1.The democracy factors of the Confucius education thoughts;孔子教育思想的民主性因素
2.At the same time,democracy must be taken to strengthen the economic rules and regulations legislation.同时,要重视加强经济法立法的民主性,这是中国应对挑战、保障社会主义市场经济建设顺利进行的必然选择,也是实现经济法立法科学化的必要条件。
3.It reviews the realization of justice value in the process of economic legislation from the aspects of its conformability to laws, keep-up-with-the-time-ness, and democracy.本文从立法的平等、差别对待以及结果公平三方面分析经济立法的公平价值及其内涵,并从经济立法的合规律性、适时性、民主性三个层面考察公平价值在经济立法过程中的实现,进而揭示经济立法公平对于实现经济法公平的重要意义。

1.Linguistic Intentionality?Institutionality?Democraticness & Undemocraticness;语言意向性、制度性与民主性、独裁性
2.Democracy Demonstration of the System of National Regional Autonomy of China :Study on National Autonomy and Democratic Relation;中国民族区域自治制度的民主性论证——民族自治与民主关系研究
3.On the Functions and Limitations of the Democratic Referendum;民主性公民投票制度的功能及其局限
4.On the National and Era Characteristics of New Democracy Culture;论新民主主义文化的民族性和时代性
5.Democracy Is Nothing but This--The Discussion About the Characteristic of Democracy;民主不过如此——关于民主特性的探讨
6.Political Democracy & Leader s Power:On Characteristics of Democratic Supervision;政治民主与领导权力——谈民主的监督性
7.Two democratic ideas and modernized changes of democratic ideas;两种民主观和民主观念的现代性变革
8.Critical Interpretation of the Democratic Theory and practice of Democratic Socialism;民主社会主义的民主理论与实践的批判性解读
9.The Village Election under the Guidance of State Power;国家权力主导下的村民选举——从自发性民主到现实性民主的探索
10."Reason, Social Myths and Democracy"理性、社会神州和民主
11.Feminism","the Third World Women" and "the Post-Colonialism;“女性主义”、“第三世界女性”与“后殖民主义”
12.Political Civilization--Unity of Substantial Democracy and Procedural Democracy;政治文明:实质性民主与程序性民主的统一
13.A scientific reinterpretation of the formal democracy to real democracy;科学发展观的民主政治阐释:从“作民主”到“民主”的合理性
14.Here is proof of the superiority of our people's democratic dictatorship.这也证明我们人民民主专政的优越性。
15.The third is to expand socialist democracy in order to bring the initiative of the people into full play.第三,发扬社会主义民主,调动广大人民的积极性。
16.On the Implemental Orientation of the Democracy and the Introductory Effects of the Democracy Construction for This Cognizance;论民主的工具性及对我国民主建设的导引
17.Good Interaction Between Education and Democracy--On Dewey s Philosophy of Democratic Education;教育与民主的良性互动——论杜威的民主教育哲学
18.Interaction of Democracy in the Party and Basic Democracy:the Practice in Sichuan党内民主与基层民主良性互动的四川实践

democratic character民主性
1.However,if we can t understand the nongovernmental nature,professional nature and democratic character of farmers cooperatives,nor have right cognition on the legal enforcement system to accord with the special quality of farmers cooperatives,t.然而,在法律的贯彻和实施中,如果不能深刻理解农民专业合作社的民间性、专业性和民主性,不能对由农民专业合作社的特定属性所要求的法律实施机制进行正确认知,那么不仅法律实施的过程不会平坦,甚至立法的本意也有被扭曲之虞。
1.The democratic Side of legislation refers to the process of the legislature and the legislative activities of the legislation and the places of legislature(parliament) are open to the public.立法的民主性是指立法机关的立法活动过程以及立法机关的立法场所(议会)向社会公众开放,立法活动让人民直接参与以及立法平等地保护社会成员权益的品性和特征。
2.The democratic,revolutionary,innovative and initiative performanced from ideological level of Mohism has a strong similarity with the practicality,economy,standardization and technology showed by the modern design.墨子思想在意识形态层面上表现出的民主性、革命创新性和主观能动性以及内容方面表现出的实用性、经济性、规范化和科技性和现代设计都有很强的相似性。
1.With the "economic men" as the research pattern,by analyzing the behavioral logic and interest division tendency of a group,Olson s group theory pointed out the consequences of group politics: non-democratization,and the relationship between non-democratization and the rise and decline of a country.奥尔森的集团理论是以“经济人”为研究范式,通过分析集团的行为逻辑与分利化倾向,指出集团政治产生的非民主性后果以及与国家兴衰的关联,得出了与传统政治团体论所不同的结论,开辟了集团政治研究的新视野,在一定程度上为我国的集团政治发展提供了理论借鉴。
5)reasonable democracy智性民主
6)the people's subjectivity人民主体性

军事民主(见三大民主)军事民主(见三大民主)military democracy lunshi minzhu军事民主(miritary demoeraey)见三大民主。