1.In the processing of curriculum reform,the actor s speech,consciousness,will and practice are focused on.但在课程寻求改革的过程中,改革行动者的言说、意识、意志与实践更加凸显。
2.This article introduces"actor/structure"analysis frame to discuss the farmer cooperation in the practice of harnessing the river in new China, by determining the farmer acts in the macrostructure to understand the farmer cooperative mechanism.引入“行动者/结构”分析框架,将对农民合作问题的探讨置于新中国的治水实践中,通过在宏观结构中确定农民行动的方式来理解农民合作的机理。

1.action always beats inaction.行动者总会击败不行动者
2.Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought.像行动者那思考,像思考者那样行动。
3.Man is a voluntary agent.人是自由意志的行动者
4.One that acts or has the power or authority to act.行动者行动的人或有力量、权力做的人
5.According to village aspect,the social action unit is the concrete persons who take action in the village.从村庄层面看,社会行动单位具体为村庄行动者
6.One that walks, especially a contestant in a footrace.步行者行走的人(或动物),尤指竞走者
7.enter upon an activity or enterprise.开始一项行动或者事业。
8.imitate in behavior or appearance.在行动或者外貌上模仿。
9.He was one of the leading spirits of the reform movement.他是改革运动的先行者.
10.He is one of the leading spirits of the reform movement.他是改革运动的先行者。
11.the act of segregating or sequestering.分开或者使退隐的行动。
12.the graceful glide of a skater滑冰者优美的滑行动作.
13.the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess.控制力量或者行动或者限制剩余。
14.Their action will only grieve those near and dear to the people and gladden their enemies.他们的行动只会使亲者痛仇者快。
15.administers rules of a game or sport.比赛或者体育运动的规则的执行者。
16.advocating or engaged in activism.提倡行动主义或者参与行动主义的活动。
17.physical clean-up参加者身体力行的清扫行动
18.Activity Pattern Choice of Work Commuting Trip by Workers工作者通勤出行活动模式的选择行为

1.It discloses the action strategies and action logic of the resident agents, and reveals a series of complex social relationship between various agents in the interaction further more.基于对上海一个中心城区(A城区)的田野调查资料,本文试图通过对发生在城区中的环境纠纷与冲突案例的分析,来解读居民作为环境问题的受害者,为维护自身的环境权益和环境利益而与企业法人行动者和政府法人行动者间进行的冲突与博弈过程,揭示隐藏在这一过程背后的居民行动者所运用的行动策略和行动逻辑,以及各类行动者之间的互动所建构出的一系列复杂的社会关系。
2.From the new theoretical view of agent's environmental behaviors, this paper comes up with an elementary answer and theoretical explanation to the urban environmental problems by illuminating the relationship between .本文试图以社会行动者的环境行为这一新的理论视角为切入点,通过揭示环境行为与环境问题的关联,对城市环境问题做出一种初步的解答和理论阐释。
5)social actors社会行动者
6)religious actor宗教行动者
1.The author of this essay,based on the positive study of the Beijing Protestant membership and taking the religious actor as the core, constructs a theoretical system of the religious membership.通过对中国北京基督新教群体的田野研究,以宗教行动者为核心,可尝试建构宗教(群体)资格的如下假设体系:一、行动者有多重群体资格;二、皈依一种宗教,即主动地追求其宗教群体资格。
