1.The cognizance research of college students with economic difficulties;高校家庭经济困难学生认定问题探析
2.Study on the Cognizance Method of the Poor Students in Medical Colleges;试论医学院校贫困生认定方法体系

1.gender identity disorder性别认定障碍 性别认定疾病
2.bona notabilia应经法庭认定的遗产
3.Assumption of a false theory.认定一个错误的理论
4.The jury found the accused man guilty.陪审团认定被告有罪。
5.The police established his guilt beyond all doubt.警方确凿地认定他有罪.
6.She persists in the belief/in believing that she is being persecuted.她认定自己受到了迫害.
7.He supposed her innocence.他认定她纯洁无暇。
8.I insist that he is correct.我认定他是正确的。
9.We pegged him as a man of action.我们认定他是位实干家。
10.To declare unqualified or ineligible.宣布不合格,认定不合适
11.She persists in the belief [in believing] that she is being persecuted.她认定自己受到了迫害。
12.the act of determining the properties of something.认定某事物特性的行为。
13.What makes you think there are settlements over there?你为何认定那边有住户﹖
14.The Identification of Similarity of Photos by Use of Photoshop;利用Phtoshop认定照片同一
15.Identify Medical error and Res Ipsa Loquitur;医疗差错认定与Res Ipsa Loquitur
16.Identification of a Novel Human Leukocyte Antigen-A AlleleHLA新等位基因HLA-A*1127认定
17.approval by an authorized foreign exchange bank经指定外汇银行认可
18.regular follow-up of unpaid pledges定期催交未缴认捐款

1.Probe on the Problem of Criminal Determination on Those Writing False Value Added Tax Special Invoices;虚开增值税专用发票开票者犯罪认定难题探析
2.Comparison on the Determination and Protection of the Well-known Trademark;驰名商标认定与保护的比较研究
1.Study on Poor College Students identification and problem resolution;高校贫困生的认定和解困探讨
2.Understanding and identification of the"close person"-taking Article 13 of the Criminal Law Amendment(Ⅶ) as an example对“关系密切的人”的理解与认定——以刑法修正案(七)第13条为例
3.In this essay,the author studies the nature and identification of approval sale from the angle of both theory and practice.关于试用买卖的认定,一是要确立科学的认定标准,二是要将试用买卖与其它相类似的买卖区分开来。
1.Recognition and Penalization of Irregularities and Falsification of Wastewater Treatment Facilities Operation;废水处理设施非正常使用的认定与处理
2.The recognition and maintenance of electronic document′s origin;电子档案原始性的认定和维护
3.The Recognition of Anti-competition Actions of EU Competition Law;欧盟竞争法中不正当竞争行为的认定
1.Anaslysis of the Affirmation and Reparntion of Infringement of Intellectual Property in Farniture Industry;对家具业知识产权侵权的认定与赔偿的探讨
2.Some Problems Discussion about the Affirmation and Treating of Preventive Inoculation Accident;关于预防接种事故认定及处理若干问题的探讨
3.Its affirmation and the standard of placing such a case on file are the bases of its investigation.假币犯罪是一种多发的犯罪 ,对假币犯罪案件的侦查应首先加强其认定 ,并对其立案标准予以正确理解 ,在此基础上采取相应的措
1.It is very important for theory and practice to accurately understand and identify the compensation obligor in road traffic accidents in China.正确理解和认定我国道路交通事故赔偿义务人具有非常重要理论和实践意义。

认定1.承认并确定。 2.确定地认为﹐肯定。