1.A Study on Judicialization of Administrative Procedure;行政程序司法化问题研究
2.Superficially the judicialization proposition implies that the constitution like the ordinary laws can be used as the basis for judging a case.宪法司法化的命题,虽然从表面上看,指的是宪法可以同普通法律一样,作为法院判案的依据,但从实质上看,它不仅是一个援引宪法的司法判断问题,更是一个违宪审查问题。

1.On Judicialization of Constitution:Discussion on the First Case of Judical Constitution;宪法司法化散论——从我国宪法司法化第一案谈起
2.Research on Justifiability and Judicialization of Corporate Social Responsibility;公司社会责任正当性及其司法化研究
3.Query the validity of jurisdictionalization of theconstitution to be implemented by common courts对由普通法院实现宪法司法化的质疑
4.Establishing the Constitational Proadural System-evelopm Tendency of Chinese Constitution;宪法的司法化——中国宪法发展的趋势
5.Self-Reflection on the Constitution Applied in Courts--From "the First Case of Constitution Applied in Courts" was Abolished宪法司法化的再反思——从“宪法司法化第一案”被废止谈起
6.Talking about the Constitutional Private Law and the Guarantee of Judicature for the Basic Rights of People;论宪法私法化和司法化对公民基本权利的保障
7.Constitution Judicialized: Another Way to Protect the Citizens Basic Rights;宪法司法化:公民基本权利保障的路径
8.Concealed Regulations Affecting the Judicial Achievement of the Principle of A Legally Prescribed Punishment for A Specified Crime;隐形规则在罪刑法定司法化中的作用
9.Opportunities to Achieve Judicial Constitution Supervision in Our Country;我国实现宪法监督司法化的现实机遇
10.The Judicial Process of Chinese Constitution Embodied in the "Qi Yulin" Case;从“齐玉苓案”看我国宪法的“司法化
11.“Judicature Revolution”in Shaanxi in 1927 and Judicature System Reform;1927年陕西“司法革命化”与司法制度改革
12.Justice Reform to Avoid the Judicial Localization;推进司法改革 遏制司法权的地方化
13.Judicature and Administration: Administration of Chinese Judicature and Self?criticism;司法与行政:中国司法行政化及其检讨
14.Fauresmith industry法乌司密斯文化期工艺
15.Commission on the Modernization of the Judiciary司法机构现代化委员会
16.Instancia Coordinadora de la Modernizacion del Sector Justicia司法部门现代化协调处
17.Judicial Paradox--Researching the conflict of judicial democratization and elite;司法的悖论——司法的民主化与司法的精英化之矛盾探究
18.On the Nationalization of Jurisdiction --Focus on avoiding the localization of jurisdiction;论司法权国家化——以治理司法权地方化为视角

1.Crime Punishmentlegal Principle Judicature System Constructs under the View of Constitutional Government;宪政视角下的罪刑法定原则司法化制度构建
2.Judicature reform in Chinese Administrative Reconsideration System论我国行政复议制度的司法化改造
3.We should let examination system of constitution-violation be of judicature in order to change this situation.要改变这一现象,就应当使违宪行为进行审查的制度司法化;这样才能确保公民权利保障和救济的途径顺畅,才能实现真正的宪政。
1.It brings the jurisdiction of customary law into a predicament which is embodied as the effectiveness of customary law as a source of law and the its nature definition under the standpoint of judicature.当前学界将习惯法作为反对精英主义路线的学术话语,立足于描述性的研究立场对习惯法概念进行定义,不能彰显习惯法作为实证法的规范属性而具有内在的悖论性特征,这使习惯法的司法化陷入了理论困境,习惯法司法化的困境体现为习惯法作为法源的效力依据问题和司法立场下习惯法的性质定位问题。
2.WTO has a special organ to deal with trade dispute,which stipulates strict programmes and time lirmitation for dispute settlement,definites compulsory jurisdiction to trade dispute,ensures the dispute ruler authoritative and just;endows agreement rules with the right of explanation,strengthens the carrying out of the dispute ruling.所有这些都说明WTO争端解决机制具有显著的司法化特征。
1.Criminal policy has an instructive function in criminal legislation and justice.为保障司法系统与法律规范的严肃性,应对刑事政策的司法化途径进行设计。
2.This article bases on the Principle of Public Order and Good Custom, takes Good Custorm as an entry point and focus on the research of good folk custom of justice from the view of justice practice and theory.本文从“公序良俗”原则出发,以“良俗”作为切入点,从司法实务和学术理论的角度,重点研究民间良俗的司法化问题。
5)judicial tendency司法化
1.Moreover,in recent years,with great development of international judicial system,international dispute settlement has a typical characteristic of judicial tendency,which deserves our attention.而且,近些年国际司法机制得到了迅猛的发展,国际争端解决出现了一种司法化的倾向,值得我们关注。
6)judicial culture司法文化
1.There exists an internal logical thought in any culture,so does the judicial culture.任何文化都有其内在的逻辑思维,司法文化也是如此。
2.The judicial sub-culture exists in correspondence with the mainstream of judicial culture.与主流司法文化相对应,存在一种司法亚文化,作为一种社会事实有其固有的特性和本身的功能,深刻影响着司法机关及司法工作人员的价值观念和行为模式。
3.There are multi - layers conflicts among the judicial culture in Modern China, such as the conflict between the culture of full sovereignty and judicial independence, the conflict between the culture of judicial system and judicial effect and the con- flict between intellectual culture and po.近代中国司法文化的发展存在多层面的冲突,诸如:主权独立文化与司法权独立文化层面的冲突;司法制度文化与司法效应文化层面的冲突;精英文化与政治、社会文化层面的冲突。

司法化学检验  物证检验方法之一。为了确定案件中有物证意义的某些物质的成分、性质、含量和种类或显现肉眼所不能见的墨水字迹,运用化学分析的原理和方法进行的一种检验。通过化学检验只能解决种类认定问题,不能解决同一认定问题。    司法化学检验的常见对象是毒物。当人体或动物有中毒现象或因中毒死亡,怀疑有毒害可能时,即可通过司法化学检验,确定体内是否含有毒物成分、毒物的种类及含量。因此,它和法医学物证检验关系密切。    司法化学检验的对象还可能是各种细微的物质,如墨迹、印泥、油迹、尘土、金属屑末、纤维、粘胶物质、爆炸物等。对现场勘查时发现的各种细微物质,可通过化学检验查明其成分,为侦查工作提供线索和方向。如果在犯罪嫌疑人处搜查时发现可疑的同类物质,可通过化学检验比较其种类是否相同,为审查嫌疑人是否犯罪提供一定依据。    刑事案件中送请化验的物质,一般数量很少,所以,往往必须进行半微量、微量,以至痕量的检验。检验的方法除一般的定性、定量分析方法外,还采取仪器分析的方法,如:气相色谱分析法、红外光谱分析法、紫外光谱分析法、原子吸收光谱分析法等。司法化学检验方法和司法物理检验方法也有密切联系。    现代化学、物理学的不断发展,使司法化学检验的能力和范围不断扩大,检验技术不断更新,检验的灵敏度也日益提高。过去要求具备几克的检材才能进行检验,现只要有几毫克、几微克,甚至200纳克(1纳克=10-9克)的痕量物质就可确定其种类和成分。在 100毫升血液中即使含0.1微克安眠药,也能检验出来。随着电子计算机的广泛运用,司法化学检验正在进一步向自动化、快速化的方向迈进。