1.Study on Personality Disorder and Coping Style Among Male Adult Criminals;成年男性罪犯的人格障碍及应对方式
2.The Suicide Attitudes and the Related Factors of the Criminals;罪犯自杀态度及其相关影响因素
3.Inhibitory Effect of Criminals Self-Control on Hostility and the Role of Mediator and Moderator;罪犯自制力对敌意抑制效应的中介与调节变量

1.the investigation of criminal activities to determine the perpetrator.调查罪犯的犯罪活动。
2.reconvicted offender再犯而判定有罪的罪犯
3.One who has committed a felony.重罪犯犯了重罪的人
4.Person who helps a criminal after the crime has been committed犯罪后帮助一罪犯的人
5.One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.罪犯犯有罪行或被依法判定有罪的人
6.The state, quality, or fact of being criminal.犯罪,有罪犯罪的状态、性质或事实
7.Harboring criminals is an offense in law.窝藏罪犯是犯法的。
8.a hotbed of vice [crime]罪恶 [犯罪] 的温床
9.Transnational Crime and Proceeds of Crime Sectio跨国犯罪和犯罪收益科
10.A criminal practice or act.犯罪活动,犯罪行为
11.crime prevention, rates防止犯罪的措施、 犯罪率
12.imitation theory of crime犯罪模仿论 犯罪模?论
13.instigating theory of crime教唆犯罪论 教唆犯罪论
14.psychology in sexual crime性犯罪心理 性犯罪心理
15.Crimes can be distinguished into intentional crime and negligent crime.犯罪可分为故意犯罪和过失犯罪
16.He is guilty of a crime [of murder, of theft].他犯了罪 [杀人罪,盗窃罪] 。
17.The Opinion about the Charge of Covering up or Concealing Criminal Gains or Criminal Benefits;论掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益罪
18.On the Crime of the Covering up and the Concealment Crime Obtained and the Income of Crime Obtained;论“掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益罪”

1.The PANSS on probation in the criminals with schizophrenia;PANSS在罹患精神分裂症罪犯中的试用
2.Studies on the Relationship between the Criminals Types Violating Regulations and Mental Health;罪犯违规类型与心理健康关系研究
3.Features and Prison Transform Countermeasures of Criminals Involved in Gang,Drugs and Firearms;涉黑涉毒涉枪罪犯的特征及监管改造对策
1.Correlation Research of Personality Disorders and Personality Characteristics in Prisoners罪犯人格障碍症状与人格特征的相关研究
2.It is often elucidated that the prisoner died from cruel torure in prison.在“考竟”过程中,罪犯因刑讯死在狱中,或被判处死刑,则是另外的法律行为,不能与“考竟”混为一谈。
1.About Question Existing and Countermeasure in the Supervision an Reform Tibetan offenders in Qinghai;关于我省监管改造藏族罪犯存在的问题及对策
2.Cause and Countermeasures of Offenders Prisonized Personality;罪犯监狱化人格的成因与矫治对策研究
3.Because the number of offenders under community correction increasingly became larger,intermediate sanctions were created to guarantee community security and integration of offenders by imposing appropriate sanctions.作为社区矫正罪犯数量增加和社区公共安全保障的妥协产物,具有一定惩罚性的中间制裁主要包括严密的缓刑和假释监督、住宅禁闭与电子监控、军训式矫正中心、日报告中心、返回社区训练所、日罚金和社区服务等类型,以分层控制体系实现保障社区安全和改造罪犯的双重目的。
1.Study on Several Issues of Criminal Law being Suitable for Food Safety Crime;食品安全犯罪刑法适用的若干问题研究
