1.Deterrence or corrective: how can the law prevent medical malpractice?;威慑与矫正——论法律对医疗事故的预防作用
2.The Model of Bounded Rational Deterrence Based on Cumulative Prospect Theory;基于累积前景理论的有限理性威慑模型
3.Deterrence and Restraint:Foreign policy of China toward the USA in Vietnam War;威慑与克制:1964-1965年越战升级中中国对美政策

1.the ultimate deterrent最后威慑力量(指核武器)
2.Group of Governmental Experts to Carry Out a Study on Deterrence研究威慑的政府专家组
3.Inter-Arab deterrent force阿拉伯国家威慑部队
4.The Evolution of China’s Nuclear Strategy:From Anti-Nuclear Deterrence to Limited Deterrence从反核威慑战略到最低核威慑战略:中国核战略演进之路
5.Law can never be enforced unless fear supports it.没有威慑力的法律绝对不会具有效力。
6.The prospect of war loomed large in everyone's mind.战事将起的庞大阴影威慑人心.
7.advanced sea based deterrent[美]前进海上基地威慑力量
8.Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent.核武器是终极的威慑力量.
9.What do we mean when we speak of nuclear deterrence?我们所说的核威慑作用指的是什么?
10.There were doubts about the credibility of the nuclear deterrent.有人怀疑核子威慑力量的可信度。
11.A deterrent to theft.对窃贼的威慑物,吓唬窃贼的东西
12.His punishment will be a deterrent to others.具威慑性的武器、遏制性的手段.
13.Punishment is a strong deterrent to crime.处罚对犯罪有强大的威慑作用。
14.The imperialists' nuclear " deterrent " has met its failure.帝国主义的核“威慑力量”已经破产。
15.It could threaten the economy and way of life of the civilized world.它威慑着发达社会的经济和生活方式。
16.Nuclear weapons are often called "the deterrent".核武器经常被称为“威慑力量”。
17.deterrent weapons, measures具威慑性的武器、 遏制性的手段.
18.The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace.核威慑一直使和平处于不稳定状态。

1.The historical viewpoints of death can be summarized as retribution,revenge,deterrent,and prudent.中国古代的死刑观念可以概括为复仇观念、刑罚报应观念、威慑观念、慎刑恤刑观念等四个方面的内容。
2.Shelling Jinmen is a deterrent action with important military significance.炮击金门是一场具有重大威慑意义的军事行动,其威慑效益在于以精妙的军事打击和谋势造势,客观上达成大陆、台湾之间的“默契配合”,联手对美,使国共两党共同维护了“一个中国”的局面,为实现祖国统一奠定了政治基础。
3)nuclear deterrence核威慑
1.Research on the quantitative model for the nuclear deterrence effectiveness;核威慑能力定量化模型研究
2.Nuclear deterrence is the strategy that America and Russia used to adopt in the cold war while it is strengthened again by Russia today.核威慑是冷战时期美苏两国常用的战略方法 ,冷战后的今天 ,核威慑重新在俄国得到强化。
4)space deterrence空间威慑
1.This paper elaborates the main characteristics of space deterrence and its strategic status in the future military struggles, and analyses in detail the strategic guiding ideology as well as the five basic means that space deterrence employs.随着“冷战”的结束 ,特别是空间科学技术的迅猛发展和新概念武器的日益成熟 ,空间威慑在军事斗争中的地位和作用显著提高。
5)deterring function威慑功能
1.The realization of the deterring function of death penalty needs some conditions.死刑威慑功能的实现需要一定条件。
6)Military Deterrence军事威慑
1.Game-theoretical Analysis of Probe Strategy in Military Deterrence;军事威慑中试探策略博弈分析
2.Both prospect thoery based on complete rationality and expected utility theory based on limited rationality are applied in the analysis of two-stage game of military deterrence.将基于完全理性的期望效用理论与基于有限理性的前景理论的两种决策模型应用于军事威慑两阶段博弈分析之中。
