1.The counterargument right of adduction of the negotiable instruments guarantor;论票据保证人的援用抗辩权
2.The contract of guaranty is unilateral,in which the guarantor is liable to the creditor s security under certain conditions that give rise to the guarantor s rights,preventing the creditor s inappropriate claim and protecting the former s interests.保证合同为单务合同,保证人向债权人承担保证担保责任。
3.Though the guarantor’s right of subrogation has some in common with the right of indemnity, there are a lot of differences between them as followings, the legal foundation, the nature of right, the function of right and etc.尽管保证人的代位权与追偿权存在密切的联系,但是二者有显著的区别,在权利产生的基础法律关系、权利的法律性质、权利的功能、权利的行使程序、诉讼时效的起算、是否包括利息等方面均存在差异。

1.To furnish bond or surety for.为…作保或保证人
2.One that makes a warrant or gives a warranty to another.保证人为他人提供担保或保证之人
3.One to whom a warranty is made or a warrant is given.被保证人得到担保或保证的人
4.A person who provides bond or surety for another.保证人为别人提供担保或作保证人的人
5.The surety of a general suretyship or a suretyship of joint and several liability shall enjoy the debtor's right of defense.第二十条一般保证和连带责任保证的保证人享有债务人的抗辩权。
6.Both parties had to find sureties.双方都必须有保证人
7.statement of sponsor's family background保证人家庭状况申报书
8.I must know his voucher.我必须认识他的保证人
9.Release the guarantor from the liability解除保证人承担的责任
10.One who signs one's name to a document for the purpose of attesting to its authenticity.保证人在一文件上签字以保证其真实性的人
11.one to whom a warrant or guarantee is given.给凭证或保证书的人。
12.The witness swore to tell the truth.证人起誓保证讲真话。
13.He was on his honour not to tell the secret.他以人格保证保守秘密。
14.Unit for the Protection of Victims and Witnesses保护受害人和证人股
15.certify to a person's character保证某人的人格 [品德]
16.To prove to be qualified as a bondsman.证明有资格做担保人
17.the President's assurances were not respected.没有人相信总统的保证。
18.I'll promise never to be horrid again.我保证再不惹人讨厌。

1.This article re-discusses the qualifications and scope of the warrantor in various legal circumstances.保证人主体资格应是具有完全民事行为能力和代为清偿债务能力。
2.The Warrantor and Recognizance System for Administrative Penalty for Public Security;由于缺乏对保证人责任追究措施的明确规定,加上拘留所为了追求非法经济利益,以及警察法治观念等方面的原因,这些规定并没有发挥预期作用。
5)witness warranty证人保证书
1.We can find the traces of the system in such practices ranging from witness taking an oath in ancient China to the witness swearing to God while pressing his hand on the Holy Bible in modern western courts, from the system of oath helper in western history to the witness warranty sys.宣誓制度在诉讼程序中的存续由来已久,从中国古代的盟誓行为到现代西方法庭中的证人面对《圣经》向上帝发誓,从西方历史上的辅助宣誓人制度到当今中国的证人保证书制度,我们都可以看到宣誓制度的面貌和身影。
6)warrantee[英][,w?r?n'ti:][美][,w?r?n'ti, ,wɑr-]被保证人

保证人保证人  l保证人1保证合同的一方当事人,他对债务履行承担保证责任,在债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权要求其代为履行或赔偿损失。在国际融资活动中,保证人一般为法人,自然人的情况较少。保证人必须具有相应的权利能力和行为能力,即保证人必须具有相应的业务范围或法定的权利,其资金实力能够履行所保证的债务。我国法律规定,外汇担保业务中的保证人仅限于法定经营外汇担保的金融机构(包括银行和非银行金融机构)和有外汇收人来源的非金融性质的企业法人(见国家外汇管理局1991年9月公布的《境内机构对外提供外汇担保管理办法》)。在资本主义国家,对保证人的资格同样有诸多的限制,例如美国法律禁止商业银行充当保证人;在公司充当保证人时,其保证行为必须基于公司章程的规定且能够给公司本身带来某种好处或收益,否则就为“越权”。总之,在国际融资活动中,保证人的资格一般都要基于法律的明文规定或经政府主管部门的批准而加以认可。