend.到这周末,他已付薪解雇了20名雇员

3)employee relation雇员关系
1.This paper tentatively analyzes the scopes of HRM in terms of six perspectives and asserts that HRM system contains four subsystems:work system,people flow,appraisal and reward,and employee relations.本文对人力资源管理的特点和构成进行了尝试性分析,分别从六个方面论述了人力资源管理的特点,并从系统的角度分析人力资源管理系统包括了工作系统、人员流程、考核与奖励、雇员关系四个亚系统。
4)Excessive Employment超额雇员
1.State Stockholder, Excessive Employment and Labor Cost;国家控股、超额雇员与劳动力成本
5)employee turnover雇员流失
1.Analyze and Research Reloving Policy of Employee Turnover;雇员流失的分析与对策探讨
2.A Company——Analysis of the Reasons & Cost of,& Countermeasures agains Employee Turnover;《案例》:A公司——雇员流失之原因、成本与对策分析
3.Based on the analysis of level of employee turnover in Chinese enterprises and its negative impact, this paper explores the need and practical value of employee retention strategy.在分析了我国目前企业雇员流失水平和流失对企业的不利影响的基础上,指出了企业雇员保持策略研究的必要性和应用价值,提出了建立雇员保持策略的一般步骤和研究方法,并结合实例进行了探讨。
