1.On skepticism in Zhuang Zi s relativism thoughts;评庄子相对主义思想中的怀疑论
2.Skepticism and the Nature of the Greek Philosophy;怀疑论与希腊哲学的特质

1.Scepticism and Animal Faith怀疑论和非理性信仰
2.the universal skepticism of philosophers.哲学家的普遍怀疑论
3.An invention that confounded the skeptics.使怀疑论者难堪的发明
4.On the Significance of Descartes’ General Doubt to Skepticism论笛卡尔的普遍怀疑方法及其对怀疑论的影响
5.An agnostic is a doubter.不可知论者即是怀疑论者。
6.Sceptics I'm not sure about this shit.怀疑论学派:我对这大便一无所知。
7.A die-hard conservative, campaigner, sceptic死硬的保守分子、搞运动的人、怀疑论
8.the universal skepticism of philosophers.See Synonyms at general哲学家的普遍怀疑论参见
9.Scepticism and Cultivation of College Students Innovative Thinking;怀疑论哲学与大学生创新思维的培养
10.Debate over Fish s Happiness:Demonstration of Ancient Chinese Scepticism and Knowability;鱼乐之辩:中国古代怀疑论和可知论的论证
11.His theories were discredited by scientists.他的理论科学家很怀疑.
12.His theories met with general discredits.他的理论遭到普遍怀疑。
13.challenge(to sth) ;statement or action which questions or disputes(sth)对(某事物)表示怀疑或争论的言论或行为异议;质问;怀疑
14.Wittgenstein s Discourse on Meaningful Doubt--The Skeptical Idea in On Certainty;维特根斯坦论有意义的怀疑——《论确定性》的怀疑观管窥
15.The essence of Descartes' general doubt is not noumenon doubt but methodological one.笛卡尔普遍怀疑方法的实质是方法论意义上的怀疑,而非本体论意义上的怀疑。
16.place under suspicion or cast doubt upon.被怀疑或对什么有怀疑。
17.All his friends ceased whispering him, suspecting him.他的朋友都不再议论他、怀疑他了。
18.query a statement, suggestion, conclusion, etc对一言论、 建议、 决议等表示怀疑

1.The Nature of Scepticism by Hume and Its historical Status;休谟怀疑论的性质和历史地位
2.But the independent existance of scepticsm makes it clear that scepticism has been understood in a wrong way in the classical interpretation of the basic question of philosophy.哲学基本问题的经典意义,从思维与存在关系问题的两个方面把哲学家及其哲学分别划分为唯物论与唯心论、可知论与不可知论,从而试图完成对全部哲学的说明,但怀疑论独立存在的事实表明哲学基本问题的经典意义错误理解了怀疑论本身,其中最常见的就是把怀疑论看成不可知论,从而并不能图示哲学的全部图景,这就要求对哲学基本问题的意义必须进行新认识,这种新认识以对怀疑论独立存在事实的认真分析为基础而成为怀疑论之存在合理性的根据。
3.It leads to a dilemma-if religion is the key to Constitutionalism, why these thinkers looked down upon religion? The right explanation is that Constitutionalism has no religious dimension, and Scepticism is the pre-condition of Constitutionali.这样便产生了一个悖论:宗教如果对宪政至为重要,那么公认的支持宪政的思想家为何轻视宗教?合理的解释是:宪政并不存在宗教之维,怀疑论才是宪政的思想前提。
5)Pyrrhonism n. Pyrrho的怀疑论
6)sceptical argument怀疑论论证
