1.Marx’s view of citizen and citizen society as a Revolutionary Democrat——Period from Doctorate Dissertation to Rein Newspaper;马克思作为革命民主主义者眼中的市民市民社会——从《博士论文》至《莱茵报》时期
2.An Analysis on the Current Situation of Sports Consumption Between Chengdu and Chongqing Citizen;成渝两地市民体育消费现状的对比分析
3.On the promotion of the whole quality of the Handan citizens;论邯郸市民整体素质的提升

1.Farmer's Citizenship:the Role Transition from Farmers to Townspeople农民市民化:从农民到市民的角色转型
2.Peasant Citizens:How Far Citizens from the Farmers in the End Theory农民市民化:农民离市民到底有多远?
3.Civil Society, Civil Humanity and Reflection on China s Civil Code;市民社会、市民人性与中国民法典思考
4.civic pride,ie citizens pride in their town市民的自豪(市民对自己城市的自豪)
5.civic-minded citizen有公民责任心的市民
6.A freeman or citizen of an English borough.市民,自由民英国自治城市的自由民或公民
7.Praecepta civilia市民法规范(戒条)
8.The mayor acceded to the citizens'demands.市长同意了市民的要求。
9.He made common cause with the citizens in attacking the mayor.他和市民共同攻击市长。
10.Connect citizens and government and encourage citizen participation.沟通市民和政府,鼓励市民参与。
11.Analysis of Ecology Flow, Citizenizing and Urbanization of Countryside Laborer;农民工生态流动与市民化、城市化研究
12.Citizen s Viewpoints Cultivation for the Lost-land Farmers in the Course of Urbanization;城市化进程中失地农民的市民观培育
13.Philosophic thought on private subject right orientation of civil law in civil society;市民社会市民法私主体权利取向哲思
14.Cost-benefit Analysis of Farmers Citizenization in Chongqing City;重庆市农民市民化的成本-收益分析
15.Country s Urbanization:the New View on the Farmers Citizenization;农村城市化:农民市民化研究的新视角
16.Civil Society and Its Idea: The Foundation Stone of Civil Law;市民社会及其理念——市民法的基石
17.Urban folklore system and protection of the resources of urban folkway;都市民俗学体系与都市民俗资源保护
18.The Citizenization of Farmers of Land Requisition--A Case Research on Shanghai;征地农民的市民化——上海市的调查

1.Influence and Significance of E-Communication between Citizens and Local Government;市民与地方政府网上沟通的影响和意义
2.Research on the Quality Education of Peasant s Citizenship;农民市民化素质教育研究
3.These people strike the civilization of cities in all perspectives,and this situation results in strain relationship between peasant workers and citizens.当前农民工入城已达2亿,如此巨大的外来群体的闯入对城市文明各方面都造成了巨大冲击,其中由此引发的外来农民工群体和原有城市市民群体的紧张关系局面是一个决不容忽视的问题。
1.The Development of Townspeople and the Taking shape of Autocratic Monarchy in Western Europe in Middle Ages;西欧中世纪市民的发展与君主专制制度的形成
2.In fact,Meng-hua\'s Record in Tokyo lies in the center in the development of liter-ary sketches and it inherits the merits of sketch books of Han and Tang dynasties and begins the tradition of metropolitan description and that of everyday life of townspeople of Song and dynasties after Song.实际上《东京梦华录》处于笔记小说发展历史的中心环节,它上承汉唐笔记风土之长,下启宋及宋后笔记小说描写城市繁华与市民日常生活之先河。
3.Its ideological significance lies in the fact that the author, with his keen insight, had not only made a vivid display, but also a severe criticism of the characters-carelessness, feebleness, perfunctoriness and compromise-and the townspeople s unique culture among.从思想深度和艺术风格两个方面分析这篇杰出作品,其思想意义在于作者以敏锐的洞察力对旧北京市民阶层苟且、软弱、敷衍、调和的市民性格和独特的市民文化做了形象的表现和有力的批判,传达出作者深沉的情感和时代责任感。
1.Research on Mental Health Status and Personality Characteristic of the Residents of Nanjing.;南京市市民心理健康状况及其人格特征研究
2.Research into tourism preference of Chongqing residents;重庆市市民旅游偏好研究
3.The Reflection and Consideration of Rrlationship Between Urban Planning and Resident城市规划与市民关系的回顾与思考
5)urban residents市民
1.The social distance between urban residents and migrant workers:an institutional analysis;市民与农民工的社会距离:一个制度分析(英文)
2.It is a necessary trend and result of sustainable economic development and urbanization in China for farmers to be transformed into urban residents.农民市民化是我国经济持续发展和城市化的必然趋势和结果,在我国,非正规就业是实现农民市民化的主要途径。
3.But there are short of all-around and correlative fruits of conflict between peasant-workers and urban residents.随着农民流入城市的速度加快和滞留时间的延长,国内社会学界对农民工的研究也日益深入,对农民工群体在城市的生存现状方面的研究已有了相当多的成果,但还没有全面研究农民工与市民冲突的相关成果。
1.Research into and analysis of current situation of Chongqing residents sports consumption;重庆市市民体育消费现状的调查分析
2.On match morality of Beijing residents;北京市民赛场公共道德研究
3.Entering the leisure time the reading condition of chinese residents appears the current of shallow reading,network reading,utility reading and so on.我国已进入阅读的“休闲时代”,市民阅读呈现出浅阅读、网络阅读、功利性阅读等趋势。
