1.Perfection of the System of Appraiser Appearing in the Court for Cross-examination;我国鉴定人出庭质证制度的完善
2.Appraiser as Witness in Court——The Definite Choice of Model in the Court of Accusation and Defense;鉴定人出庭作证——控辩式庭审模式的必然选择
3.A Study on Perfection of Judicial Appraiser System in China;论我国司法鉴定人制度的完善

1.Where it is corroborated by an expert witness, the bill shall be sealed by the unit where he works to prove his identity.鉴定人鉴定的,应当由鉴定人所在单位加盖印章,证明鉴定人身份。
2.A Comparative Study on Forensic Science Practitioners in Social Institutions and Investigatory Organs社会司法鉴定人和职能司法鉴定人比较评介
3.Article 120 After evaluating a matter, the experts shall write a conclusion of expert evaluation and affix his signature to it.第一百二十条鉴定人进行鉴定后,应当写出鉴定结论,并且签名。
4.Enclosed is the surveyor's report on the three damaged cases.内附有鉴定人对这破损的三箱货物的鉴定报告。
5.If an expert intentionally makes a false verification, he shall assume legal responsibility.鉴定人故意作虚假鉴定的,应当承担法律责任。
6.Forensic Experts Civil Liability and Exemption of Wrong Identification;司法鉴定人错误鉴定的民事责任及其豁免
7.Research on Judicial Accounting Appraisal and Judicial Accounting Appraiser System in China我国司法会计鉴定与司法会计鉴定人制度研究
8.The corroboratory department and the expert witness shall submit a written conclusion of corroboration and sign or seal the corroboration bill.鉴定部门和鉴定人应当提出书面鉴定结论,在鉴定书上签名或者盖章。
9.The corroboratory department and its designated expert witness have the right to acquaint themselves with the files of the case requiring corroboration, and question the litigants and witnesses when necessary.鉴定部门及其指定的鉴定人有权了解进行鉴定所需要的案件材料,必要时可以询问当事人、证人。
10.False Appraisement by Appraisers for Diseases Requiring Medical Treatment on Bail Should Be Ruled as a Criminal Offence;论鉴定人员虚假鉴定保外就医疾病应规定为犯罪
11.The provisions of the preceding paragraph are applicable to recording clerks, interpreters, expert witnesses and inspectors.前款规定,适用于书记员、翻译人员、鉴定人、勘验人。
12.Discussion on the Perfection of the System of Police Appraisers' Testifying in Court from its Status Quo从警方鉴定人出庭现状谈我国鉴定人出庭作证制度的完善
13.Interpretation on the “Administrative Regulation on the Registration of Ju-dicial Forensic Institutions” and the “Administrative Regulations on the Reg-istration of Judicial Forensic Staff”《司法鉴定机构登记管理办法》和《司法鉴定人登记管理办法》解读
14.On the Administrative Registration of Forensic Science Institutions and Practitioners Affiliated to Investigatory Organs侦查机关所属鉴定机构和鉴定人备案登记问题的探讨
15.On the Legal Safeguards of the Justice of Judicial Authentication Conclusions论鉴定结论公正性的法律保障措施——从鉴定人视野进行分析
16.In the absence of such a department, the people's court shall designate one to conduct the expert evaluation.没有法定鉴定部门的,由人民法院指定的鉴定部门鉴定。
17.someone who engages in bibliotics.致力于鉴定笔记或文件真伪鉴定的一些人。
18.When the people's court needs to corroborate special problems, it shall refer them to a legal corroboratory department,人民法院对专门性问题认为需要鉴定的,应当交由法定鉴定部门鉴定,

1.It is stipulated in the procedural law that identifier should appear in the court.我国《刑事诉讼法》、《民事诉讼法》,以及2002年施行的最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》、《关于行政诉讼证据若干问题的规定》中,都规定鉴定人应当出庭质证。
2.However,there are no clear and practical rules for the legal liability of identifiers in China,and this remains a highly controversial issue in both theory and practice.在我国,由于对鉴定人的法律责任缺乏可实际操作的实施细则,以及理论研究的空缺,使鉴定人制度得不到进一步发展、完善。
3.In our judicial practice,many problems are manifest on identifier,testimony conclusion and corresponding aspects.在我国司法实践中,司法鉴定方面有许多问题突出的表现在鉴定人、鉴定结论和与之相关的方面,本文将对这些问题予以分析。
3)expert witness鉴定人
1.On Legal Status and Its Legal Liability System of Expert Witness;论鉴定人的法律地位及其责任机制
2.The system of qualification of judicial expert witness is the core factor of system of judicial expert testimony.司法鉴定人制度是司法鉴定制度的核心,而明确司法鉴定人资格是完善司法鉴定人制度的前提。
3.The expert witnesses appearing in court not only familiarize themselves with the basic procedures, such as accepting the court notice, getting everything ready, replying in court and withdrawing from the court, but also master some skills of replying and proving.鉴定人出庭作证既要熟悉接受通知、做好准备工作、出庭答辩、退庭等基本程序,更要掌握以事实为依据、化专业为通俗、突出主题、切题答辩、论点集中、论据充分、论证严密、刚柔相济、随机应变等基本技巧。
1.As judicial reform deepen , greater demands are made on reform of expert testing system.鉴定人制度作为司法鉴定制度的核心,是改革的重中之重。
2.With the prompt development of technology,civil litigations have been more and more reliant on the scientific evidences including the conclusion of expert evaluation.在英美法系国家,专家证人制度的应用,使得当事人聘请的专家证人能够出庭对专业性问题进行解释说明;而大陆法系国家运用的是鉴定人制度。
6)personal appraisal人员鉴定
