1.On the transition from Guild in Qing Dynasty to Trade Council in the Republic of China;从清代行会到民国同业公会行规的变化:以习惯法的视角
2.The development of mediaeval guilds went against the development.城市对农奴的排挤与压迫,使农奴丧失了成为自由人的机会,城市也因此失去一些可获得的自由劳动力;行会的发展不利于城市的发展;商业垄断给城市带来许多的社会矛盾。
3.In the meantime,the nongovernmental commercial organization-guild also grew fast.在国家不断强化商业管理机构的同时,作为民间商业自律组织的行会也在不断发展。

1.A guild, as of merchants or artisans.行会行会,如商人或工匠的行会
2.A medieval merchant guild or trade association.中世纪商业行会或行业联合会
3.Council Chamber [Executive Council]行政会议厅〔行政会议〕
4.Chief Executive in Council行政长官会同行政会议
5.Board of executive director执行董事会,执行委员会
6.International Institute of Administrative Sciences国际行政学会(行政学会)
7.Administrative Committee on Coordination行政协调委员会(行政协调会)ACC 行政协调会
8.Confederation of International Trading Houses Association国际贸易行协会联合会
9.(1) The Assembly shall have an Executive Committee.(1)大会设执行委员会。
10.Conference of the Peace Implementation Counci和平执行委员会会议
11.ration Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimile's )国际运输行协会联合会
12.Will there be any popular music concerts?会有流行音乐会吗?
13.Federation universelle des associations d'agences de voyages世界旅行社协会联合会
14.to hold a dance in the village hall在村庄会堂举行舞会.
15.host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of ...为…举行宴会/宴请
16.Aviation sans Frontieres“飞行无国界”协会
17.This winter, boots will be in fashion .今冬,靴子会流行。
18.Commonwealth Association of Public Administration and Management英联邦公共行政和管理协会(行管协会)

A member of a guild.行会会员
3)the transformation from guild into trade union行会工会化
5)industrial association行业协会
1.The ten functions that industrial associations should possess have been discribed in detail.本文阐述了行业协会应具备的十大功能:行业自律,提供信息,上传下达,协调服务,评选表彰,维护行业利益,促进技术开发和技术进步,教育培训,推动化工外向型经济的发展,促进经济技术协作。
2.Nongovernmental organization, especial industrial association, can play important roles in the economic integration in Yangtze Delta.长江三角洲经济一体化的推进,本文认为很重要的一点,是充分发挥非政府组织的作用,特别是行业协会的作用。
3.As the industrial association s conduct has the possibility of restricting competition,the antimonopoly law in most countries is inclined to regulate such conducts by the way of "additional standard" or "interpretation of the term",and take the principle of "essence is more important than outward form".基于行业协会行为限制竞争的可能性,各国反垄断法纷纷通过"补充标准"或"术语解释"的方式将其纳入规制范围,并采用了"实质高于形式"的规制原则。
6)industry association行业协会
1.Research into using industry association to resolve international trade dispute;发挥行业协会解决国际贸易争端作用的研究
2.Function Analysis of Shanghai Industry Association in Commercial Bribery Prevention;上海市行业协会在治理商业贿赂中的作用研究
3.Study on the Industry Association in China and the Strategies for Its Development;我国行业协会发展对策研究
