1.See Falungong’s typical heresy nature from the contrast of the religion and heresy;从宗教和邪教的对比看“法轮功”典型的邪教本质
2.Legal control was one of the most important means to deal with heresy crimes in Ming dynasty.法律控制是明代打击邪教犯罪的重要手段之一。

1.We have resolutely banned evil cults.坚决取缔邪教组织。
2.This is an essential feature of a cult.这是邪教的一大特征。
3.Society Transform and Anti - heresy--Reflection on the Prevention of Heresy;社会转型与反邪教——关于预防邪教犯罪的思考
4.To Distinguish Heresy from the Ortbodox Religion;识别邪教的试金石——论正教、邪教和现代宗教的社会观
5.Analysis on Religion, Protestantism, Cult and Superstition;宗教、新兴宗教、邪教、迷信之辨析
6.Be on Guard Against the Soak of Incorrect Religion and Its Culture into the Communist Party--The Soil for Incorrect Religion Growing in China Must be Eradicated;警惕邪教邪教文化向共产党内的渗透——必须铲除邪教在中国滋生的土壤
7.Japan's Aum Shinrikyo Cult Leader Sentenced to Death日本邪教奥姆真理教一头目被判死刑
8."Cults" here is a concept that is contrary to "orthodoxy".所谓邪教,是与“正教”相对应的一个概念。
9.Religions and Heresies--The Political View of Punishment During the Ming and Qing Period;宗教与邪教——明清时期刑罚政治观
10.Culture Variation: Formation and Content of "Heresy" Doctrines in Ming and Qing Dynasties;文化变异:明清"邪教"教义的形成与内涵
11.Main Culture and Heresy s Obsession--Studying about the Heresy s Obsession by the Theory of Supplying and Needing;主文化与邪教的痴迷性——邪教痴迷性的供求论分析
12.So this cult has been causing all the trouble?那么就是这邪教导致了一切的麻烦?
13.Searching after truth, I have become but the minister of falsehoods.我追求真理,然而却成了邪教的传播者。
14.We were arguing that the illegal cult organizations has to be banned.我们争论说,必须取缔非法的邪教组织。
16.The Retrospect and Prospect of the Study on the Issue of the Evil Cult in Contemporary China;当代中国邪教问题研究的回顾与前瞻
17.Studying on Countermeasures of Handling the Cult “disciple union" Cases;办理邪教组织“门徒会”案件的对策初探
18.On Popularizing Wushu Activity and Rejecting the Heresy Attack;浅谈武术活动的普及与抵制邪教侵袭

1.Origins and Evolutions of "Cults" in China;中国“邪教”的由来与演变
3)evil religion邪教
1.Women are in the majority of persons infatuated with evil religions.痴迷邪教者女性居多,其原因与女性的社会地位与心理状况有关。
2.as we all know that evil religion has great imperilment to people, especially which caused by Falun Gong."邪教"造成的危害妇孺皆知。
1.On Strategy of Keeping Cults off the College Campus;高校防范邪教渗透的措施与建议
2.For the economic interests,the heads of"Cults" try all means to create personality cults.所谓邪教,是与“正教”相对应的一个概念。
3.From analysing cult theoretically,cult is different from common religions in two main features:1 Cults superficially stay on the surface of religions;2 cults try their best to show anti-rationale and abandoning reality to their believers.邪教是今天社会的一大祸害。
5)evil cult邪教
1.Detriment of Evil Cult to the Political Stability of Society;论邪教对社会政治稳定的危害
2.At the present day,some of the evil cult addicts are still perverse,and they are unable to extricate themselves from the poison of the evil cult.本文采用“内控性、有势力他人及机遇量表(IPC)”和“社会支持评定量表”,对82名邪教痴迷者进行了调查研究,并与国内常模及吸毒者进行对照比较,得出结论认为:痴迷者心理控制源有明显的外控倾向,多将自己行为归因于外界且不善于利用社会支持。
3.Comparing with other crime forms, modern evil cult shows characters of masses, regeneration, culture, organization and movement.邪教是指利用宗教及其它文化形成反社会的学说 ,并以此作为对他人精神控制的手段 ,实施危害社会行为的极端团体。
6)anti-Evil cult反邪教
