1.Review on Constitutionality of Binding Arbitration of Administrative Dispute In the United States and its Inspirations;美国行政纠纷仲裁的合宪性问题及其启示
2.Discussions on constitutionality of individual clause of criminal procedure;刑事诉讼法个别条款的合宪性探析
3.On the Principle of Constitutionality Presumption in the Procedure of Interpreting Constitution;论宪法解释程序中的合宪性推定原则

1.They evaluate the constitutionality of state laws under the state constitution.他们在州宪法下评估州法律的合宪性.
2.The Constitution of Democracy--The research of Dworkin s constitutional democracy thought;民主的合宪性——德沃金的宪政思想研究
3.An Analysis of the Constitutionality of Constitution Court in China;我国宪法法院法律地位的合宪性论析
4.On the Principle of Constitutionality Presumption in the Procedure of Interpreting Constitution;论宪法解释程序中的合宪性推定原则
5.On the Possible Influence of Constitutional Interpretation on Justice;两种宪法案件:从合宪性解释看宪法对司法的可能影响
6.Constitutional Review on International Treaties in France;法国宪法实践中对国际条约的合宪性审查
7.Constitutional Interpretation Is not Judicial Application Mode of Constitution论合宪性解释不是宪法的司法适用方式
8.Was War Constitutionally Authorized by Congress?战争经国会的合宪性授权了吗?
9.On Demonstration of ADR s Constitutionality for Administrative Dispute Resolution;ADR适用于解决行政纠纷的合宪性论证
10.Differentiation between and Analysis of Constitution and Property Law:A Theoretical Response to the Challenge of Constitutionality of Draft of Property Law;对物权法草案合宪性质疑的理论回应
11.On the Constitutionality of Legalizing the "Ratio of Female Representatives";“妇女代表比例”法定化的合宪性探讨
12.Doctrine of Presumption of Constitutionality Revisited合宪性推定原则:一个被误解的概念
13.The Two Dimensions of the Legal Interpretation Conforming to Constitution合宪性解释的两个面向——答蔡琳博士
14.Between the History, Model and Notion--Constitutionality Control by Supreme Courts and Courts of Constitution;在历史、模式与理念之间——通过最高法院与宪法法院的合宪性控制
15.The Clarity of Crime Verdict and the Constitutional Reliability of the Pocket Articles;罪刑法定的明确性与口袋条款的合宪性审查
16.The high court will rule on the constitutionality of the new law.高级法院将对这条新法规的合宪性作出裁决
17.An Analysis of Value Construction and Reasonableness of Constitutionalism;宪政的价值构成与宪政的合理性分析
18.Validity: the Footstone of Government Credibility under the Constitutional System合法性,宪政体制下政府信用的基石

constitutional interpretation合宪性解释
1.Constitutional Interpretation and Value Evaluation Manners in Administrative Judgment;行政法律裁判中的合宪性解释与价值衡量方法——对一个行政案件法律推理过程的具体考察
2.This means that the written reply of Qi Yuling case had its shortcomings at the very beginning; it cannot be seen as the breakthrough of the judicialbility of constitutional law,nor the sample of constitutional interpretation.这足以表明"齐玉苓案批复"形成之初就存在重大缺陷,该批复既不应成为宪法司法化的突破口,也不应成为合宪性解释的样本。
3)constitutional review合宪性审查
1.Establishing a constitutional committee to implement constitutional review was a breakthrough in 1958 French Constitution.设立宪法委员会实施合宪性审查是法国1958年宪法的一大突破,其中对于国际条约的合宪性进行审查更是宪法委员会实践中的亮点之一。
2.The legitimacy of the constitutional review of the law is a key problem to be resolved in order to establish the system of constitutional review.对议会立法能否进行合宪性审查,是建立违宪审查制度需解决的前提性理论问题。
4)presumption of constitutionality合宪性推定
1.The principle of presumption of constitutionality is an important methord,which has been carried on examining the law s constitutionality in the western nations.合宪性推定原则是西方国家进行违宪审查时所采用的重要方法,为我们提供了有益的经验借鉴。
5)constitutional judgment合宪性判断
6)legality of constitution宪法的合法性
1.According to the source of law,the legality of constitution depends on human rights.从法源上讲,宪法的合法性根据应是人权,以人权作为起点和逻辑终点的宪法才能稳定而长久;人权作为宪法合法性的根据,决定了我国在立宪模式上应从政策性立宪模式转为制度性立宪模式,并应依据对人权的尊重和保障来设置宪法的内容,彰显政府及权力机关对人权的服从;宪法权威的确立有赖于完善有效的人权救济制度的确立及其作用的有效发挥。

窦宪(见窦宪破北匈奴)窦宪(见窦宪破北匈奴)Dou Xian Dou Xian窦宪(Dou xian,?一公元92)东汉中期将领。字伯度。扶风平陵(今陕西咸阳西北)人。和帝时执掌朝政之窦太后兄。官至大将军。见窦宪破北匈奴。