新闻媒体,news media
1)news media新闻媒体
1.On the responsibility of news media at contingencies;突发事件中新闻媒体的责任
2.From Propaganda-orientation to Journalism-orientation:a Review of News Media since 1949 in China艰难的转身:从宣传本位到新闻本位——共和国60年新闻媒体
3.News media propaganda help for brand construction of sci-tech periodicals——Experience of TCSAE taking part in the meeting for sci-tech periodicals exchanging information with news media新闻媒体宣传是学术期刊品牌建设的内容——《农业工程学报》参与中国科协科技期刊与新闻媒体见面工作的体会

1.Use news media to mould public opinion利用新闻媒体左右舆论
2.What role and distinguishes do the news title play in the news media;新闻标题在新闻媒体中的作用与区别
3.The Limitation of the News Media of the Network and Analysis of Its Conformity with the Traditional News Media;网络新闻媒体的局限及与传统新闻媒体整合之探析
4.FAIR's Media Activism Resources - Multitude of media activist resources from newsletter to media activism kit.公正的媒体活跃的资源 --众多媒体活动家资源,从新闻媒体到运动包.
5.News media often don't respect the individual's right to privacy.新闻媒体常常不尊重个人隐私的权利。
6.International Secretariat of Arts, Communications Media and Entertainment Trade国际艺术、新闻媒体和娱乐工会秘书处
7.a photographer who works for a newspaper.为新闻媒体工作的摄影师。
8.I have talked to every major news organization and they will all be here.我已经通知各大新闻媒体,他们都会来。
9.The press, itself, must act responsibly.·新闻媒体本身的行动必须是负责任的。
10.The news media also gains a large sum of income from it.新闻媒体也从中获得大笔收入。
11.Local news picked up the incident almost immediately.当地新闻媒体几乎即时抢播这起事件。
12.African Committee for the Coordination of Information Media非洲新闻媒体协调委员会
13.The news media also took this opportunity of the cir-cumstances to make a uproar of the public voices.新闻媒体也乘势鼓噪舆论。
14.The government imposed censorship on the press.政府对新闻媒体施行审查制度。
15.The People s Livelihood News: the New Flames of Improving the Competition of Media;民生新闻:提升媒体竞争力的新亮点
16.New Media Generation of Government's News Functional Agenda新媒体时代的政府新闻议程设置研究
17.Extension and Limitation of Press Freedom in New Media Era论新媒体时代新闻自由的延伸和受限
18.Television News and Multimedia Production Sectio电视新闻和多媒体制作科

1.On the Media Management in the Response to Accidents;论事故处置中的新闻媒体管理
2.The Effect of the News Media in Political Agendas' Setting试论新闻媒体在政策议程设置中的作用
3.The present media industry admittance hardly poses any condition, and thus the advantage of journalism education can not be made prominent.行业准入状况直接制约行业的发展,也影响相关专业教育的生存与发展,新闻媒体行业准入几乎不设门槛,新闻专业教育的优势难以显现。
3)mass media新闻媒体
1.It should also show a humanistic concern,in order to better implement the social responsibility of mass media.新闻媒体对突发事件的报道要及时、连续、深度、客观,体现人文关怀,以更好地履行媒体应尽的社会责任与作用。
2.The new liberalism agenda of the press proposes that all the mass media should be privatized, and the government should loosen the control over the indraught of foreign capital and market competition.新闻新自由主义议程主张新闻媒体私有化,在外资引进和市场竞争中放松政府管制。
4)media news媒体新闻
5)streaming media news流媒体新闻
1.Via a description of the characteristics of streaming media and its pivotal techniques,this article researches the application status of streaming media in the online video news,analyzes some problems existing in its diffusion as well as the corresponding solutions,and primarily discusses the development prospects of online streaming media news.本文从流媒体的特点及相关技术入手,对流媒体技术在网络视频新闻传播中的应用现状进行了研究;并通过分析其网络传播中存在的难点及对策,初步探讨了流媒体新闻的发展前景。
6)Hard news media硬新闻媒体

北京蓝盒多媒体  北京蓝盒新世纪科技发展中心是一家专门从事视频设备开发、经营的高新技术企业,公司成立于1995年,拥有一批由中高级科技人员组成的创作集体,具有丰富的广播电视系统制作经验和强大的技术实力。公司目前分为北京公司总部、销售中心、济南分公司、太原分公司。主要经营项目为,第一代理世界知名品牌如Pinnacle、Canopus、Matrox、OptiBase、AVerMedia、Dazzle、Viewcast、InnoMedia等视频采集/转换/叠加/编辑/压缩等产品在国内的销售,及售后服务。第二是公司结合中国电视制作工作的需要,引进国际上最先进的数字视频处理技术,推出了蓝盒系列非线性编辑系统。