1.Executing the Strategy of Opening Option to Big Clients;放开大用户用电选择权的战略实施
2.On the defendants options of applying to summary procedure;试论被告人适用简易程序的选择权
3.This paper presents the modeling and analysis of a new forward contract with bilateral options in electricity market.提出并分析了一种具有双边选择权的电力市场远期合同模型。

1.The power, right, or liberty to choose; option.选择权进行选择的能力、权力或自由;选择权
2.settlement option清算方式选择权;结算方式选择权;赔款选择保险
3.get [have, take] the pick of任凭挑选,有...的选择权
4.put and call option期货抛出和买进选择权;卖出买入选择权;卖出与买入选择权
5.have an option on a piece of land有买卖一地皮的选择权
6.I have no option in the matter.我对那件事没有选择权
7.optional instalment payment有选择权的分期付款
8.option contract for crude oil原油交易选择权合同
9.The right to be offered a choice of necessary products.必要的商品选择权
10.Option on the Quantity of Cargo装载货物数量选择权
11.negotiable option market可转让选择权交易市场
12.call options on preferred stock优先股的回收选择权
13.bargain purchase option (承租人)购买选择权
14.Under Select rights, select the rights you want to assign to the users and groups.在“选择权限”下,选择要分配给用户或组的权限。
15.No rights are selected. Please select at least one right for the role.未选择权利。请为该角色选择至少一项权利。
16.Real Option Methods in Options of Scale for Electric Generation Investment;电源投资规模选择权的实物期权方法
17.The power or freedom to choose.选择的自由选择的权利或选择的自由
18.The right or chance to so choose.优选权这样选择的权利或机会

right of choice选择权
1.From the view of human right,individual right to health is one right of choice,because the health originally belongs to individual.从人权的角度看,个人健康权也是一种个人选择权,因为健康本来就是属于个人的。
2.The party s right of choice of civil procedure helps to protect the lawful,right especially the procedure right,to ensure the justice of trail and to enhance procedure effect.但是,我国诉讼法理论的滞后和治权主义的影响,使诉讼选择权制度没有形成法律原则和完整的制度体系。
3)right to choose选择权
4)right of option选择权
1.The debate has also resulted in the antagonism between the two wings of viewpoints: right of option and right of life,which have further stimulat.“罗伊案”和此前的“布朗案”推动了美国司法复审制度的建设进程;围绕堕胎权的问题,衍生了选择权利派和生命权利派的对抗:由对选择权和生命权的认可,加剧了美国上个世纪末的政治分野;通过“罗伊案”的推动,美国妇女运动超越了对“性自由”、男女平等等权利的诉求,在更深、更广的层面延展。
5)Right of election选择权
1.The author puts forward unnamed agency s circumstance--right of intervention and right of election on The Pact Act .隐名代理的发生除了代理权必须真实存在这一条件外 ,还须要借助普通法通过判例所确立的两项权利即本人的介入权和第三人的选择权

选择权选择权: 指投资者享有的自主选择投资项目、商品、服务和相关的人员的权利。